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WebTop Serial. Quick Start

Linar Yusupov edited this page Jun 5, 2022 · 1 revision
  1. Connect your "Serial WiFi" to USB-Serial converter as shown on this picture:

Rx    <---> Tx
Tx     <---> Rx
Vcc   <---> +5V
GND <---> GND

  1. Download most recent WebTop Serial firmware binary from this location ;

  2. Turn "SWITCH" on your "Serial WiFi" adapter into "PROGRAM" position ;

  3. Flash the firmware binary into your WebTop adapter. Follow these instructions ;

  4. Turn "SWITCH" on your "Serial WiFi" adapter into "UART" position ;

  5. Connect your "Serial WiFi" adapter to a Dongle Edition as shown on this picture:

  1. Use Dongle settings instructions to switch NMEA Output option from USB onto Serial ;

  2. Supply power to the Dongle over USB connector ;

  3. Move your Dongle into an area of good GPS/GLONASS reception, turn on and leave nearby ;

  4. Connect your Tablet/Cellphone to SoftRF Wi-Fi Access Point.
    Key: 12345678

  5. Open up a browser then proceed to this URL: http:

  6. A page like this should come up:

  1. Open up Settings menu. Select NMEA UDP option. Press Save and restart button.

  1. Disconnect from SoftRF AP and connect to internet.
    Install XCSoar app from Google Play.
    Re-connect to SoftRF AP.

  2. Open the XCSoar app in Fly mode. Double tap the screen then select Config:

  1. Select Devices:

  1. Push Edit button then configure the device as follows:

  1. Push Monitor button and see if your tablet/phone is receiving NMEA data from your Prime Edition Mark II:

  1. Return all the way back to XCSoar main screen:

  1. Swipe three times to the left to reach Radar View. When any other traffic (OGN Tracker or another Prime MkII) is around - you should see it on this screen:




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