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that may be dropped; capable of being dropped
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Access to the load bed is very good because the window lifts to reveal a droppable tailgate but I have to say there was a faulty gas strut on the car which did not let it fully rise unless pushed.
McFadden is an un droppable talent but with Owusu-Abeyie on the left wing, in place of the Scotland international, Birmingham had Watford nervously back-peddling every time the pacey Dutch-born Ghanian launched a counter-attack.
Furthermore, the 782nd BSB has tailored these droppable bundles in a matter that allows for a two-man lift into the back of a trailer or variants of the HMMWV guntruck (M1025/MII51/ M 1152, for example).
A Higgins, droppable A-1 lifeboat, painted yellow and called the "Flying Dutchman," was bound by cables to her belly, which were secured to the bomb rack shackles in the bomb bay.
All these droppable names, palanggas, used ramit fabric made by Mangyan weavers using cotton threads on a back-strap loom.
Allardyce shrugged off the incident but has told Rooney that he is not droppable.
"Last year I thought I was droppable from the T20 side because I was not putting in consistent performances.
But it's a big week for Karanka and Boro at Rockliffe Park - and most alarmingly for the Spaniard - too many of his players are making themselves "droppable".