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Meeting Minutes

charlottejmc edited this page Jan 17, 2024 · 6 revisions

Administration and Documentation

Meeting Minutes

We currently have four core meeting sequences:

  • Annual General Meetings (annually, in May)
  • Board of Trustees Meetings (quarterly)
  • Managing Editors Meetings (quarterly)
  • Project Team Meetings (bi-annual)

The Publishing Manager and Publishing Assistant are responsible for creating clear and timely meeting minutes.

At each meeting, the Board of Trustees needs to approve the Meeting Minutes of the previous meeting. The Minutes must then be formatted using an "Approved" template and uploaded to the directory as a .pdf file.

This page provides template Markdown files for each:

Contents of this page:

Annual General Meetings

## Annual General Meeting Minutes



See also : [Issue XXXX](


**1. Welcome**


**2. Programming Historian Annual Report**


**#1 Report Item**


**#2 Report Item**


**#3 Report Item**


**#4 Report Item**


**#5 Report Item**


**#6 Report Item**


**#7 Report Item**


**#8 Report Item**


**#9 Report Item**


**#10 Report Item**


**3. Programming Historian Treasurer's Report**


**4. Open Discussion about the coming year**


**5. Approve Minutes of last year's AGM**

- The Board of Trustees and Project Team participants [APPROVE/REQUEST AMENDMENTS] to the minutes of the YYYY Annual General Meeting.


Board of Trustees Meetings

## Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes



See also : [Issue XXXX](


- Quorum is 3 (Article 9.1) and our max size 7 (Article 13)
- we vote, and in split decisions the chair has the casting vote (Article 10.1)
- we keep records of decisions (Article 12) and resolutions [GovUK](

**Fixed Agenda Items**

**1. Approval of [Minutes from last meeting](**


**2. Actions status**


**3. ProgHist Directors administration (e.g., changes of address)**


**4. Publishing Managers' Report**


**5. Agenda Item**


**6. Agenda Item**


**7. Agenda Item**


**8. Agenda Item**


**9. Agenda Item**


**10. Any Other Business**


**11. Actions to take forward**
> -
> -
> -
> -

Next Meeting: **YYYY-MM-DD**


BoT Approved Minutes

This template is used to generate the "Approved" version of the Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes. This must be written and transformed into a .pdf file using a text editor on a local computer, then uploaded to the relevant directory. Because the Logo and Stamp of approval are linked to a file stored on one's own computer, the filename may have to be adapted.


## Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

[Names and initials]

[Names and initials]

See also : [Issue XXXX](


- Quorum is 3 (Article 9.1) and our max size 7 (Article 13)
- we vote, and in split decisions the chair has the casting vote (Article 10.1)
- we keep records of decisions (Article 12) and resolutions [GovUK](

**1. Approval of [Minutes from last meeting](**


**2. Actions status**


**3. ProgHist Directors administration (e.g., changes of address)**


**4. Publishing Managers' Report**


**5. Agenda item**


**6. Agenda item**


**7. Agenda itemH**


**8. Agenda item**


**9. Any Other Business**


> **10. Actions to take Forward**
> - 
> - 
> - 

Next Meeting: **YYYY-MM-DD**

To be discussed:



These Minutes were APPROVED by the Board of Trustees on [YYYY-MM-DD]( ![Stamp of approval](APPROVED.png)


_Programming Historian_ is administered by ProgHist Ltd, Charity Number [119587]( and Company Number [12192946](

Here are the two images to be saved:


Stamp of approval: APPROVED

Managing Editors Meetings

## Managing Editors Meeting Minutes



See also : [Issue XXXX](  
Minutes of last meeting : [](


**1. Agenda Item**


**2. Agenda Item**


**3. Agenda Item**


**4. Agenda Item**


**5. Agenda Item**


**6. Agenda Item**


**Actions to take forward**
> -
> -
> -
> -

Next Meeting: **YYYY-MM-DD**


Project Team Meetings

## Project Team Meeting Minutes



See also : [Issue XXXX](  
Minutes of last meeting : [](


**1. Agenda Item**


**2. Agenda Item**


**3. Agenda Item**


**4. Agenda Item**


**Actions to take forward**
> -
> -
> -
> -

Next Meeting: **YYYY-MM-DD**


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