

(Units) the amount contained in a dropper
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Biopure Cocktail (4 dropperful am, 2 dropperful pm) 2.
After carefully examining the supplement fact box and calculating the numbers, I informed him that he actually was receiving 10 mg of CBD per dropperful. Caveat emptor (buyer beware).
Take one dropperful diluted in water three times a day.
Just squeeze a dropperful into your dog's cheek pouch.
Brandt Anti-Oxidant Water Booster, a liquid beauty supplement that's added, a dropperful at a time, to a glass of water in an effort to fight aging skin.
Non-caloric, naturally decaffeinated, alcohol free and easy to use (just one dropperful in cold or hot water is all you need), flavors include Original, Vanilla, Peach, Tropical, Raspberry and Pineapple Coconut.
In a follow-up visit to one unidentified chain pharmacy, researchers found that the computer could not translate such commonly used terms as "dropperful" or "for 30 days."
Weight Infant's Children's Drops Suspension 80mg/0.8 ml 160 mg/5 ml Pounds Dropperful Teaspoon 6-11 1/2 N/A 12-17 1 1/2 18-23 1 1/2 1/2 24-35 2 1 36-47 N/A 1 48-59 N/A 2 60-71 N/A 2 1/2 72-95 N/A 3 [greater than or equal] 95 Use Adult Dosages Weight Children's Capsules & Chewable Tabs 80 mg each Pounds Capsule/Tablet 6-11 N/A 12-17 N/A 18-23 N/A 24-35 2 36-47 1/2 48-59 4 60-71 5 72-95 6 [greater than or equal] 95 Weight Junior Strength Tabs 160 mg each Pounds Chewable tabs or 6-11 Capsule 12-17 N/A 18-23 N/A 24-35 N/A 36-47 3 48-59 2 60-71 2 1/2 72-95 3 [greater than or equal] 95 Ibuprofen dosing chart May be given every 6-8 hours to children over 6 months old.
Wait until the bath tub is full, then add a dropperful (around 40 drops) and swish the water around by hand.
A small dropperful of fresh water from a stream or lake, for example, contains an average 250 million phages.
The 2 treatment groups received twice daily doses of either 1 dropperful (about 4.5 mL) or 2 dropperfuls (about 9 mL) of juice extracted from E purpurea root.