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1. US a large cloth or sheet used to protect furniture and carpets from splashes and dust during redecoration. Usual Brit name:: dustsheet
2. (Theatre) another name for drop curtain
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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To keep the meat from becoming contaminated with dirt and leaves, lay a tarp or dropcloth on the ground next to the carcass to stage the cuts of meat.
The kit includes three high-capacity, 6 1/2-inch mini-rollers, a 3-inch sash brush, a heavy-duty plastic dropcloth, a 30-yard roll of masking tape, a microfiber wiping cloth and a stir stick.
canvas dropcloth * Fabric scissors * Printed templates (see sunset.com/desertquilt) * Thick lead pencil * 9- by 12-in.
The panto opens with a splendidlypainted and totally atmospheric back cloth which, with its twisting streets and tall, vaguely sinister houses sloping inwards and with its tiny windows could well have been painted once upon a time as the dropcloth for a stage adaptation of Dickens' Bleak House or Great Expectatations.
The poet "sits dumbly beside him, under / her dropcloth of calm." Now, memories of good sex only make the tyranny worse, and the poet finds herself paralyzed by "the meager patience / I lace myself into." Here is a section of "The Collector":
Behind the light-stand was an enormous dropcloth held up by scaffolding which seemed to have been erected to contain the light spilling out over the scene.
He hurried into his clothes, ate a stale bear claw, hid the shoebox with the remainder of the 10 mill in the attic under a paint-spattered dropcloth and rushed to the car stop.
"Country Coach was one of our big customers," she said, buying things like "rolls and rolls of dropcloth type plastic." Problems in the RV industry made themselves felt at the hardware store, as both the RV makers and the companies that supply them began buying less, Houston said.
At home, we put a dropcloth over the dining table and applied a white undercoat to the coffin.
Stay in your room and tackle an artistic project (dropcloth, please).
Ronay also shows a sculpture consisting of a plastic banana atop an inflated raft on a blue dropcloth crisscrossed with white lines--which, perhaps inadvertently, evokes David Hockney (if we leave out the mock-brick panel with a flaming sconce on an adjacent wall).