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1. One who casually drops in, as to visit or obtain an appointment.
2. An informal social event.
Provided for short-term use: a drop-in center for runaways.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. Also, dropper-in. a person or thing that pays an unexpected or uninvited visit.
2. a social gathering to which guests pay a brief, informal visit.
3. provided for short-term patronage: a drop-in shelter for the homeless.
4. requiring only insertion to be ready for use: a drop-in film cartridge.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The drop-in events are being held at: June 26 - Brighouse civic Hall, Bradford Road, Brighouse, HD6 1RW.
A SCHEME that enables residents to drop-in for a health check while shopping has been extended.
Right up front I have to tell you, as a custom pistolsmith, I have no love for drop-in parts for either pistols or revolvers, with the exception of a spring kit or two.
At the Chartered Ragged School on Dancztic Street, Lifeshare's Christmas Day drop-in - which has been running for 30 years - is due to welcome in more than 150 people who would otherwise be on the streets.
A NUMBER of drop-in events have been set up to give Calderdale people the chance to have a say on public transport.
Anyone aged over 50, who is a library member and who would like to learn to use the internet and e-mail, can attend weekly drop-in sessions at a cost of pounds 1 an hour.
"Dudley EHC" returns a list of places for free emergency hormonal contraception such as pharmacies, local clinics and drop-in centres, and "Dudley Pregnant" for the DRYC telephone number, which will provide help and advice for women and their partners who think they may be pregnant.
FREE legal advice is being offered to Yarm residents at a series of drop-in sessions being run by a regional firm of solicitors.
Officials behind the proposals began public drop-in sessions last week to scope out residents' opinions.
DROP-IN sessions are being held to give people the chance to discuss plans to co-locate two schools in Redcar and Cleveland.