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SkyView settings

Linar Yusupov edited this page Aug 7, 2019 · 19 revisions

Display adapter

     e-Paper TTGO T5S                - "SkyView EZ" ;
     e-Paper Waveshare ESP32   - this board ;
     OLED 1                                   - ESP32 DevKit with SPI 2.42" OLED display .

1 - support for this adapter is not fully implemented yet.

Connection type

     Serial                    - wired connection (3.3V logic levels) ;
     WiFi UDP 2           - WiFi wireless connection ;
     Bluetooth SPP 3   - Bluetooth wireless connection .

2 - port 10110 for NMEA, port 4000 for GDL90 ;
3 - this feature is EXPERIMENTAL and may not work as expected.
    In order to use Bluetooth SPP method, you need to build firmware from most recent source code, then update your SkyView EZ unit.


     NMEA    - NMEA-0183 with (some) FLARM extensions ;
     GDL90   - Garmin GDL90 .

Baud rate

Baud rate of Serial connection.


Source WiFi SSID

SSID of Wi-Fi UDP NMEA or GDL90 data server (Access Point).
Typically, the "server" is one of SoftRF Editions. But other sources, such as SkyEcho, PilotAware, Stratux or similar equipment, should also suffice.

Source WiFi PSK

Wi-Fi key to access this server.


     metric    - display and say information in metric system of measurement ;
     imperial - display and say information in imperial system of measurement ;
     mixed     - almost the same as metric, but all the altitudes are in feet .

View mode

An option to choose from two different display views.
Depending on your SkyView hardware, you can change the view in runtime by pressing MODE button.
If your hardware does not have the control button - this view is fixed throughout entire session.

     radar   - radar-alike view. "Scale" navbox gives a value of full span ;
     text     - plain text representation of traffic information .

Radar orientation

     CoG Up    - your aircraft's course over the ground is up ;
     North Up - GNSS North is up .

Zoom level

Initial value of radar view's zoom level (scale factor).
Depending on your SkyView hardware, you can change the zoom level in runtime by using UP and DOWN buttons.
If your hardware does not have control buttons - this zoom level is fixed throughout entire session.


Aircrafts data

Your preferable database for decoding unique aircraft's ID code.
This option makes sense only when you've inserted proper memory card in SkyView's micro SD slot.

     auto          - selection is to be made based upon aircraft's NMEA "ID type" value (when available) .

ID preference

When an aircraft's record will be found, "Text view" will show text identification of this aircraft.
You can choose what particular field of the record will be displayed there.
If no any records found - hexadecimal ID value will be shown.

     registration      - registration number of this aircraft ;
     tail/CN             - tail / competition number (when available) ;
     make & model - make and model of the aircraft (when available) .


Voice of audio traffic alerts.
This option makes sense only when you've inserted proper memory card in SkyView's micro SD slot.

     off       - no voice traffic alerts ;
     voice 1 - Male voice ;
     voice 2 - Female voice ;
     voice 3 - Female voice (allegro) .

e-Paper 'ghosts' removal

Periodic full e-Paper screen refresh. Typically takes 1-2 seconds.
It helps to remove residual traces of previous information, so-called 'ghosts'.
'Ghosts' are known to be temperature and UV dependent.

     off                - do not apply this full screen refresh ;
     2 minutes    - enforce full screen refresh every 2 minutes (counter against heavy 'ghosting' effect);
     5 minutes    - enforce full screen refresh every 5 minutes ;
     10 minutes   - enforce full screen refresh every 10 minutes (little or no 'ghosting') .


Below is an illustration of default settings for SkyView firmware rev. 0.9

Backup and restore

To backup your settings - take a screenshot of the WebUI settings page.
To restore your settings - manually set all necessary selectors, buttons and knobs of the WebUI settings page while using earlier saved screenshot as a reference.




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