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Defining Difficulty

Anisa Hawes edited this page Apr 27, 2023 · 2 revisions


Defining Difficulty

When assigning lesson difficulty, it is useful to consider: how much prerequisite knowledge is expected; whether and how specialist or technical terms are used and defined; the relative complexity of install and set-up; whether trouble-shooting steps are included, outlined, or referenced; where and how knowledge beyond the lesson's scope can be learned (in existing Programming Historian lessons and other written documentation, or is applied experience necessary?).

  • Prerequisite knowledge
  • Handling of specialist/technical terms
  • Complexity of install and set-up
  • Support for troubleshooting
  • Guidance for further learning (towards or beyond the lesson)

difficulty: 1 Beginner

  • No prior knowledge required
  • All steps are clearly defined
  • Specialist or technical terms are defined
  • Software packages are easy to install (no “known issues”)
  • Challenges that readers might encounter are anticipated, and clear trouble-shooting steps are included
  • Further Programming Historian lessons (or external resources) for advancing new skills may be referenced

difficulty: 2 Intermediate

  • Some prior knowledge is required
  • Existing Programming Historian lessons (or external resources) to empower less experienced readers to gain that knowledge are identified
  • Key steps are defined, all steps are outlined
  • Specialist or technical terms established by beginner lessons are used in context, while any new terms are defined
  • Software install and set-up may be subject to “known issues”
  • Challenges that readers might encounter are anticipated, and trouble-shooting steps are outlined

difficulty: 3 Advanced

  • Significant prior knowledge and applied experience required
  • Confident ability to infer intermediate-level steps expected
  • Specialist or technical terms are used throughout, new concepts are explained
  • Software and packages may be known for their complexity to install and set-up
  • Challenges that readers might encounter are anticipated, and trouble-shooting steps are referenced

Whether beginner or advanced, all lessons must be usable, sustainable, accessible and inclusive:


  • Summarise learning outcomes in an opening paragraph
  • Structure logically, use section headings for clear and meaningful signposting
  • Keep within the word limit: 8,000 words (including code)


  • Cite software versions, specify technical dependencies
  • Encourage general methodological narratives over screenshots and GUI-specific instructions
  • Anticipate challenges, support trouble-shooting


  • Caption images concisely, and ensure they are well-described with alt-text
  • Provide cut-and-pasteable code, rather than showing it in screenshots
  • Keep accessibility in mind when choosing data, case studies, and software


  • Utilise open formats, open programming languages and free software
  • Consider implicit bias in algorithms and tools
  • Identify multi-lingual external resources and software documentation wherever possible
  • Be explicit if recommending learning content that is not available in the lesson's native language

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