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Phase open comment 4

charlottejmc edited this page May 16, 2024 · 3 revisions

Publishing Tasks

Mermaid diagram templates

Contents of this page:


### Open Peer Review

During Phases 2 and 3, I provided initial feedback on this lesson /  translation, then worked with @author / @translator to complete a first round of revisions.

In **Phase 4 Open Peer Review**, we invite feedback from others in our community.

**Welcome** Reviewer1Forename Reviewer1Surname @Reviewer and Reviewer2Forename Reviewer2Surname @Reviewer. By participating in this peer review process, you are contributing to the creation of a useful and sustainable technical resource for the whole community. **Thank you**.

Please read the lesson/translation, test the code, and post your review as a comment in this issue by Month DD [60 DAYS BY DEFAULT BUT LONGER IF AGREED WITH EDITOR].

Reviewer Guidelines:
- <>

A preview of the lesson:
- <http:>
- <http:>


- All participants in this discussion are advised to read and be guided by our shared [Code of Conduct](
- Members of the wider community may also choose to contribute reviews.
- All participants must adhere to our anti-harassment policy:

>#### Anti-Harassment Policy
>This is a statement of the _Programming Historian_’s principles and sets expectations for the tone and style of all correspondence between reviewers, authors, editors, and contributors to our public forums.
>_Programming Historian in English_ is dedicated to providing an open scholarly environment that offers community participants the freedom to thoroughly scrutinize ideas, to ask questions, make suggestions, or request clarification, but also provides a harassment-free space for all contributors to the project, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age or religion, or technical experience. We do not tolerate harassment or ad hominem attacks of community participants in any form. Participants violating these rules may be expelled from the community at the discretion of the editorial board. If anyone witnesses or feels they have been the victim of the above described activity, please contact our ombudsperson [Dr Ian Milligan](mailto:[email protected]). Thank you for helping us to create a safe space.


### Open Peer Review

During Phases 2 and 3, I provided initial feedback on this lesson /  translation, then worked with @author / @translator to complete a first round of revisions.

In **Phase 4 Open Peer Review**, we invite feedback from others in our community.

**Welcome** Reviewer1Forename Reviewer1Surname @Reviewer and Reviewer2Forename Reviewer2Surname @Reviewer. By participating in this peer review process, you are contributing to the creation of a useful and sustainable technical resource for the whole community. **Thank you**.

Please read the lesson/translation, test the code, and post your review as a comment in this issue by Month DD [60 DAYS BY DEFAULT BUT LONGER IF AGREED WITH EDITOR].

Guía para revisores:
- <>

La vista previa de la lección:
- <>
- <>


- All participants in this discussion are advised to read and be guided by our shared [Code of Conduct](
- Members of the wider community may also choose to contribute reviews.
- All participants must adhere to our anti-harassment policy:

>#### Política contra el acoso
>En esta sección encontrarás una declaración de los principios que deben regir _Programming Historian en español_; también ofrece una pauta sobre el tono y el estilo que debiera predominar en todos los intercambios que tienen lugar en nuestros foros entre traductores, autores, revisores y editores.
>El objetivo de _Programming Historian en español_ es ofrecer un entorno abierto en el que la comunidad de participantes sea libre para analizar ideas, realizar preguntas, sugerir cambios, y pedir aclaraciones; también queremos que sea un espacio libre de acoso y hostigamento para todo el mundo con independencia de su género, identidad, orientación sexual, minusvalía, apariencia física, tamaño corporal, raza, edad, religión o conocimientos informáticos. No se tolerará ningún tipo de acoso o ataque ad hominem. Los participantes que violen esta regla podrán ser expulsados del proceso editorial a discreción del equipo editorial. Si presencias o sientes que has sido víctima de algún tipo de acoso, por favor, contacta con nuestros ombudsperson [Silvia Gutiérrez De la Torre](mailto:[email protected]).


### Open Peer Review

During Phases 2 and 3, I provided initial feedback on this lesson /  translation, then worked with @author / @translator to complete a first round of revisions.

In **Phase 4 Open Peer Review**, we invite feedback from others in our community.

**Welcome** Reviewer1Forename Reviewer1Surname @Reviewer and Reviewer2Forename Reviewer2Surname @Reviewer. By participating in this peer review process, you are contributing to the creation of a useful and sustainable technical resource for the whole community. **Thank you**.

Please read the lesson/translation, test the code, and post your review as a comment in this issue by Month DD [60 DAYS BY DEFAULT BUT LONGER IF AGREED WITH EDITOR].

Consignes aux évaluateurs et évaluatrices:
- <>

L’aperçu de la leçon:
- <http:>
- <http:>


- All participants in this discussion are advised to read and be guided by our shared [Code of Conduct](
- Members of the wider community may also choose to contribute reviews.
- All participants must adhere to our anti-harassment policy:

>#### Politique contre le harcèlement
>Vous trouverez ci-dessous les principes du _Programming Historian en français_ qui doivent inspirer les échanges entre évaluateurs et évaluatrices, auteur(e)s, rédacteurs et rédactrices, ainsi que toute personne contribuant à nos forums publics.
>_Programming Historian en français_ tient à garantir un environnement académique ouvert à la communauté, qui offre la pleine liberté d’explorer minutieusement des idées, poser des questions, faire des suggestions ou demander des clarifications. Il fournit aussi un espace libre de toute discrimination envers les personnes contribuant au projet, indépendamment du genre, de l’orientation sexuelle, des situations d’handicap, de l’apparence physique, de la masse corporelle, de l’origine, de l’âge, de la religion ou de l’expérience technique. Nous ne tolérons aucune forme de harcèlement ou d’attaque personnelle contre les membres de la communauté. Les personnes qui violent ces règles sont susceptibles d’être expulsées de la communauté à la discrétion du conseil éditorial. Toute personne en mesure de témoigner de tels comportements ou qui en est la victime peut contacter notre médiatrice [Hélène Huet](mailto:[email protected]). Merci de nous aider à créer un espace d’échange et de discussion sûr.


### Open Peer Review

During Phases 2 and 3, I provided initial feedback on this lesson /  translation, then worked with @author / @translator to complete a first round of revisions.

In **Phase 4 Open Peer Review**, we invite feedback from others in our community.

**Welcome** Reviewer1Forename Reviewer1Surname @Reviewer and Reviewer2Forename Reviewer2Surname @Reviewer. By participating in this peer review process, you are contributing to the creation of a useful and sustainable technical resource for the whole community. **Thank you**.

Please read the lesson/translation, test the code, and post your review as a comment in this issue by Month DD [60 DAYS BY DEFAULT BUT LONGER IF AGREED WITH EDITOR].

Diretrizes para Revisores:
- <>

A pré-visualização da lição:
- <http:>
- <http:>


- All participants in this discussion are advised to read and be guided by our shared [Code of Conduct](
- Members of the wider community may also choose to contribute reviews.
- All participants must adhere to our anti-harassment policy:

>#### Política anti-assédio
>Esta é uma declaração dos princípios do _Programming Historian em português_ onde são definidas as expectativas para o tom e estilo de toda a comunicação entre revisores, autores, editores e participantes dos nossos fóruns públicos.
>_Programming Historian em português_ dedica-se a criar um ambiente académico aberto em que os membros da comunidade podem examinar em liberdade e detalhadamente ideias, fazer perguntas, sugestões ou pedir esclarecimentos. Este espaço tem que ser livre de assédio para todos no projeto, independentemente do género, identidade e expressão de género, orientação sexual, deficiência, aparência física, raça, idade ou religião ou experiência técnica. Não é tolerado de nenhuma forma qualquer assédio ou ataque ad hominem a membros da comunidade. Os membros que violarem estas regras podem ser expulsos da comunidade, por avaliação do conselho editorial. Se alguém testemunhar ou sentir que foi vítima das atividades descritas acima, deve entrar em contato com o nosso mediador independente [Luis Ferla](mailto:[email protected]). Obrigado por nos ajudar a criar um espaço seguro.

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