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PilotAware compatibility

Linar Yusupov edited this page Nov 18, 2017 · 11 revisions


The test unit has SoftRF LoRa module connected.
A picture of the module (purple) in comparison with NRF905 (green):

The link partner is a DIY PilotAware "bridge" been temporarily built on top of a Stratux assembly.
Instead of purchasing a commercial PilotAware Bridge I've made my own by using NiceRF SV610 and MPL3115A2 (baro) modules being connected to Raspberry Pi 2 with jumper wires.
SV610 is a low Tx-power (100mW) version of the SV650 (400mW CE) module which is actually in use by genuine PilotAware Bridge.


Test SoftRF unit has F7FB35 device ID and is configured to communicate in accordance with P3I Open protocol:

The Raspberry PI is driven by PilotAware-OGN software that was downloaded using this reference page:

PilotAware-OGN sits on top of a locally deployed OGN station installation (ogn-rf + ogn-decode).

It is using PilotAware Bridge hardware (in Rx) to catch PAW traffic and OGN-SDR to catch FLARM/OGN one. It is also using the PilotAware Bridge Tx-capability to uplink OGN local traffic data for local PAW traffic.

When the PilotAware-OGN is running normally, it typically looks like this:

PilotAware-OGN is having a built-in webserver and is listening on port number 8082.
Here is how the status page looks like:

You can see on the picture above that the PilotAware-OGN has registered three local reporting stations.

  • first one of them (ID 33484F) - is a DIY OGN tracker ;
  • second one (ID F7FB35) is a SoftRF unit running in PilotAware mode ;
  • and the third one (ID FCA567) - is another SoftRF unit running in "Legacy" (FLARM) mode.

And when I open live tracking page of the OGN site - I can see all these three different objects simultaneously:




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