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How to start up a new language publication

JoshuaOB edited this page Jul 28, 2020 · 2 revisions

As part of the New Publications Policy, The Programming Historian welcomes new language initiatives. Anyone interested in proposing a new translation initiative is invited to contact our Global Lead New Publications Manager in the first instance to discuss the idea informally.

In order to start a new language publication, there are a number of administrative, technical and communication tasks that the onboarding team needs to consider and perform. The onboarding process is overviewed by the New Publications Manager and respective team leaders. In order to facilitate the onboarding process and also to provide a guide on the initial workload required for new language teams, you can find below a checklist of necessary steps for start up a new language publication;

Administrative tasks (in collaboration with the Team development team)

  • register an ISSN with the British Library.
  • translate all core pages.
  • onboard all new publication members -- see onboarding checklist here
  • add all new publication members's bios to the PH Project Team page (including a small black and white headshot).
  • select a new publication Team Managing Editor (should be prepared to serve at least a year)
  • select a new publication Team Ombudsperson (should be prepared to serve at least a year).
  • communicate the Managing Editor and Ombudsperson selections to @acrymble and make sure that they are identified on the website.
  • provide managing editor training (shadowing) and partner them with an existing managing editor for mentoring.
  • use available training and support for Editorial Work
  • provide shadowing opportunities to all incoming editors
  • create a logo for the publication -- see Brand guidelines
  • decide on colour-scheme (sympathetic with our existing colour scheme).
  • be aware of ProgHist services to Publications
  • review existing sponsorship/support sources to be included in our Support Us

Technical tasks (in collaboration with the Technical team)

Technical Tutorial on Setting up a new language

Communication tasks (in collaboration with the Communications team)

  • link a member of the new publication team with @programminghistorian/communication-team lead in order to help with translations of comms/ original comms
  • create a blogpost and tweets to announce the new publication; this will call for translators/reviewers

New Wiki (in-progress)

Publishing Tasks

Phase 1 Submission

Phase 6 Sustainability Accessibility

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Social Media



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Language and Writing



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