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Related to droping: Name dropping
a. A small amount of a liquid, drawn into a roughly spherical mass by surface tension.
b. The quantity of liquid contained in such a mass, especially when measured out by a dropper.
c. drops Liquid medicine administered in drops.
d. A small quantity of a liquid: There isn't a drop of milk left.
e. Informal An alcoholic drink: a man known to have a drop now and then.
2. A trace or hint: not a drop of pity.
a. Something, such as an earring, shaped or hanging like a drop.
b. A small globular piece of hard candy.
4. The act of falling; descent: the drop of the curtain; the sun's drop toward the horizon.
5. A swift decline or decrease, as in quality, quantity, or intensity: a drop in sales.
a. The vertical distance from a higher to a lower level: The cliff has a drop of 50 feet.
b. The distance through which something falls or drops.
7. A sheer incline, such as the face of a cliff: Stay clear of the drop.
a. A descent or delivery of something by parachute: made a drop of supplies to the explorers.
b. Personnel and equipment landed by means of parachute.
9. Something, such as a trapdoor on a gallows, that is arranged to fall or be lowered.
10. A drop curtain.
11. A slot through which something is deposited in a receptacle.
12. A central place or establishment where something, such as mail, is brought and subsequently distributed.
a. A predetermined location for the deposit and subsequent removal of secret communications or illicit goods, such as drugs.
b. The act of depositing such communications or materials.
14. Electronics A connection made available for an input or output unit on a transmission line.
v. dropped, drop·ping, drops
1. To fall in drops: rain dropping from an umbrella.
2. To fall from a higher to a lower place or position: The plate dropped onto the floor.
3. To become less, as in number, intensity, or volume: The temperature dropped below 0.
4. To move or descend from one height or level to another: He dropped into a crouch. The sun dropped below the horizon.
5. To fall or sink into a state of exhaustion or death.
6. To pass or slip into a specified state or condition: dropped into a doze; drop out of sight.
7. Sports To fall or roll into a basket or hole. Used of a ball.
Phrasal Verbs: 1. To let fall by releasing hold of: I dropped the towel onto the floor.
2. To let fall in drops: drop the medicine into the ear.
3. To cause to become less; reduce: drop the rate of production.
4. To cause to fall, as by hitting or shooting: dropped him with a left hook.
5. Sports To hurl or strike (a ball) into a basket or hole.
6. To give birth to. Used of animals.
7. To say or offer casually: drop a hint; drop a name.
8. To write at one's leisure: drop me a note.
9. To cease consideration or treatment of: dropped the matter altogether.
10. To terminate an association or a relationship with: an actor who was dropped by the talent agency.
11. To leave unfinished: drop everything and help.
12. To leave out (a letter, for example) in speaking or writing.
13. To leave or set down at a particular place; unload: I dropped the book in your office.
14. Informal To spend, especially lavishly or rashly: "dropping $50,000 in an Atlantic City casino" (George F. Will).
15. To airdrop (supplies, for example).
16. To lower the level of (the voice).
17. To lose (a game or contest, for example).
18. Slang To take, as a drug, by mouth: drop acid.
drop back
Football To back away from the line of scrimmage.
drop behind
To fall behind: dropped behind the rest of the class during her illness.
drop by
To stop in for a short visit.
drop off
1. To fall asleep.
2. To decrease: Sales dropped off in the fourth quarter.
drop out
1. To withdraw from participation, as in a game, club, or school.
2. To withdraw from established society, especially because of disillusion with conventional values.
drop over
Idioms: To stop in for a short visit.
at the drop of a hat
1. Immediately; without delay: would sign the contract at the drop of a hat.
2. With only the slightest provocation: ready to argue at the drop of a hat.
drop a dime Slang
To make a telephone call, especially to the police to inform on or betray someone.
drop in the bucket
A small, inadequate quantity.
drop the ball
To make a mistake or fail to do something important.
get/have the drop on
To achieve a distinct advantage over.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. a small quantity of liquid that forms or falls in a spherical or pear-shaped mass; globule
2. a very small quantity of liquid
3. a very small quantity of anything
4. something resembling a drop in shape or size, such as a decorative pendant or small sweet
5. the act or an instance of falling; descent
6. a decrease in amount or value; slump: a drop in prices.
7. the vertical distance that anything may fall
8. (Physical Geography) a steep or sheer incline or slope
9. (Cookery) short for fruit drop
10. (Aeronautics) the act of unloading troops, equipment, or supplies by parachute
11. (Telecommunications) (in cable television) a short spur from a trunk cable that feeds signals to an individual house
12. (Theatre) theatre See drop curtain
14. chiefly US and Canadian a slot or aperture through which an object can be dropped to fall into a receptacle
15. (Nautical Terms) nautical the midships height of a sail bent to a fixed yard. Compare hoist6a
16. (Cricket) cricket slang Austral a fall of the wicket: he came in at first drop.
17. (Tennis) See drop shot
18. a drop in the bucket a drop in the ocean an amount very small in relation to what is needed or desired
19. at the drop of a hat without hesitation or delay
20. have had a drop too much to be drunk
21. have the drop on someone US and NZ to have the advantage over someone
vb, drops, dropping or dropped
22. (of liquids) to fall or allow to fall in globules
23. to fall or allow to fall vertically
24. (tr) to allow to fall by letting go of
25. to sink or fall or cause to sink or fall to the ground, as from a blow, wound, shot, weariness, etc
26. (intr; foll by back, behind, etc) to fall, move, or go in a specified manner, direction, etc
27. (intr; foll by in, by, etc) informal to pay a casual visit (to)
28. to decrease or cause to decrease in amount or value: the cost of living never drops.
29. to sink or cause to sink to a lower position, as on a scale
30. to make or become less in strength, volume, etc
31. (intr) to sink or decline in health or condition
32. (sometimes foll by: into) to pass easily into a state or condition: to drop into a habit.
33. (intr) to move along gently as with a current of water or air
34. (tr) to allow to pass casually in conversation: to drop a hint.
35. (tr) to leave out (a word or letter)
36. (tr) to set down or unload (passengers or goods)
37. (tr) to send or post: drop me a line/text/email.
38. (tr) to discontinue; terminate: let's drop the matter.
39. (tr) to cease to associate or have to do with
40. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) (tr) slang chiefly US to cease to employ: he was dropped from his job.
41. (tr; sometimes foll by in, off, etc) informal to leave or deposit, esp at a specified place
42. (Zoology) (of animals) to give birth to (offspring)
43. (Gambling, except Cards) slang chiefly US and Canadian to lose (money), esp when gambling
44. (Card Games) slang chiefly US and Canadian to lose (money), esp when gambling
45. (Clothing & Fashion) (tr) to lengthen (a hem, etc)
46. (Aeronautics) (tr) to unload (troops, equipment, or supplies) by parachute
47. (Nautical Terms) (tr) nautical to leave behind; sail out of sight of
48. (Team Sports, other than specified) (tr) sport to omit (a player) from a team
49. (General Sporting Terms) (tr) to lose (a score, game, or contest): the champion dropped his first service game.
50. (General Sporting Terms) (tr) sport to hit or throw (a ball) into a goal: he dropped a 30 foot putt.
51. (Tennis) (tr) to hit (a ball) with a drop shot
52. (Nautical Terms) drop astern nautical to fall back to the stern (of another vessel)
53. (Motor Racing) (tr) motor racing slang to spin (the car) and (usually) crash out of the race
54. (Recreational Drugs) (tr) slang to swallow (a drug, esp a barbiturate or LSD)
55. drop dead! slang an exclamation of contempt
n, vb
(Rugby) rugby short for drop kick or drop-kick
[Old English dropian; related to Old High German triofan to drip]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(drɒp)n., v. dropped, drop•ping. n.
1. a small quantity of liquid that falls or is produced in a more or less spherical mass; liquid globule.
2. the quantity of liquid contained in such a globule.
3. a very small quantity of liquid.
4. a minute quantity of anything: not even a drop of mercy.
5. Usu., drops.
a. liquid medicine given in a dose or form of globules from a medicine dropper.
b. a solution for dilating the pupils of the eyes, administered to the eyes in this manner.
6. a limited amount of an alcoholic beverage: take a drop after dinner.
7. an act or instance of dropping; fall; descent.
8. the distance or depth to which anything drops.
9. a steep slope: a short drop to the lake.
10. a decline in amount, degree, quality, value, etc.
11. a small, usu. spherical, piece of candy; lozenge.
12. a central depository where items are left or transmitted.
13. a place where secret letters or packages can be left for picking up by another person without attracting attention.
14. something resembling or likened to a liquid globule, as an ornament or jewel.
15. a descent by parachute.
16. an instance of dropping persons or supplies by parachute or the amount or number so dropped.
17. the persons or supplies so dropped.
18. something that drops or is used for dropping.
19. drop curtain.
20. trapdoor.
21. a gallows.
22. a slit or opening into which something can be dropped, as in a mailbox.
23. the newborn young of an animal.
v.i. 24. to fall in globules or small portions, as water or other liquid.
25. to fall vertically; have an abrupt descent.
26. to sink or fall to the ground, floor, or bottom as if inanimate.
27. to fall lower in condition, degree, value, etc.; diminish or lessen; sink.
28. to come to an end; cease; lapse: There the matter dropped.
29. to fall or move to a position that is lower, farther back, inferior, etc.: to drop back in line.
30. to withdraw; quit (often fol. by out or from): to drop out of a race.
31. to pass or enter without effort into some condition, activity, or the like: to drop into a reverie.
32. to make an unexpected or unannounced stop or visit at a place (usu. fol. by in, by, or over).
33. to cease to appear or be seen; vanish: to drop from sight.
34. to fall wounded, dead, etc.: to drop in battle.
35. to move gently, as with the tide or a light wind (usu. fol. by down).
36. Slang. to ingest an illicit drug orally; swallow.
v.t. 37. to let fall in drops or small portions: to drop cream into coffee.
38. to let or cause to fall.
39. to cause or allow to sink to a lower position.
40. to cause to decrease in value, amount, quality, etc.; reduce.
41. to utter or express casually or incidentally: to drop a hint.
42. to write and send: Drop me a note.
43. to bring to the ground by a blow or shot.
44. to set down or unload, as from a ship or car (often fol. by off): Drop us at the corner.
45. to omit (a letter or syllable) in pronunciation or writing: You drop your final r 's.
46. to lower (the voice) in pitch or loudness.
47. to abandon; forget: to drop one's old friends.
48. to dismiss as an employee, member, etc.; remove.
49. to withdraw or cease to pursue: The libel charges were eventually dropped.
50. to throw, shoot, hit, kick, or roll (a ball, puck, etc.) through or into a basket, hole, or other goal.
51. to lose (a game, money, etc.)
52. (of animals) to give birth to.
53. to parachute (persons, supplies, etc.).
54. to sew again in a lower position: to drop the hem of a skirt.
55. to lower (the wheels) into position for landing an airplane.
56. to take (esp. an illicit drug) by swallowing; ingest: to drop LSD.
57. drop behind, to fail to keep maintaining the necessary pace, quota of work, standard, etc.
58. drop off,
a. to fall asleep.
b. to decrease; decline.
59. drop out,
Idioms: a. to stop participating.
b. to stop attending school or college.
c. to abandon the conventions, customs, patterns, etc., of established society.
1. at the drop of a hat, at the slightest provocation or without delay: to argue at the drop of a hat.
2. drop in the bucket, a small, inadequate amount.
3. get or have the drop on,
a. to aim and be ready to shoot a gun at (an antagonist) before the other person's gun can be drawn.
b. to get or have at a disadvantage.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
In artillery and naval gunfire support, a correction used by an observer/spotter to indicate that a decrease in range along a spotting line is desired.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
a small quantity of liquid; a minute quantity, portion, or particle.Examples: drops of bounty, 1597; of consolation, 1576; of kindness, 1413; of light, 1687; of modesty, 1596; of my riches, 1398; of time, 1813; of words, 1607.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
Past participle: dropped
Gerund: dropping
Imperative |
drop |
drop |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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Noun | 1. | drop - a shape that is spherical and small; "he studied the shapes of low-viscosity drops"; "beads of sweat on his forehead" sphere - a solid figure bounded by a spherical surface (including the space it encloses) dewdrop - a drop of dew teardrop - anything shaped like a falling drop (as a pendant gem on an earring) |
2. | drop - a small indefinite quantity (especially of a liquid); "he had a drop too much to drink"; "a drop of each sample was analyzed"; "there is not a drop of pity in that man"; "years afterward, they would pay the blood-money, driblet by driblet"--Kipling tear, teardrop - a drop of the clear salty saline solution secreted by the lacrimal glands; "his story brought tears to her eyes" raindrop - a drop of rain small indefinite amount, small indefinite quantity - an indefinite quantity that is below average size or magnitude droplet - a tiny drop | |
3. | drop - a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity; "a drop of 57 points on the Dow Jones index"; "there was a drop in pressure in the pulmonary artery"; "a dip in prices"; "when that became known the price of their stock went into free fall" correction - a drop in stock market activity or stock prices following a period of increases; "market runups are invariably followed by a correction" voltage drop - a decrease in voltage along a conductor through which current is flowing | |
4. | drop - a steep high face of rock; "he stood on a high cliff overlooking the town"; "a steep drop" crag - a steep rugged rock or cliff geological formation, formation - (geology) the geological features of the earth precipice - a very steep cliff | |
5. | drop - a predetermined hiding place for the deposit and distribution of illicit goods (such as drugs or stolen property) drug - a substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic dead drop - a drop used for the clandestine exchange of intelligence information; "a dead drop avoids the need for an intelligence officer and a spy to be present at the same time" hiding place - a place suitable for hiding something (such as yourself) | |
6. | drop - a free and rapid descent by the force of gravity; "it was a miracle that he survived the drop from that height" free fall - the ideal falling motion of something subject only to a gravitational field gravitation - movement downward resulting from gravitational attraction; "irrigation by gravitation rather than by pumps" descent - a movement downward plunge - a steep and rapid fall precipitation - the act of casting down or falling headlong from a height | |
7. | drop - a curtain that can be lowered and raised onto a stage from the flies; often used as background scenery | |
8. | drop - a central depository where things can be left or picked up depositary, depository, repository, deposit - a facility where things can be deposited for storage or safekeeping maildrop - a drop where mail can be deposited | |
9. | drop - the act of dropping something; "they expected the drop would be successful" descent - the act of changing your location in a downward direction | |
Verb | 1. | drop - let fall to the ground; "Don't drop the dishes" move, displace - cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense; "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant" drop - to fall vertically; "the bombs are dropping on enemy targets" plop - drop something with a plopping sound dump - drop (stuff) in a heap or mass; "The truck dumped the garbage in the street" hang - let drop or droop; "Hang one's head in shame" |
2. | drop - to fall vertically; "the bombs are dropping on enemy targets" come down, descend, go down, fall - move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way; "The temperature is going down"; "The barometer is falling"; "The curtain fell on the diva"; "Her hand went up and then fell again" drop - let fall to the ground; "Don't drop the dishes" flump, flump down - fall heavily decline - go down; "The roof declines here" | |
3. | drop - go down in value; "Stock prices dropped" fall off, slump, sink - fall heavily or suddenly; decline markedly; "The real estate market fell off" tumble - fall suddenly and sharply; "Prices tumbled after the devaluation of the currency" | |
4. | drop - fall or descend to a lower place or level; "He sank to his knees" fall off, slump, sink - fall heavily or suddenly; decline markedly; "The real estate market fell off" drop - let fall to the ground; "Don't drop the dishes" change posture - undergo a change in bodily posture | |
5. | drop - terminate an association with; "drop him from the Republican ticket" remove - remove from a position or an office send away, send packing, dismiss, drop - stop associating with; "They dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock" | |
6. | drop - utter with seeming casualness; "drop a hint"; drop names" give tongue to, utter, express, verbalise, verbalize - articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise; "She expressed her anger"; "He uttered a curse" | |
7. | drop - stop pursuing or acting; "drop a lawsuit"; "knock it off!" nol.pros., nolle pros, nolle prosequi - drop prosecution of by entering a nolle prosequi in the court records; "They nolle prossed the charge" | |
8. | drop - leave or unload; "unload the cargo"; "drop off the passengers at the hotel" deliver - bring to a destination, make a delivery; "our local super market delivers" wharf - discharge at a wharf; "wharf the passengers" air-drop - drop (an object) from the air; unload from a plane or helicopter | |
9. | drop - cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow; "strike down a tree"; "Lightning struck down the hikers" chop down - cut down; "George chopped down the cherry tree" cut - fell by sawing; hew; "The Vietnamese cut a lot of timber while they occupied Cambodia" cut - separate with or as if with an instrument; "Cut the rope" | |
10. | drop - lose (a game); "The Giants dropped 11 of their first 13" lose - fail to win; "We lost the battle but we won the war" | |
11. | drop - pay out; "spend money" deplete, use up, wipe out, eat up, exhaust, run through, eat, consume - use up (resources or materials); "this car consumes a lot of gas"; "We exhausted our savings"; "They run through 20 bottles of wine a week" afford - be able to spare or give up; "I can't afford to spend two hours with this person" pay - give money, usually in exchange for goods or services; "I paid four dollars for this sandwich"; "Pay the waitress, please" blow - spend lavishly or wastefully on; "He blew a lot of money on his new home theater" underspend - spend at less than the normal rate misspend - spend (money or other resources) unwisely nickel-and-dime, penny-pinch - spend money frugally; spend as little as possible economise, economize, save - spend sparingly, avoid the waste of; "This move will save money"; "The less fortunate will have to economize now" lay out - spend or invest; "lay out thousands on gold"; "he laid out a fortune in the hope of making a huge profit" piddle, piddle away, trifle, wanton, wanton away - waste time; spend one's time idly or inefficiently misspend - spend time badly or unwisely; "He misspent his youth" | |
12. | drop - lower the pitch of (musical notes) music - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner | |
13. | drop - hang freely; "the ornaments dangled from the tree"; "The light dropped from the ceiling" hang - be suspended or hanging; "The flag hung on the wall" | |
14. | drop - stop associating with; "They dropped her after she had a child out of wedlock" give notice, give the axe, give the sack, sack, send away, can, force out, displace, fire, dismiss, terminate - terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position; "The boss fired his secretary today"; "The company terminated 25% of its workers" drop - terminate an association with; "drop him from the Republican ticket" | |
15. | drop - let or cause to fall in drops; "dribble oil into the mixture" pour - cause to run; "pour water over the floor" drip - fall in drops; "Water is dripping from the faucet" | |
16. | drop - get rid of; "he shed his image as a pushy boss"; "shed your clothes" exuviate, molt, moult, slough, shed - cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers; "our dog sheds every Spring" remove, take away, withdraw, take - remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment" abscise - shed flowers and leaves and fruit following formation of a scar tissue exfoliate - cast off in scales, laminae, or splinters autotomise, autotomize - cause a body part to undergo autotomy | |
17. | drop - take (a drug, especially LSD), by mouth; "She dropped acid when she was a teenager" | |
18. | drop - omit (a letter or syllable) in speaking or writing; " New Englanders drop their post-vocalic r's" elide - leave or strike out; "This vowel is usually elided before a single consonant" | |
19. | drop - leave undone or leave out; "How could I miss that typo?"; "The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten" forget - forget to do something; "Don't forget to call the chairman of the board to the meeting!" | |
20. | drop - change from one level to another; "She dropped into army jargon" change - undergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original nature; "She changed completely as she grew older"; "The weather changed last night" | |
21. | drop - fall or sink into a state of exhaustion or death; "shop til you drop" fall - pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind; "fall into a trap"; "She fell ill"; "They fell out of favor"; "Fall in love"; "fall asleep"; "fall prey to an imposter"; "fall into a strange way of thinking"; "she fell to pieces after she lost her work" | |
22. | drop - grow worse; "Her condition deteriorated"; "Conditions in the slums degenerated"; "The discussion devolved into a shouting match" fatigue, jade, tire, weary, pall - lose interest or become bored with something or somebody; "I'm so tired of your mother and her complaints about my food" | |
23. | drop - give birth; used for animals; "The cow dropped her calf this morning" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. fall, lower, sink, decline, plunge, slump, diminish, decrease, plummet, dwindle, lessen, slacken Temperatures can drop to freezing at night.
2. (often with away) decline, fall, sink, dip, slope, descend, fall away, slope downwards The ground dropped away steeply.
3. plunge, fall, dive, tumble, descend, plummet Part of an aeroplane had dropped out of the sky and hit me.
4. let go of, release, let fall, lose your grip on I dropped my glasses and broke them.
5. drip, run, flow, leak, trickle, dribble, drizzle, fall in drops He felt hot tears dropping onto his fingers.
6. deposit, put, place, set, rest, lay, stick, shove, set down, plonk (informal) He dropped his coat on the floor.
8. collapse, fall, faint, fall down, pass out, black out, lose consciousness, keel over, conk out (informal), flake out (informal) She looked about to drop.
10. quit, give up, abandon, cease, axe (informal), kick (informal), terminate, shun, relinquish, remit, discontinue, forsake, turn your back on He was told to drop the idea.
11. abandon, reject, desert, renounce, forsake, repudiate, disown, leave, jilt, throw over, disclaim, turn your back on He has dropped those friends who used to drink with him.
12. eject, dismiss, throw out, exclude, discharge, discard, oust, evict, send packing, turf out (informal), give the bum's rush (slang), throw out on your ear (informal) The captain was dropped from the team.
13. lose, fail to win, concede, give away, miss out on They could drop a match or two, and still make the finals.
1. decrease, fall, cut, lowering, decline, reduction, slump, fall-off, downturn, deterioration, cutback, diminution, decrement He was prepared to take a drop in wages.
drop by or in (on) (Informal) visit, call, stop, turn up, look up, call in, look in (on), go and see, pop in (informal) I'll drop in on my way home.
drop off
1. fall asleep, nod (off), doze (off), go off, snooze (informal), drift off, catnap, drowse, have forty winks (informal) I was just dropping off.
2. decrease, lower, decline, shrink, diminish, fall off, dwindle, lessen, wane, subside, slacken The toll of casualties has dropped off sharply.
drop out leave, stop, give up, withdraw, quit, pull out, back out, renege, throw in the towel, cop out (slang), fall by the wayside He went to university, but dropped out after a year.
drop out of something discontinue, give up, abandon, quit, cease, terminate, shun, forsake, turn your back on She had a troubled childhood and dropped out of high school.
drop someone off set down, leave, deliver, let off, allow to alight I'm going to drop you off and pick you up myself.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
noun3. A tiny amount:
bit, crumb, dab, dash, dot, dram, fragment, grain, iota, jot, minim, mite, modicum, molecule, ort, ounce, particle, scrap, scruple, shred, smidgen, speck, tittle, trifle, whit.
Chiefly British: spot.
5. A usually swift downward trend, as in prices:
8. A dominating position, as in a conflict:
Informal: inside track, jump.
2. To undergo a sharp, rapid descent in value or price:
Idiom: take a sudden downtrend.
4. To cause to fall, as from a shot or blow:
bring down, cut down, down, fell, flatten, floor, ground, knock down, level, prostrate, strike down, throw.
Slang: deck.
Idiom: lay low.
5. To cease consideration or treatment of:
Idioms: have done with, wash one's hands of.
9. To cease living:
Informal: pop off.
Idioms: bite the dust, breathe one's last, cash in, give up the ghost, go to one's grave, kick the bucket, meet one's end, pass on to the Great Beyond, turn up one's toes.
10. To end the employment or service of:
Idioms: give someone his or her walking papers, give someone the ax, give someone the gate, give someone the pink slip, let go, show someone the door.
13. To come to the ground suddenly and involuntarily:
Idiom: take a fall.
drop by
phrasal verb
drop in
phrasal verb
drop off
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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[drɒp]A. N
1. [of liquid] → gota f
"would you like some milk?" - "just a drop" → -¿quieres leche? -una gota nada más
in three weeks we didn't have a drop of rain → no cayó ni una gota en tres semanas
would you like a drop of soup? → ¿quieres un poco de sopa?
there's just a drop left → queda sólo una gota
he's had a drop too much → ha bebido más de la cuenta
I haven't touched a drop → no he probado una sola gota
a drop in the ocean → una gota de agua en el mar
"would you like some milk?" - "just a drop" → -¿quieres leche? -una gota nada más
in three weeks we didn't have a drop of rain → no cayó ni una gota en tres semanas
would you like a drop of soup? → ¿quieres un poco de sopa?
there's just a drop left → queda sólo una gota
he's had a drop too much → ha bebido más de la cuenta
I haven't touched a drop → no he probado una sola gota
a drop in the ocean → una gota de agua en el mar
2. drops (Med) → gotas fpl
3. (= sweet) → pastilla f
4. (= fall) (in price) → bajada f, caída f; (in demand) → disminución f, reducción f
a drop of 10% → una bajada del 10 por ciento
to take a drop in salary → aceptar un salario más bajo
a drop in temperature → una bajada de las temperaturas
at the drop of a hat → con cualquier pretexto
a drop of 10% → una bajada del 10 por ciento
to take a drop in salary → aceptar un salario más bajo
a drop in temperature → una bajada de las temperaturas
at the drop of a hat → con cualquier pretexto
5. (= steep incline) → pendiente f; (= fall) → caída f
a drop of ten metres → una caída de diez metros
a drop of ten metres → una caída de diez metros
6. (by parachute) [of supplies, arms etc] → lanzamiento m
7. (for secret mail) → escondrijo m (para correo secreto)
1. (= let fall)
1.1. (deliberately) [+ object] → dejar caer; (= release, let go of) → soltar; [+ bomb, parachutist] → lanzar; [+ anchor] → echar; [+ liquid] → echar gota a gota
the cat dropped the mouse at my feet → el gato soltó al ratón junto a mis pies
don't drop your coat onto the floor, hang it up → no sueltes el abrigo en el suelo, cuélgalo
to drop a letter in the postbox → echar una carta al buzón
drop it! (gun) → ¡suéltalo!
the cat dropped the mouse at my feet → el gato soltó al ratón junto a mis pies
don't drop your coat onto the floor, hang it up → no sueltes el abrigo en el suelo, cuélgalo
to drop a letter in the postbox → echar una carta al buzón
drop it! (gun) → ¡suéltalo!
2. (= lower) [+ eyes, voice, price, hem] → bajar
3. (= set down) (from car) [+ object, person] → dejar; (from boat) [+ cargo, passengers] → descargar
could you drop me at the station? → ¿me puedes dejar en la estación?
could you drop me at the station? → ¿me puedes dejar en la estación?
4. (= utter casually) [+ remark, name, clue] → soltar
to drop (sb) a hint about sth → echar (a algn) una indirecta sobre algo
to drop a word in sb's ear → decir algo a algn en confianza
to drop (sb) a hint about sth → echar (a algn) una indirecta sobre algo
to drop a word in sb's ear → decir algo a algn en confianza
6. (= omit) (from text) → suprimir
to drop one's h's or aitches → no pronunciar las haches
I've been dropped from the team → me han sacado del equipo
to drop one's h's or aitches → no pronunciar las haches
I've been dropped from the team → me han sacado del equipo
7. (= abandon) [+ conversation, correspondence] → dejar; [+ candidate] → rechazar; [+ boyfriend] → dejar, plantar; [+ friend] → romper con; [+ charges] → retirar; [+ claim, plan] → renunciar a, abandonar
we had to drop what we were doing → tuvimos que dejar lo que estábamos haciendo
they dropped him like a hot brick → lo abandonaron como a perro sarnoso
I'm going to drop chemistry → no voy a dar más química
to drop everything → soltarlo todo
drop it! (subject) → ¡ya está bien!
let's drop the subject → cambiemos de tema
we had to drop what we were doing → tuvimos que dejar lo que estábamos haciendo
they dropped him like a hot brick → lo abandonaron como a perro sarnoso
I'm going to drop chemistry → no voy a dar más química
to drop everything → soltarlo todo
drop it! (subject) → ¡ya está bien!
let's drop the subject → cambiemos de tema
8. (= lose) [+ game] → perder
1. (= fall) [object, person] → caer(se)
to drop with exhaustion → caer rendido
drop dead! → ¡vete al cuerno!
I'm fit to drop → estoy que no me tengo
he let it drop that → reveló que ...
so we let the matter drop → así que dejamos el asunto
to drop with exhaustion → caer rendido
drop dead! → ¡vete al cuerno!
I'm fit to drop → estoy que no me tengo
he let it drop that → reveló que ...
so we let the matter drop → así que dejamos el asunto
2. (= decrease) [wind] → calmarse, amainar; [temperature, price, voice] → bajar; [numbers, crowd, demand] → disminuir
the temperature will drop tonight → la temperatura bajará esta noche
the temperature will drop tonight → la temperatura bajará esta noche
D. CPD drop goal N (Rugby) → drop m
drop handlebars NPL → manillar msing de (bicicleta de) carreras
drop kick N → puntapié m de botepronto
drop shot N → dejada f
drop zone N (Aer) → zona f de salto
drop handlebars NPL → manillar msing de (bicicleta de) carreras
drop kick N → puntapié m de botepronto
drop shot N → dejada f
drop zone N (Aer) → zona f de salto
drop across VI + ADV we dropped across to see him → nos dejamos caer por su casa
he dropped across to see us → se dejó caer por casa
he dropped across to see us → se dejó caer por casa
drop away VI + ADV [attendance etc] → disminuir
drop back VI + ADV → quedarse atrás
drop behind VI + ADV (in race, competition) → quedarse atrás; (in work etc) → rezagarse
drop by VI + ADV = drop in
drop down VI + ADV → caerse; (= crouch) → agacharse
we dropped down to the coast → bajamos hacia la costa
we dropped down to the coast → bajamos hacia la costa
drop in VI + ADV (= visit) → pasar por casa, dejarse caer por casa
do drop in any time → ven a vernos cuando quieras
to drop in on → pasar por casa de
they dropped in on us yesterday → pasaron por casa ayer, nos visitaron de improviso ayer
do drop in any time → ven a vernos cuando quieras
to drop in on → pasar por casa de
they dropped in on us yesterday → pasaron por casa ayer, nos visitaron de improviso ayer
drop off
1. (= fall asleep) → dormirse
2. (= decline) [sales, interest] → disminuir
3. [part] → desprenderse, soltarse
B. VT + ADV (from car) [+ person, thing] → dejar
could you drop me off at the station? → ¿me puedes dejar en la estación?
could you drop me off at the station? → ¿me puedes dejar en la estación?
drop out VI + ADV [contents etc] → derramarse, salirse (fig) (from competition) → retirarse
to drop out of society/university → abandonar la sociedad/la universidad
to drop out of a team → salirse de un equipo
to drop out of a race → abandonar una carrera
he dropped out of my life → desapareció de mi vida
to drop out of society/university → abandonar la sociedad/la universidad
to drop out of a team → salirse de un equipo
to drop out of a race → abandonar una carrera
he dropped out of my life → desapareció de mi vida
drop round
B. VI + ADV = drop in
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈdrɒp] n
(= reduction) (in numbers, rate, level) → baisse f; (in salary) → baisse f
a drop in wages → une baisse des revenus
a drop of 10% → une baisse de 10%
a drop in [+ numbers, rate, level] → une diminution de
a drop in wages → une baisse des revenus
a drop of 10% → une baisse de 10%
a drop in [+ numbers, rate, level] → une diminution de
(distance to the next level) → dénivellation f
a 300m drop, a drop of 300m → une dénivellation de 300 m
a 300m drop, a drop of 300m → une dénivellation de 300 m
[cliff] → à-pic m
(also parachute drop) → parachutage m
(= let fall) → laisser tomber
I dropped the glass and it broke → J'ai laissé tomber le verre et il s'est cassé.
to drop a hint → faire une suggestion, faire une allusion
I dropped the glass and it broke → J'ai laissé tomber le verre et il s'est cassé.
to drop a hint → faire une suggestion, faire une allusion
(= lower) [+ voice, eyes] → baisser; [+ price] to drop anchor → jeter l'ancre
(= set down from car) [+ passenger] → déposer
Could you drop me at the station? → Pouvez-vous me déposer à la gare?
Could you drop me at the station? → Pouvez-vous me déposer à la gare?
(= give up) [+ idea, project] → laisser tomber, renoncer à; [+ legal case] → laisser tomber; [+ school subject] → laisser tomber
I'm going to drop chemistry → Je vais laisser tomber la chimie.
to drop the subject (= stop talking about sth) → parler d'autre chose
I'm going to drop chemistry → Je vais laisser tomber la chimie.
to drop the subject (= stop talking about sth) → parler d'autre chose
(= omit from team) [+ player] → écarter
[wind, temperature, price] → tomber; [head] → retomber
to drop to a whisper [voice] → ne plus être qu'un murmure
to drop to a whisper [voice] → ne plus être qu'un murmure
[numbers, attendance] → diminuer
(= collapse) [person] → s'écrouler drops
npl (for eyes) → gouttes fpl
cough drops → pastilles fpl pour la toux
to drop in on sb → faire un saut chez qn, passer chez qn
cough drops → pastilles fpl pour la toux
drop by
vi (= call in) → passerdrop in
vi (= visit) → faire un saut, passerto drop in on sb → faire un saut chez qn, passer chez qn
drop off
vi (= fall asleep) → s'assoupir
adj (= stunning) → stupéfiant(e)drop goal n (RUGBY) → drop mdrop-in centre n (British) → centre m d'accueil (où l'on peut se rendre sans rendez-vous)drop kick n (RUGBY) → drop m
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of liquid → Tropfen m; drop by drop → tropfenweise; a drop of blood → ein Blutstropfen m, → ein Tropfen m → Blut; just a drop for me → für mich nur einen Tropfen; a drop of wine? → ein Schlückchen nt → Wein?; it’s a drop in the ocean or bucket (fig) → das ist ein Tropfen auf den heißen Stein; eye drops → Augentropfen pl
= fall in temperature, prices → Rückgang m (→ in gen); (sudden) → Sturz m (→ in gen); (in blood pressure) → Absinken nt (→ in gen); a drop in prices → ein Preisrückgang m → /-sturz m; 20% is quite a drop → 20%, das ist stark gefallen; he took a big drop in salary when he changed jobs → als er die Stelle wechselte, nahm er eine beträchtliche Gehaltsverschlechterung in Kauf; a sudden/noticeable drop in temperature → ein plötzlicher/merklicher Temperaturabfall
= vertical distance = difference in level → Höhenunterschied m; (= fall) → Sturz m, → Fall m; a drop of ten feet → ein Höhenunterschied von zehn Fuß; there’s a drop of ten feet down to the ledge → bis zu dem Felsvorsprung geht es zehn Fuß hinunter; it’s a nasty drop → es geht tief hinunter; it was a sheer drop from the top of the cliff into the sea → die Klippen fielen schroff zum Meer ab
= delivery of supplies, arms → Abwurf m; (of drugs etc) → Lieferung f; (= parachute jump) → (Ab)sprung m; the Red Cross made a drop of medical supplies into the flood zone → das Rote Kreuz warf Medikamente über dem Überschwemmungsgebiet ab
of gallows → Falltür f
Theat (also drop curtain) → Vorhang m
= advantage to have the drop on somebody → jdn ausstechen können; to get the drop on somebody → sich (dat) → einen Vorteil gegenüber jdm verschaffen
= sweet → Drops m
= allow to fall → fallen lassen; bomb, supplies, pamphlets, burden → abwerfen; parachutist → absetzen; voice → senken; curtsy → machen; (Knitting) stitch → fallen lassen; (= lower) hemline → herunterlassen; (Theat) curtain → herunterlassen; I dropped my watch → meine Uhr ist runtergefallen; don’t drop it! → lass es nicht fallen!; he dropped his heavy cases on the floor → er setzte or stellte seine schweren Koffer auf dem Boden ab; drop that gun! → lass die Pistole fallen!; to drop a letter in the postbox (Brit) or mailbox (US) → einen Brief einwerfen or in den Briefkasten werfen; the boys dropped their trousers (Brit) or pants → die Jungen ließen ihre Hosen herunter
= set down from car person → absetzen; thing → abliefern; (Comput: after dragging with mouse) → ablegen; (from boat) cargo → löschen
= utter casually remark, name → fallen lassen; clue → geben; hint → machen; he let drop that he was going to get married (by mistake) → es rutschte ihm raus, dass er heiraten wollte (inf); (deliberately) → er erwähnte so nebenbei, dass er heiraten wollte
= send postcard, note, line → schreiben; to drop somebody a note or a line → jdm ein paar Zeilen schreiben
= omit word, reference → auslassen; (deliberately) → weglassen (→ from in +dat); programme → absetzen; this word drops the “e” in the plural → bei diesem Wort fällt das „e“ im Plural weg; the paper refused to drop the story → die Zeitung weigerte sich, die Geschichte fallen zu lassen; he drops his aitches → er verschluckt immer das „h“
= abandon work, habit, lifestyle → aufgeben; idea, plan → fallen lassen, aufgeben; discussion, conversation → abbrechen; candidate, minister, friend → fallen lassen; girlfriend → Schluss machen mit; (Jur) case → niederschlagen; you’ll find it hard to drop the habit → es wird Ihnen schwerfallen, sich (dat) → das abzugewöhnen; you’d better drop the idea → schlagen Sie sich (dat) → das aus dem Kopf; to drop somebody from a team → jdn aus einer Mannschaft nehmen; let’s drop the subject → lassen wir das Thema; let’s drop it! → lassen wir das!; drop it! (inf) → hör auf (damit)!; drop everything (and come here immediately)! (inf) → lass alles stehen und liegen (und komm sofort her)!
= lose money → verlieren, loswerden (inf); she dropped the first three games (Tennis) → sie gab die ersten drei Spiele ab
= give birth to (animal) → werfen
= fall object → (herunter)fallen; (Theat: curtain) → fallen; (rate, temperature etc) → sinken; (wind) → sich legen; (voice) → sich senken; don’t let it drop → lass es nicht fallen; to drop astern (Naut) → zurückfallen; Britain has dropped from fifth to tenth in the league → Großbritannien ist vom fünften auf den zehnten Ligaplatz (zurück)gefallen ? penny, pin
to the ground person → fallen; (= collapse) → umfallen, umkippen (inf); to drop to the ground → sich zu Boden fallen lassen; to drop to one’s knees → auf die Knie fallen or sinken; she dropped into an armchair → sie sank in einen Sessel, sie ließ sich in einen Sessel fallen; I’m ready to drop (inf) → ich bin zum Umfallen müde (inf); she danced till she dropped (inf) → sie tanzte bis zum Umfallen (inf) → or Gehtnichtmehr (inf); to drop dead → tot umfallen; drop dead! (inf, expressing contempt) → geh zum Teufel! (inf); small businesses were dropping like flies in the recession (inf) → während der Rezession gingen kleine Geschäfte massenweise ein (inf)
? drop across or around vi (inf) → vorbeikommen/-gehen; we dropped around to see him → wir sind bei ihm vorbeigegangen; drop around and see us some time → kommen Sie doch mal (bei uns) vorbei
? drop away vi
? drop back vi → zurückfallen
? drop behind vi → zurückfallen vi +prep obj to drop behind somebody → hinter jdn zurückfallen
? drop by vi (inf) → vorbeikommen, hereinschauen
? drop down vi (= fall) → herunterfallen; he dropped down behind the hedge → er duckte sich hinter die Hecke; he dropped down onto his knees → er sank in or fiel auf die Knie; to drop down dead → tot umfallen; the cliffs drop down to the sea → die Klippen fallen jäh or steil zum Meer (hin) ab; he has dropped down to eighth overall → er ist insgesamt auf den achten Platz zurückgefallen vt sep → fallen lassen
? drop in vi (inf: = visit casually) → vorbeikommen, hereinschauen; I’ve just dropped in for a minute → ich wollte nur mal kurz hereinschauen; drop in on the Smiths → schauen Sie doch mal bei den Smiths herein; to drop in at the pub → der Kneipe (dat) → einen Besuch abstatten
? drop off vi
? drop out vi
? drop over vi (inf) = drop across
? drop across or around vi (inf) → vorbeikommen/-gehen; we dropped around to see him → wir sind bei ihm vorbeigegangen; drop around and see us some time → kommen Sie doch mal (bei uns) vorbei
? drop away vi
(= become fewer: numbers) people have been dropping away at recent meetings → in letzter Zeit sind immer weniger Leute zu den Versammlungen gekommen
? drop back vi → zurückfallen
? drop behind vi → zurückfallen vi +prep obj to drop behind somebody → hinter jdn zurückfallen
? drop by vi (inf) → vorbeikommen, hereinschauen
? drop down vi (= fall) → herunterfallen; he dropped down behind the hedge → er duckte sich hinter die Hecke; he dropped down onto his knees → er sank in or fiel auf die Knie; to drop down dead → tot umfallen; the cliffs drop down to the sea → die Klippen fallen jäh or steil zum Meer (hin) ab; he has dropped down to eighth overall → er ist insgesamt auf den achten Platz zurückgefallen vt sep → fallen lassen
? drop in vi (inf: = visit casually) → vorbeikommen, hereinschauen; I’ve just dropped in for a minute → ich wollte nur mal kurz hereinschauen; drop in on the Smiths → schauen Sie doch mal bei den Smiths herein; to drop in at the pub → der Kneipe (dat) → einen Besuch abstatten
? drop off vi
(sales) → zurückgehen; (speed, interest, popularity) → nachlassen, zurückgehen
vt sep (= set down from car etc) person → absetzen; parcel → abliefern ? drop out vi
(of box etc) → herausfallen (of aus)
(from competition etc) → ausscheiden (of aus); to drop out of a race (before it) → an einem Rennen nicht teilnehmen; (during it) → aus dem Rennen ausscheiden; he dropped out of the philosophy course → er gab den Kurs in Philosophie auf; to drop out of society → aus der Gesellschaft aussteigen (inf); to drop out of school (Brit) → die Schule vorzeitig verlassen; (US: out of university) → die Universität vorzeitig verlassen; he decided to drop out → er beschloss auszusteigen (inf)
the “t” drops out → das „t“ fällt weg
? drop over vi (inf) = drop across
:drop ball
n (Ftbl) → Schiedsrichterball m
drop bottom
n → Bodenklappe f
drop ceiling
n → Hängedecke f
drop cloth
n (US: = dust cover) → Staubdecke f
drop curtain
n (Theat) → (Fall)vorhang m
drop-dead gorgeous
adj (inf) → umwerfend (inf)
drop-down menu
n (Comput) → Dropdown-Menü nt
drop forge
vt (Metal) → gesenkschmieden
drop goal
n (Rugby) → Tor nt → durch Dropkick
drop hammer
n → Fallhammer m
drop handlebars
pl → Rennlenker m
drop-in centre
n (Brit) → Tagesstätte f
drop kick
n (Rugby) → Dropkick m
drop-leaf table
n → Tisch m → mit herunterklappbaren Seitenteilen
:drop scene
n (Theat) → (Zwischen)vorhang m
drop seat
n → Klappsitz m
drop shot
n (Tennis) → Stoppball m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
[drɒp]1. n
a. (gen) → goccia; (of wine, tea) → goccio, goccino
drop by drop → goccia a goccia
a drop in the ocean (fig) → una goccia nel mare
he's had a drop too much (fam) → ha bevuto un bicchiere di troppo drops npl (Med) → gocce fpl
lemon drops (sweets) → caramelle fpl al limone
drop by drop → goccia a goccia
a drop in the ocean (fig) → una goccia nel mare
he's had a drop too much (fam) → ha bevuto un bicchiere di troppo drops npl (Med) → gocce fpl
lemon drops (sweets) → caramelle fpl al limone
b. (fall, in price) → calo, ribasso; (in temperature) → abbassamento; (000, in salary) → riduzione f, taglio
a drop of 10% → un calo del 10%
at the drop of a hat → in quattro e quattr'otto
a drop of 10% → un calo del 10%
at the drop of a hat → in quattro e quattr'otto
d. (unloading by parachute, of supplies, arms) → lancio
2. vt
a. (let fall) → far or lasciar cadere; (bomb) → lanciare, sganciare; (liquid) → gocciolare; (stitch) → lasciar cadere; (lower, hemline) → allungare; (price, eyes, voice) → abbassare; (set down from car, object, person) → lasciare; (from boat, cargo, passengers) → sbarcare
to drop anchor → gettare l'ancora
to drop anchor → gettare l'ancora
b. (utter casually, remark, name, clue) → lasciar cadere
to drop a word in sb's ear → dire una parolina nell'orecchio a qn
to drop (sb) a hint about sth → far capire qc (a qn)
to drop a word in sb's ear → dire una parolina nell'orecchio a qn
to drop (sb) a hint about sth → far capire qc (a qn)
d. (omit, word, letter) → dimenticare; (aitches) → omettere, non pronunciare; (intentionally, person) → escludere; (thing) → omettere
e. (abandon, work) → lasciare; (topic) → lasciar cadere; (idea) → abbandonare; (candidate) → escludere; (boyfriend, girlfriend) → piantare
let's drop the subject → lasciamo perdere
drop it! (fam) (subject) → piantala! (gun) → buttalo!
let's drop the subject → lasciamo perdere
drop it! (fam) (subject) → piantala! (gun) → buttalo!
f. (lose, money, game) → perdere
3. vi
drop back vi + adv → (rallentare per) restare indietro
he dropped back on purpose → ha rallentato apposta per restare indietro
he dropped back on purpose → ha rallentato apposta per restare indietro
drop behind vi + adv → restare indietro
drop in vi + adv (fam) (visit) to drop in (on) → fare un salto (da), passare (da)
drop off
1. vi + adv
a. (fall asleep) → addormentarsi
drop out vi + adv (contents) → cascar fuori (fig) (from contest) → ritirarsi; (student) → smettere di studiare
to drop out of society/university → abbandonare la società/gli studi universitari
to drop out of society/university → abbandonare la società/gli studi universitari
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(drop) noun1. a small round or pear-shaped blob of liquid, usually falling. a drop of rain.
2. a small quantity (of liquid). If you want more wine, there's a drop left.
3. an act of falling. a drop in temperature.
4. a vertical descent. From the top of the mountain there was a sheer drop of a thousand feet.
verb – past tense, past participle dropped – 1. to let fall, usually accidentally. She dropped a box of pins all over the floor.
2. to fall. The coin dropped through the grating; The cat dropped on to its paws.
3. to give up (a friend, a habit etc). I think she's dropped the idea of going to London.
4. to set down from a car etc. The bus dropped me at the end of the road.
5. to say or write in an informal and casual manner. I'll drop her a note.
ˈdroplet (-lit) noun a tiny drop. droplets of rain.
ˈdroppings noun plural excrement (of animals or birds).
ˈdrop-out noun a person who withdraws, especially from a course at a university etc or the normal life of society.
drop a brick / drop a clanger unknowingly to say or do something extremely tactless.
drop back to slow down; to fall behind. I was at the front of the crowd but I dropped back to speak to Bill.
drop by to visit someone casually and without being invited. I'll drop by at his house on my way home.
drop in to arrive informally to visit someone. Do drop in (on me) if you happen to be passing!
drop off1. to become separated or fall off. The door-handle dropped off; This button dropped off your coat.
2. to fall asleep. I was so tired I dropped off in front of the television.
3. to allow to get off a vehicle. Drop me off at the corner.
drop out (often with of) to withdraw from a group, from a course at university, or from the normal life of society. There are only two of us going to the theatre now Mary has dropped out; She's dropped out of college.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ قَطْرَة, يَسْقُطُ kapka, pokles, poklesnout drop, fald, falde fallen lassen, Tropfen μείωση, πέφτω, στάξιμο caer, caída, descender, descenso, gota, goteo pisara, pudottaa, tippa baisser, chute, goutte kap, kapljica, sniziti calare, calo, goccia しずく, したたり, 落とす (...을) 똑똑 떨어트리다, 물방울, 방울 druppel, scherp dalen, scherpe daling dråpe, drypping, miste kropla, upuścić deixar cair, gota, pingo, queda капля, понижать, снижение dropp, droppe, tappa น้อยลง, ลดลง, หยดน้ำ damla, düşürmek nhỏ giọt, sự sụt giảm, sụt giảm 滴液, 降低Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n. gota; caída;
___ by ___ → gota a gota;
v. dejar caer; [from school] dejar la escuela; caerse.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
n gota; (in level of something being measured) descenso, disminución f, baja; cough — pastilla para la tos; ear drops gotas óticas (form), gotas para los oídos; eye drops colirio, gotas oftálmicas (form), gotas para los ojos; foot — pie caído; ophthalmic drops gotas oftálmicas, colirio; otic drops gotas óticas; wrist — muñeca caída; vi (pret & pp dropped; ger dropping) bajar(se); His sugar dropped..(Se) Le bajó el azúcar.English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.