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Global Team

Adam Crymble edited this page Jan 27, 2022 · 7 revisions

The Global Team is responsible for managing new global DH initiatives for The Programming Historian, as well as trying to improve the cultural and linguistic diversity of the team, our lessons, and of participation in DH more generally. This includes suggesting new publication teams from time to time, and doing due dilligence on behalf of the Project Team as to the viability of a new publication.

It consists of the following roles:

  • Team Lead (Jessica Parr)

Role Descriptions:

Team Lead

The Team Lead is responsible for helping to coordinate team goals and initiatives related to increasing cultural and linguistic diversity, as well as facilitating communication between the Global Team and other Programming Historian teams.

Team Member

Team members facilitate networking initiatives, and help to secure funding for workshops and other initiatives.

New Wiki (in-progress)

Publishing Tasks

Phase 1 Submission

Phase 6 Sustainability Accessibility

Mermaid diagram templates


Social Media



Call Packages

Administration and Documentation


Internal records

Resource indexes

Lesson Production and Development

Language and Writing



ProgHist Ltd

Old Wiki


The Ombudsperson Role

Technical Guidance

Editorial Guidance

Social Guidance


Human Resources

Project Management

Project Structure

Board of Trustees

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