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У розвідці проаналізовано особливості розвитку й різновиди напівпрезиденталізму в Україні упродовж 1991-2015 років, окреслено інституційні патерни різних сценаріїв напівпрезиденталізму в Україні, детерміновано формальні та фактичні... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesUkrainian PoliticsSemi-presidentialismGoverment
Presentación clase de políticas públicas.
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      Colombian PoliticsEstado y políticas públicasGovermentCiencia Política Y Administración Pública
Any space needs to be conceptualized by thorough study of environment, its surroundings and community needs. These spaces are planned to provide a distinct function but many spaces are created with no definite function and are used as a... more
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Awal munculnya isu pengelolaan sampah pasar ini dimulai dari adanya problem kebersihan, keteraturan, kenyamanan, dan keamanan untuk berbelanja di pasar tradisional, yang berkembang di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Adapun problem isu di sini,... more
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      GovermentPublic Policy
Sandoval, E (1993). Migración e Identidad. Experiencias del exilio. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. México
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      Political SociologyLatin American StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesMigration Studies
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constituciones del peru
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Over the past two decades, the automotive industry has aggressively researched ways to exploit modern computing and electronic advances in the development of safety, reliability, and entertainment technologies for vehicles. With drivers... more
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RESUMO Este artigo científico tem como objetivo investigar se o poder público está gerenciando corretamente as situações de crise ocasionadas por deslizamentos de terra devido à chuva em Manaus. Para isso foram estabelecidos alguns... more
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      CommunicationCrisis ManagementLandslidesGoverment
Karya Ilmiah IPDN Kampus Kalimantan Barat
Nindya Praja Angkatan XXV
Penyusun :
1. Habrianto Toliango
2. A. Ibnoe Ramadhani AD. AR.
3. Dimas Sulthon U. Lubis
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      Good GovernanceGovermentTata Kelola Pemerintahan yang Baik dan Bersih
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      Organizational BehaviorManagementSociologyCriminology
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      Political EconomicsGovermentCurrency
Демократический лидер Эфиальт - фигура в истории трагическая, но не только из-за своей трагической гибели. Он смог декретом отнять права у Совета Ареопага, однако, как оказалось, сама афинская демократия не сумела обойтись без старинного... more
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      Criminal JusticeReligion and PoliticsAthenian DemocracyPolitical Violence
laporan aktualisasi nilai-nilai dasar ANEKA pada sub bidang perencanaan evaluasi dan pelaporan di dinas pendidikan pemuda olahraga pariwisata dan kebudayaan sebagai tugas akhir diklat prajabatan
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*"insight into emerging concepts of rights and a global perspective of successes and failures in civil rights movements." -- Book News, 2007. Human and Civil Rights: Essential Primary Sources provides insight into two centuries of... more
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      Human RightsCivil RightsGoverment
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The process of determining required and specifiable characteristics of a concrete mixture is called mix design. Characteristics can include: (1) fresh concrete properties; (2) required mechanical properties of hardened concrete such as... more
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      Civil EngineeringPublic AdministrationStructural EngineeringGoverment
John Locke (1632-1704) lived during a dynamic time in English history. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) contributed philosophy to a burgeoning time in France’s history. During the 18th century, Enlightenment philosophers like Locke and... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical ScienceJohn LockeJean-Jacques Rousseau
Özet: Kültür, geniş kapsamının yanında indirgemeci özelliği yüzünden tanımlaması zor bu kavramdır. Kelimenin anlamı üzerine ortaya atılan görüşlerin yanında kavramla ilgili tespitler ve yorumların ortaya atıldığı, bunlara yeni görüşlerin... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSociology of CultureCulture
Public service (public service) is one manifestation of the functions of the state apparatus as a public servant, public service meant to prosper their community or country. A professional public service, it means that the public service... more
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      Civil LawPublic AdministrationAdministrative LawPublic Services
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Technological achievements of the 21th century has affected all aspects of social, political, cultural, Educational, and religious. In the field of education, education reform must be done in order to remain relevant to contemporary... more
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En el presente apartado se tratan distintas cuestiones relacionadas con la adopción de las tecnologías de información dentro del Estado. Pero no pretende ser para nada un documento técnico, de hecho no lo es. Por el contrario, fue escrito... more
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      ManagementInformation TechnologyTechnologyGoverment
Este ensayo entonces, es escrito en el marco de la investigación: Políticas públicas y gobierno público en Medellín, estrategias de consolidación del derecho público con perspectiva territorial. Esta Investigación es desarrollada por el... more
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      Políticas PúblicasGovermentPolitics and Public PolicyGobierno
Bu eğitim programında Facebook ve Instagram'da siyasetle ilgili reklam yayınlamak isteyenlerin tamamlaması gereken adımlar açıklandı. Konuyla ilgili destek alınabilecek kanallar paylaşıldı. 2 Eylül 2020 Çarşamba günü saat 16:00 - 17:30... more
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      Digital Media & LearningFacebookFacebook StudiesGoverment
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      The InternetLocal Goverment and Local DevelopmentGoverment
Devrim sonrasında İran’da tesis edilen dine dayalı devlet anlayışı hazırlanan anayasayla kurumsal bir kimlik kazanmıştır. Din adamlarından oluşan İranlı yönetici elitler, klasik İslam devleti anlayışını modern devlet yapısına uyarlamaya... more
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      Iranian StudiesPoliticsGoverment
The environmental damage in Kalimantan from year to year is getting worse. It is not just a problem for the people of Kalimantan, but this is a national issue and a problem for all parties. Natural disasters that occur, such as smog,... more
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      Disaster ManagementEnviromental StudiesCivil SocietyGoverment
The cultivable land is decreasing continue due to infrastructure development in the form of buildings, roads, canals, parks etc. This all is happening only for growing populations of the country. The land is shrinking and depleting water... more
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      IndiaGovermentSocio-economic impact of culture on farmersIndian Agriculture
52 Sayfa
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Sejarah penyelenggaraan otonomi daerah sejak Indonesia merdeka diwarnai dengan tarik ulur besaran kewenangan penyelenggaraan urusan pemerintahan antara pemerintah pusat dan daerah, serta pemerintah provinsi dan pemerintah kabupaten/kota.... more
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      GovernanceLocal Goverment and Local DevelopmentGovermentPemerintah Daerah
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      Constitutional LawEast AfricaTanzaniaConstitutional Politics
come il Governo Italiano sta comunicando in questa crisi e perché'
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      CommunicationMass CommunicationPoliticsManipulation
Nasionalisme dapat saja menjadi substitusi bagi suatu "negara dunia", apabila didudukkan sebagai proses konvergensi yang bergerak dari bawah; dalam arti bahwa penemuan identitas nasional melalui nasionalisme tidak semata diperlakukan... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryViolence
Memberi kesedaran pada masyarakat untuk berkebun secara berkolompok, berkerjasama dan bergotong royong dalam menjaga tanaman.
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      Event ManagementGoverment
Bu çalışmada yönetişim ve mobilizasyon kavramları ile bu kavramların ilk ne zaman ortaya çıktığı ve birlikte kullanımı incelenmiştir.
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      Social SciencesPolitical ScienceGovernancePolitical Mobilization
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The state of the Horthy era 1919–1944
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      20th century (History)Parliamentary HistorySuffrageGoverment
Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat (LKPP) adalah laporan pertanggungjawaban pelaksanaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara yang disusun sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Pemerintah. LKPP diterbitkan setiap tahun, dan pertama kali... more
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      E-GovernmentReconciliationPublic Sector AccountabilityFinancial Statement
Los últimos años hemos asistido a un momento convulso en la política española. La crisis económica, el ciclo de protestas iniciado el año 2011 y la emergencia de nuevos partidos políticos han marcado un periodo caracterizado por el... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical ParticipationPolitical PartiesPolitical Theory
An opinion about Christian Values in Public Schools
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      GovermentChristian Values
In this article, I propose a new framework for understanding the administrative structure of France under Philip IV. I focus on baillis and seneschals, who were two types of major officials governing local districts (bailliages or... more
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      French HistoryMedieval HistoryGovernanceState Formation
A fines del año 2015, con el inicio el gobierno de Mauricio Macri, emerge un nuevo discurso público que destaca el rol del sector privado como el factor dinamizador del crecimiento económico del pais. “Lluvia de inversiones”, “segundo... more
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      SociologyPublic AdministrationCommunicationPublic Opinion
Aquí argumentamos que si bien la falta de un partido institucionalizado fue un activo durante la campaña para que Humala pudiera convertirse rápidamente en una suerte de socialdemócrata latinoamericano, esto se convierte en un pasivo para... more
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      Political PartiesPeruSocial InclusionSocial Inequality
RESUMEN Este artículo es una revisión del devenir político peruano durante el 2013. El Perú es una democracia sin partidos sostenida en un Estado débil, lo que si bien limita la capacidad de los políticos para establecer vínculos... more
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      Political PartiesLatin American politicsPeruDemocracy
*En la presente comunicación se plantea un análisis sobre las complejas y nada explicitas relaciones de poder, connivencia, y penetración en estructuras e instituciones que se desarrollan en el África subsahariana entre los gobiernos,... more
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The purpose of this research is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current forms of cooperation between government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in emergency management in the Czech Republic, while presenting a... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Voluntary AssociationsEmergency Management