Drop seed

(Bot.) See the List under Glass.

See also: Drop

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
Slightly, if he had an opportunity, would blaze [cut a mark in] the trees, for instance, Curly would drop seeds, and Wendy would leave her handkerchief at some important place.
It was called a check-row planter, and it relied on a length of wire stretched and staked from one end of the field to the other, spooled through the planter, to drop seed kernels at precise distances along each row.
If you let some of the pods fully ripen and drop seed, you'll get volunteers the next year.
However, just the opposite may be true if they remove the best trees and leave the poorer species which will continue to drop seed in the future.
Allow enough time for your introduced flowers to set and then drop seed.
Crimson clover was allowed to naturally regenerate from seed by allowing the plants to mature and drop seed onto the ground.
He is visibly happy as he moves around the place, supervising the construction of seminar structures, conferring with agriculture scientists in helping develop the training curricula, and actually digging his hands into the soil to drop seeds, along with trainees in the garden plots.
Squirrels are known to carry the fruits some distance from lhe parent plant, where they may subsequently drop seeds while handling the whole fruit or leave part of lhe fruit/seeds uneaten (Barlow, 2001; pers.
But other trees (certain varieties of maple, for example) also drop seeds in spring and summer.
Because birds drop seeds, it spreads easily and can become unwanted.