Chapter title: South Africa's Defence Diplomacy in Africa

2020, Defence Diplomacy and National Security Strategy: Views from the Global South

This chapter comes from a recent book published in 2020. Editors: Ian Liebenberg, Dirk Kruijt and Shrikant Paranjpe. Title: Defence Diplomacy and National Security Strategy: Views from the Global South. Stellenbosch: Sun Press. ISBN Numbers:978-1-928480-54-9. The chapter deals with the defence diplomacy of South Africa in Africa. This edited work deals with defence diplomacy and national security strategies from the Global South such as Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Cuba, Venezuela, South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, China and India.

DEFENCE DIPLOMACY & NATIONAL SECURITY STRATEGY I an L Iebenberg , D Irk k ruIjt & S hrIkant P aranjPe (EDITORS) The post-cold war era presented security challenges that at one level are a continuation of the cold war era; at another level, these phenomena manifested in new forms. Whether the issues of economics and trade, transfer of technologies, challenges of intervention, or humanitarian crisis, the countries of the South (previously pejoratively labelled “Third World” or “developing” countries) have continued to address these challenges within the framework of their capabilities and concerns. The volume explores defence diplomacies, national security challenges and strategies, dynamics of diplomatic manoeuvers and strategic resource management of Latin American, southern African and Asian countries. R350 978-1-928480-54-9 print R280 978-1-928480-55-6 e-book | [email protected]

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