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Linar Yusupov edited this page Sep 16, 2024 · 93 revisions


     Normal - Regular operation. GNSS module is in use as a source of positional information ;
     Bridge   - Raw data RF packets forwarding to and from a Wi-Fi client's application ( Emulator ) ;
     UAV      - for use with MAVLINK 1.0 compatible autopilot .

Protocol 1

     Legacy 2 - Air V6 (2015/18) or V7 (2024) ;
     OGNTP   - OGN Tracking Protocol ;
     P3I          - PilotAware @ 869.525 MHz ;
     FANET 3  - Skytraxx ;
     UAT 4      - ADS-B @ 978 MHz ;
     1090ES 5 - ADS-B @ 1090 MHz ;
     ADS-L     - EASA ADS-L SRD-860 M-Band Issue 1 ;
     APRS 6    - Automatic Packet Reporting System ;
     PRoL       - APRS via LoRa @ 433.775 MHz.

1 - protocol selection is available for SX1276/SX1262 ( SoftRF LoRa, Prime MkII, Dongle, Mini, Badge, Academy, Lego, Balkan, Prime MkIII, Midi, Eco ) or CC1352 ( Uni ) radios only ;
2 - Legacy is the only protocol available for nRF905 radio. It is active by default in this case ;
3 - FANET protocol is not applicable for CC1352 ( Uni ) radio ;
4 - UAT protocol selection is applicable for CC1352 ( Uni ) radio only ;
5 - 1090ES protocol selection is applicable for SDR ( ES Edition ) radio only ;
6 - APRS protocol selection is applicable for SA868 ( Ham Edition ) radio only.

Region 7

     EU       - Europe (and United Kingdom). Applicable for: Legacy, OGNTP, FANET, ADS-L (868.2 MHz band) and P3I (869.525 MHz band);
     RU      - Russia, 868.8 MHz band ;
     CN      - China, 470 MHz band ;
     US/CA - USA and Canada, 915 MHz band ;
     NZ      - New Zealand, 869.25 MHz band ;
     AU      - Australia, 921 MHz band ;
     IN       - India, 866 MHz band ;
     KR      - South Korea, 920.9 MHz band ;
     IL        - Israel, 916.2 MHz band.

7 - the region selection is applicable for ISM band radio protocols only. For North America ADS-B UAT (978 MHz) and worldwide ADS-B 1090ES (1090 MHz) ones - your are safe to leave the region value intact ;


  1. FANET protocol frequency and bandwidth
Region MHz BW (KHz)
Europe , Russia , India 868.2 250
US/CA , Australia , South Korea , Israel 920.8 500
  1. the Ham Edition uses different (APRS) frequency per region assignment:
Region VHF (MHz) UHF (MHz)
Europe 144.8 432.5
Australia 145.175 439.1
New Zealand 144.575 432.575
US 144.39 445.925
China 144.64
South Korea 144.62

     VHF band is the SoftRF firmware default setting for T-TWR Plus V2.0 ;
     UHF band can be assigned through settings.json file only.

Aircraft type

Your aircraft type.


Alarm trigger

     None      - do not issue any alarms ;
     Distance - issue a NMEA ($PFLAA) alarm sentence when traffic is in close proximity ;
     Vector    - issue a NMEA ($PFLAA) alarm sentence when traffic is short on intersecting course.

Tx Power

     Full - transmit position beacons at rated power (limited by regional regulations) ;
     Low - transmit position beacons at 2 dBm or less ;
     Off   - disable transmitter.


Control for volume level of Standalone Edition's built-in speaker.

     Low 9

9 - Low volume level is applicable for ESP32 platform only.

LED ring direction

Applicable for Standalone Edition only.

     CoG Up    - your aircraft's course over the ground is up ;
     North Up - GNSS North is up ;
     Off           - disable LED ring operation.

Built-in Bluetooth 10

     Off - disable built-in Bluetooth operation ;
     SPP - operate the Bluetooth in Serial Port Profile mode ;
     LE  11 - operate the Bluetooth in Low Energy "Serial port emulation" mode (compatible with HM-10 module, and with XCSoar and LK8000 software as well).

10 - mode selection is available for SoftRF firmware running on ESP32, ESP32-S3, ESP32-C3 and ESP32-C6 platforms only. ESP32 can do either Bluetooth SPP or LE ; ESP32-S3, ESP32-C3 and ESP32-C6 can operate in LE mode only.
11 - LE mode may not work properly with iOS devices.

NMEA sentences

     GNSS      - enable or disable NMEA GNSS sentences ;
     Private    - enable or disable SoftRF private NMEA sentences. Applicable for UART port only ;
     Legacy    - enable or disable FLARM dataport NMEA sentences ;
     Sensors   - enable or disable NMEA sentences from (optional) I2C sensors.

NMEA output

     Off            - do not deliver any of NMEA sentences ;
     Serial        - deliver selected NMEA sentences over UART ;
     UDP          - deliver selected NMEA sentences over Wi-Fi (UDP dest. port 10110) ;
     TCP           - deliver selected NMEA sentences over Wi-Fi (TCP source port 2000) ;
     Bluetooth - deliver selected NMEA sentences over built-in Bluetooth ; 12
     USB           - deliver selected NMEA sentences over built-in USB. 13

12 - Bluetooth output selection is applicable for SoftRF firmware running on ESP32, ESP32-S3, ESP32-C3, ESP32-C6 and nRF52 platforms only ;
13 - USB output selection is applicable for SoftRF firmware running on STM32L0, nRF52, SAMD21, LPC4320, RP2040 and ESP32-S3 platforms only.


     Off            - do not deliver Garmin GDL90 data ;
     Serial        - deliver Garmin GDL90 data over UART ;
     UDP          - deliver Garmin GDL90 data packets over Wi-Fi (UDP dest. port 4000) ;
     Bluetooth - deliver Garmin GDL90 data over built-in Bluetooth ; 14
     USB           - deliver Garmin GDL90 data packets over built-in USB. 15

14 - Bluetooth output selection is applicable for SoftRF firmware running on ESP32, ESP32-S3, ESP32-C3, ESP32-C6 and nRF52 platforms only ;
15 - USB output selection is applicable for SoftRF firmware running on STM32L0, nRF52, SAMD21, LPC4320, RP2040 and ESP32-S3 platforms only.


     Off            - do not deliver Dump1090 sentences ;
     Serial        - deliver Dump1090 sentences over UART ;
     Bluetooth - deliver Dump1090 sentences over built-in Bluetooth ; 16
     USB           - deliver Dump1090 sentences over built-in USB. 17

16 - Bluetooth output selection is applicable for SoftRF firmware running on ESP32, ESP32-S3, ESP32-C3, ESP32-C6 and nRF52 platforms only ;
17 - USB output selection is applicable for SoftRF firmware running on STM32L0, nRF52, SAMD21, LPC4320, RP2040 and ESP32-S3 platforms only.

Power save

     Disabled                 - do not use any of power saving methods ;
     WiFi OFF (10 min.) - turn SoftRF Wi-Fi AP off in 10 minutes after last client has closed it's connection ;
     GNSS                      - use GNSS power save method when able ; 18
     No Receive             - disable radio receive feature to reduce device power consumption . 19

18 - this setting is currently applicable for Uni Edition only ;
19 - this setting is applicable for Bracelet and Ham Editions only.


Enable or disable 'Stealth' mode. Applicable for: Legacy, OGNTP protocols.

No track

Enable or disable a tracking permit for ground stations. Applicable for: Legacy, FANET protocols.

Radio CF correction 20

This option is for advanced users only. If you are not certain - make sure that this setting is equal to 0.

Apply a correction of RF carrier frequency. This is a method to compensate deviation of the frequency due to production faults, extreme temperatures and crystal resonator ageing.

Represented in kHz. Range: from -30 up to 30.

Most likely that you don't need to change anything here. This page contains measured frequency deviation of different radio modules been used.

20 - this setting is applicable for SX1276 radio only.

IGC key 21

A 128-bit hexadecimal key that is in use to encrypt an aircraft position information. This feature is designed to ensure secure data transfer through OGN network toward FAI server while FAI/IGC Category 1 sport event is taking place.

Use a key provided by your gliding contest organizer.
Read IGC secure flight data trackers document for more information.

This feature is available since Release 1.1.
It is applicable for certain hardware platforms only:

  • ESP32, ESP32-S3, ESP32-C3 and ESP32-C6
  • nRF52840
  • CC1352R and CC1312R
  • RP2040
  • STM32WLE5
  • RA4M1

Access to the hexadecimal key on the ESP32-XX is provided through WebUI. For other platforms one should use NMEA command line method.

ATTENTION: Use of wrong key will make your device ignored by both air traffic and OGN ground stations. If you are uncertain - leave the key value to stay 00000000000000000000000000000000 (i.e. no encryption) all the time.

21 - this setting is applicable for OGNTP radio protocol only ;


Below is an illustration of default settings for SoftRF firmware version 1.0

Backup and restore

To backup your settings - take a screenshot of the WebUI or SoftRF Tool settings page.
To restore your settings - manually set all necessary selectors, buttons and knobs of the WebUI or SoftRF Tool settings page while using earlier saved screenshot as a reference.




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