
Related to dropmaster: ARGCO


1. An individual qualified to prepare, perform acceptance inspection, load, lash, and eject material for airdrop.
2. An aircrew member who, during parachute operations, will relay any required information between pilot and jumpmaster.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
The first automated device, the "Demand Dropmaster", was a research prototype designed by William Forrest and Corbin Farnsworth.
These values are determined by using a contact angle meter (DropMaster 500; Kyowa Interface Science) and associated software (FAMAS).
AG Aviation Gunner AMS Aviation Mission Specialist AVI Avionicsman BA Basic Aircrew DM Dropmaster FE Flight Engineer FM Flight Mechanic FS Flight Surgeon HQBA Qualified Basic Aircrew LM Loadmaster N Navigator R Radio Operator RS Rescue Swimmer SSO Sensor Systems Operator TSO Tactical System Operator
Each unit occupies less than 3.2 cubic feet of space, according to the manufacturer, DropMaster Inc., of Fayetteville, N.C.