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Releases: Azure/bicep


04 Oct 23:30
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Bicep Team:

  • [Bicep CLI ONLY] Enable supplemental params validation with build-params command (#11975)
    • Use cases for supplemental params can be found here.
    • Bicep CLI support only, Az CLI/Powershell support is coming soon.
  • Deprecating validate-params command PR (#11974)
    • We will now be validating inline params through the build-params command
  • Compile-time variable imports (#11657)
  • Allow bicepparam files to reference Registry Modules (including BR, TS & JSON paths) (#11703)
  • [EXPERIMENTAL] F12 Bicep Publish with Sources Part 1 (#11896)
    • Must use temporary feature flag: "publishSource"

Features and Bug Fixes

Bicep Team:

  • Deploy Pane: Support tenant & management group scope deployments (#11917)
  • Add linter rule to recommend using modules instead of 'Microsoft.Resources/deployments' resources (#11848)
  • Reword experimental feature usage error message (#11961)
  • Decompile Bicepparams: Use consistent URI -> FS conversion (#11834)
  • Use languageVersion 2.0 if any types are imported (#11886)
  • Add implicit nullability to optional module params (#11887)
  • Block calls to scope functions in .bicepparam files (#11903)
  • Block nested deployment resources with inner scoped evaluation and symbolic references to outer scope (#11884)
  • Support variable imports in .bicepparam files (#11879)
  • Fix nested type property decorator completions (#11972)
  • Perform deep validation on assigned parameter values in .bicepparam files (#11985)
  • Added Bicep AvailableItemName to MSBuild props (#11915)
  • Added support for skipping bicep build in MSBuild targets (#11916)
  • Fix compiled representation of wildcard variable property references (#12048)
  • Provide a declared type for imported variable accesses to enable completions (#12050)


08 Sep 22:40
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Bicep Team:

  • User-Defined Types are no longer experimental!
    • Usage documentation is available here.
  • Add support for defining and emitting user defined discriminated object union types. (#11222)
  • Support variables in .bicepparam files (#11438)
  • Added validate-params command to .bicepparams (#11476)
  • [EXPERIMENTAL] Compile-time type imports (#11298)
  • [EXPERIMENTAL] Test Framework:
    • Evaluate Assertions And Display Test Results On CLI (#11370)
    • Added Type Validation and Autocomplete Snippets (#11477)

Features and Bug Fixes

Bicep Team:

  • Support for user-defined types and inline type declarations in user defined functions (#11571)
  • Fix bicepparam decompiler date handling (#11675)
  • Symbolic names: Generate dependsOn for "existing" resources (#11478)
  • Fix 10427 trigger next module completions (#11573)
  • Fix pretty-printing for safe dereference operators (#11575)
  • Allow param assignments to use null values (#11532)
  • Catch case-insensitive clashes of type property names (#11457)



  • Fixed typos in class names in BannedSymbols.txt (#11473)


  • Update double-colon is used for nested resource access (#11468)


02 Aug 18:57
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Bicep Team:

  • New Deployment Pane UI (Experimental). Documentation here.
  • adding az.getSecret() support to bicepparam files (#11236)
    • example: param mySecret = az.getSecret('e93d3ee6-fac1-412f-92d6-bfb379e81af2', 'my-rg', 'mykeyvault', 'mySecret')

Bug Fixes and Features

Bicep Team:

  • Make decorators order independent (#11380)
  • Fixes "Paste removes comments inside multi-line array" (#11297)
  • Fix hover with escaped chars in published doclink (#11365)


13 Jul 17:51
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Bicep Team:

  • Formatter v2 including:
    • Implement pretty-printing algorithm
    • Add formatting configurations (#10889)
    • Less newline sensitivity for if-expression and for-expression (#10984)
    • Make ternary operators and lambdas less newline sensitive (#11052)
  • User defined types property completions for bicepparam files (#11032)

Bug Fixes and Features

Bicep Team:

  • Fix deploy bicep file vs code action bug (#11099)
  • Surface diagnostics from union type narrowing (#10938)
  • Handle duplicate properties in object type definition with a diagnostics, not an exception (#10983)
  • Collapse target union types before narrowing (#10987)
  • Support instance functions on resource-typed params (#11031)
  • Expand leading ~ in RootConfiguration.CacheRootDirectory (#11047)
  • Add description/documentation to public module completions (#10997)
  • Obsolete metadata.json, convert on generate (#11087)
  • Fix intellisense for maxAgeInDays (11040) (#11093)
  • Ignore property storageAccountSubscriptionId for use-resource-id-func… (#11094)


12 Jun 19:58
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Bicep team:

  • Support for .bicepparam parameters files (bicep-style parameters file). This includes support for:
    • support for expressions using any functions in the sys namespace (i.e. uniqueString())
    • supported natively by Az CLI and Azure PowerShell (i.e. az deployment group create -f ./main.bicep -p params.bicepparam ...)
    • CLI command to generate bicepparam file from given Bicep file (#10595)
    • Buildparams command vscode extension (#10738)
    • LoadEnvironmentVariable to enable using env variables in .bicepparam files (#10726)
    • Support bicepparam files for VS Code deploy bicep file action (#10593)
    • Bicepparam decompiler (#10785)
    • Bicep param decompile vscode action (#10921)
  • Provide help text when consuming modules from ACR (#10747)
  • Bicep build command linter provides a structured output (#10672)

Bug fixes and features

Bicep team:

  • Mark overload matches as PotentialMatches if any argument is of type 'any' (#10659)
  • Provide completions for unknown keys on dictionaries (#10927)
  • Fix CLI restore --force (9580) (#10817 and #10829)
  • Remove metadata from symbol resolution logic (#10626)
  • Derive operation return type from operands (#10545)
  • [Bicep Public Registry] Allow specifying metadata in bicep in addition to metadata.json (#10860)
  • Add intellisense support for param and output values (#10680)
  • MAINT: Run tests in parallel to speed up CI by 0.5x (#10716)
  • Mark overload matches as PotentialMatches if any argument is of type 'any' (#10659)
  • Provide completions for unknown keys on dictionaries (#10927)
  • Fix CLI restore --force (9580) (#10817)


  • Fixes to BRM README Generation (#10471)


05 May 01:26
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Bicep team:

  • Experimental support for user defined functions (#10465). (Requires the experimental feature flag "userDefinedFunctions" to enable).
  • Added new CIDR network calculation functions (#10125). (We are working on official docs. For now, here's a link to function signatures and a sample:
  • Add support for Custom Kubernetes Resources (#10598)
  • Add MaxAgeInDays config to use-recent-api-versions rule (#10344)
  • Bump az types version (#10603)
  • remove "experimental" from bicep.containerRegistryCompletions.useAllAccessible setting (#10457)


  • Add new Bicep File Function: loadYamlContent (#10415)


  • New parameter --force on Publish command (#9745)

Breaking changes

  • Name resolution & scoping behavior for variables declared in lambdas & for loops is now consistent with variables declared at the global scope. This means that previously, the following would have been permitted, whereas now it is blocked:
    var foo = [for resourceGroup in []: {
      bar: resourceGroup('test')
    See #10657 for more detail.

Features and bug fixes

Bicep team:

  • Attempt to fix e2e test failing. (#10389)
  • Improve compiler detection of invalid runtime value usages. (#10250)
  • Semantic highlighting for comma was missing within a string (#10472)


  • Resource Type parameters should generate BCP120 (#10401)


  • Fix for decompiler to support templatespec (#10329)


11 Apr 19:26
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Bug fixes and features

Bicep team:

  • Use the correct bitwise operator for combining flags in JSON model loader (#10325)


05 Apr 02:38
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  • Remove the block on Bicep parameters files (#10191)
    • You can now enable support for .bicepparam files using the experimentalFeaturesEnabled.paramsFiles setting in bicepconfig.json
  • Allow all type syntax in output declarations (#10052)
  • Removal experimental flag for public module completions (#10261)

Features and bug fixes

Bicep team:

  • Bicep CLI binaries for Mac are now signed.
  • use-resource-symbol-reference - fix for unhandled exception (#10246)
  • Support scope & parent properly on child resources (#10254)
  • Warn instead of error for resource name discriminator mismatch (#10256)
  • Expressions in Bicep parameters files (#10248)
  • Refinement types (#9870)
  • Refine return types for built-in functions (#10102)
  • Prioritize resource/module completions for 'resource.dependsOn' array item completions (#10043)
  • Enable array item completions for single line arrays. (#10193)
  • Fine-tune priorities for module completions (#10262)
  • Bump az types (#10310)


  • Emit error diagnostic on negative array index (#10187)


  • Increment nested deployment API version to 2022-09-01 (#10128)


  • Inline Resource Type Parameters (#10053)



07 Mar 17:49
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  • Add implementation for use-resource-symbol-reference linter rule (#9742)
  • Nullable types (#9454) - must have experimentalFeaturesEnabled.userDefinedTypes set to true
  • Remove experimental flag for Paste as Bicep (#9905)
  • Add view type definition support for MCR modules (#9709)
  • Support module registry reference completions (#9913)
  • Bumping Types version (#9986)

Bug fixes and features

Bicep team:

  • Add a fix for a known cause of issue 1931 (#9711)
  • Add issue redirect link (#9731)
  • Fix issue 9467 (#9858)
  • Fix for issue 9855 (#9859)
  • Remove coalesce from list of functions (#9914)
  • Fix for issue 7952 (#9910)
  • VSCode: Show less obtrusive and more granular loading indicator (#9920)
  • Emit a warning rather than an error for inappropriately nullable function arguments (#9721)
  • Warn (don't error) on nullables throughout (#9730)
  • Replace loop-local variable references on the scope of descendent resources (#9651)
  • Update join signature (#9954)
  • Prevent stack overflow in use-stable-resource-identifiers linter (#10001)
  • Fixed restore from ACR with anonymous pull enabled when az or PS are not logged in (#9922)
  • Fix language server starup issue in visual studio (#9739)


  • Update devcontainer.json to latest schema (#9849)


  • Add linter rule to simplify json('null') to null (#9744)
Read more


21 Feb 16:55
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Features and bug fixes


  • Update devcontainer.json to latest schema (#9849)

Bicep team:

  • Fix issue 9467 (#9858)
  • Fix for issue 9855 (#9859)
  • Don't convert on paste if converted bicep is empty (#9789)
  • Keep 'Paste as Bicep' always enabled (#9799)
  • Replace not insert on Paste as Bicep (9631) (#9800)
  • Make "yes" the first (default?) survey button (#9835)
  • Update survey dialog text (#9837)