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Parental Leave Policy

James Baker edited this page Jan 26, 2023 · 1 revision

ProgHist Ltd parental leave policy

This policy sets out the entitlements and support available to employees who wish to take maternity, shared parental, and/or adoption leave. The policy reflects both our legal obligations and our aspirations to exceed, where appropriate, those obligations. The brevity of policy does not mean that we take this issue lightly. Rather it reflects the small size of ProgHist Ltd and our limited capacity to update such a policy in line with changing legal requirements.

  • Maternity Leave. All employees are eligible for maternity leave and pay in line with the guide published by the UK Government as 'Maternity pay and leave'.
  • Shared Parental, Adoption, and Surrogacy Leave. Eligible employees are eligible for shared parental leave and pay in line with the guide published by the UK Government as 'Shared Parental Leave and Pay'. This includes adopters or parents using a surrogate. We recognise that organisations like UCL have developed best practice that exceed legal responsibilities (e.g. 'Adoption Leave and Pay Policy') and we endeavour to be guided by such best practice.
  • Cover for Employees Taking Parental Leave. ProgHist Ltd will endeavour to retain financial reserves such that employees taking parental leave are replaced in part or in full - as appropriate - during their leave, with handover periods before leave commences and after return to work.
  • Return to Work. We recognise that returning to work after parental leave can be challenging. In cases where employees are returning to work after parental leave, we will seek to model our response on best practice provided by ACAS in the guide 'Returning to work after absence'.

This policy will be revisited, if needed, on a case-by-case basis and, where appropriate, revised on an annual basis. We will also seek regular input from employees on the policy.

Last edited 26/01/23

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