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      Social PsychologyCommunicationAdvertising And Social CulturePublic Relations
У овом раду полазим од две методолошке претпоставке: 1) Култура се може очитати из језика; 2) Култура је целина, те се може објективно испитати само огледањем с другом целином. Полазећи од лексике, примењујем широку филолошку методологију... more
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      Public OpinionEtymologyEschatology and ApocalypticismLanguage and Culture
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      RoboticsManipulationAuvROBOTIC GRIPPER
Viewing the consumer as an active, skeptical reader of the persuasion attempt is an emerging perspective in advertising research. This perspective suggests that a consumer's recognition of an emotional ''tactic'' in an ad can have a... more
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Resumo: Este artigo pretende refletir acerca dos desafios educacionais levantados pelo poder da fotografia. Traça-se um contexto histórico e cultural em torno da invenção da fotografia, abordando a sua receptividade, a sua capacidade de... more
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      AnthropologyVisual StudiesEducationVisual Anthropology
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      PropagandaMediaSocial ControlManipulation
It is important to study language as a tool used by managers to Influence and control their; subordinates with their assertion of power. Language is ideological as speakers can use linguistic strategies to empower themselves while... more
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      RhetoricLanguages and LinguisticsPowerManipulation
Media image of reality. Empirical research conducted over decades has proven unequivocally that the media affects its audience. Depending on the decade and the existing paradigm, a broader or narrower scope for potential impact is... more
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      Media StudiesAgenda-setting TheoryMedia ResearchFraming
The article is focused on social causes of using provocations in advertising as tools of impact, consideration and comparison of provocative advertising and advertising with provocations. Analysis of main features of advertising with... more
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This paper illuminates one important worry about manipulation in education.
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      Philosophy of EducationManipulation
— For many tasks, tactile or visual feedback is helpful or even crucial. However, designing controllers that take such high-dimensional feedback into account is non-trivial. Therefore, robots should be able to learn tactile skills through... more
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      RoboticsReinforcement LearningMachine LearningNeural Networks
The media world cannot escape a kind of the "introspection", showing the ways mass media function, how they influence the audience, and, in so doing, what methods and techniques are used. Therefore, for almost a hundred years, cinema has... more
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      Media StudiesFilm StudiesMedia EducationMedia Literacy
ÖZET: Doğru ve tam bilgi ile güven, sermaye piyasasının temel yapı taşlarıdır. Güvenin olmadığı bir piyasada yatırım olmaz. Bu sebeple bilgi yatırımcının güvenine ulaşmak için açılan bir yoldur. Yatırımcı güveni ile ihraççının sermaye... more
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      ManipulationKurumsal YönetimSermaye Piyasası Hukukuşeffaflık
Η ρητορική της κυβέρνησης περί του θέματος απλώς αναπαράγει τα πάγια εδώ και δεκαετίες χονδροειδή προπαγανδιστικά στερεότυπα, ιδεολογήματα και δόγματα της αγοραίας νεοφιλελεύθερης «δημοσιογραφίας/δημοσιολογίας». Στερεότυπα που έχουν... more
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      EducationSocial SciencesCreativityResearch Methodology
The key findings of the study are that monopoly power in the stock market can be created and exercised through information-based market manipulation by a strategic trader. Successful execution of manipulation can result in substantial... more
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      Antitrust (Law)ManipulationMarket Risk
Utilizzare un linguaggio proprio, evitare di appiattire le possibilità espressive, e decifrare i linguaggi e i messaggi e i testi è sempre la strategia più efficace. Se pensiamo alla comunicazione sui social: la capacità di riconoscere la... more
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      Critical Literacy StudiesCritical LiteracyManipulationTeaching Literature
Öz Yaşamın her anında ve her alanında mitlerin yaygın kullanımı söz konusudur. Mitler, medya sektörü ve reklamcılık gibi iletişimsel alanların yanı sıra, kendi özünü oluşturan astroloji tarafından da kullanılmaktadır. Astrologlar, gökyüzü... more
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      Media StudiesIdentity (Culture)HegemonyMitology
In this paper I will attempt to examine cases of emotional appropriation and manipulation within a political context as portrayed in the classical myth of Theseus and the Labyrinth which, I propose, serves as a model for Suzanne Collins’... more
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      Dystopian LiteratureEmotionsGreek Mythology and RitesMyth Criticism
Resumen En el tiempo presente en el que la posverdad, como manipulación, se presenta como un hecho inevitable, es necesario incluir en la educación de las nuevas generaciones los contenidos y habilidades que los preparen para hacer frente... more
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      Teacher EducationScience EducationEmotional intelligenceEducational Psychology
La identidad cultural designa propiamente una cultura en el sentido antropológico del sistema social como un todo, pero en el uso ordinario alude a una serie de rasgos escogidos de forma arbitraria, a los que un grupo humano se adhiere... more
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      ManipulationIdentidad culturalNación, Nacionalismo
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      HistoricismMoral BlameMoral ResponsibilityManipulation
w yobrazić sobie, w jak i sposób w yznaw any paradygm at św iata jak o socjaldarw inow skiej walki, w sparty perspektyw ą spiskologiczną, m oże w płynąć na interpretację w yborów doko nanych w brew oczekiw aniom narodow ców .
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      PropagandaNationalismPolitical propaganda and LiteratureManipulation
The objective of this research is to collect and analyze post-revolutionary rhetoric (including homophobic) related to sexual and gender issues and discursive means available in Armenia, which are being used to target human rights... more
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      GenderManipulationExtreme and Far RightGeorge Soros
Howard Gruber, a founder member of Psychologists for Social Action, reviewed the dissertation. His review, dated May 7, 1978, as Parkovnick (2015) points out, "... is worth quoting in full, as it captures the very essence of the... more
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      Critical TheoryOrganizational BehaviorCultural HistoryPsychology
The subject of this research is the positive provocation, its essence, types, structure, causes, riskiness, as well as the models of positive provocation in sociocultural environment. The object of this research is the provocations, the... more
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      Motivation (Psychology)Social InteractionRisk ManagementEmotional impact
LikeWar – The Weaponization of Social Media touches an ever-interesting topic that has been continuously examined from various aspects in order to appreciate its contribution to freedom of speech, to understand its mechanisms and... more
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      International RelationsTerrorismInternational TerrorismMiddle East Studies
Advanced technologies in the contemporary society enable many social problems to be resolved. However, due to the imperfect nature of social relations in human society, these technologies are very often used against human security and... more
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      European StudiesArtificial IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)International Relations
Докторант, УниБИТ Манипулация и манипулиране: в търсене за определение 1 Увод Вниманието на обществеността по целия свят все повече се насочва към темата за манипулацията и манипулирането. Въпреки че от 2004 година насам се наблюдава... more
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    • Manipulation
Yeni teknolojilerin imkanları ölçüsünde ortaya çıkan internet ve modern tekniğin yeni konfigürasyonları olan sosyal medya platformları toplumsal ve politik tartışmaların farklı bir boyut kazanmasına yol açmıştır. Aralık 2010’da Tunus’ta... more
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      New MediaDigital MediaSocial MediaNew Media Studies
A Simple Way To Create Drop Shadow Photoshop In Details It is one kind of effect found in catalogue photographs, advertising images, and web pages. It is called the drop shadow, sometimes called the box shadow. Separate the object from... more
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      PhotographyManipulationPhoto ManipulationImage Editing
The possible harmful effects of advertising in magazines aimed at teenagers have not lost relevance. Thus the aim of this article is to explore the linguistic characteristics used as foregrounding devices in a corpus of English... more
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Implicit communication is an effective way to achieve manipulation. Strategies such as presupposition, implicature, metaphor, vagueness, etc., often allow achieving manipulative communicative moves reducing the receiver’s conscious... more
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      PragmaticsExperimental LinguisticsManipulationImplicit Communication
About the Art of Manipulation According to Roland Barthes Roland Barthes's Mythologies consist of a series of essays on various topics, the most of them speaking about common topics of everyday's life: children's toys, photographs,... more
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      Roland BarthesManipulation
Whether we want to buy a cell phone, rice or a bag of corn, baked cakes, a loaf of bread, whether we click our order, telephone the order, use the mail, or go to a retail store, the transactions, and indeed most economic transactions, are... more
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In recent years, political theorists such as William Connolly, Jane Bennett, Stephen White, and Romand Coles have sought to reinvigorate democratic theory by challenging the boundaries of the political delimited by neo-Kantian and... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryDemocratic TheoryAffect/Emotion
This paper presents some linguistic features of manipulation and deception by analyizing examples from pseudo-scientific texts. There are several contents on the internet that source and credibility is doubtful, and these contents are... more
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      PseudoscienceDigital CommunicationFallaciesLinguistics, Translation, Terminology
İnsan beyninin kapasitesini bir televizyona benzetirsek yaklaşık 300 yıl boyunca devam eden bir televizyon programını hatasız kaydedebilecek bir depo alanı gibi olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Gözden ve kulaktan elde edilen bilginin beyne... more
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      PropagandaHistory Of PropagandaManipulationAlgı Yönetimi
It is important to study language as a tool used by politicians to persuade the public with their assertion of power. In fact language is ideological as speakers can speak in a way that supports their interests. What are the mechanisms... more
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      RhetoricLanguages and LinguisticsPowerManipulation
Abstract: In this article I will be presenting some issues related to the hybrid war. In the competition for taking control of the Black Sea, Russia vs UE and US started a propaganda action to control public opinion. The manipulation has... more
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      Filosofía PolíticaManipulationSocial netoworksStudii De Securitate
This paper looks at Plato's treatment of mimesis in Books 2 and 3 of the Republic to argue for a new way of understanding the political project of the Republic. Far from being an authoritarian treatise designed to create war-like... more
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      AestheticsPlatoMimesisDemocratic Theory
Այս հետազոտության նպատակն է հավաքագրել և վերլուծել հետհեղափոխական Հայաստանում սեռականության և գենդերային հարցերի շուրջ առկա հակագենդերային (ներառյալ հոմոֆոբ) հռետորաբանությունը և դիսկուրսիվ միջոցները, որոնցով թիրախավորում են կանանց և... more
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      PropagandaLGBT IssuesGenderManipulation
Elinizdeki çalışma, Theodor Adorno’nun eleştirel yaklaşımı ışığında bir yandan kültür endüstrisini açımlamaya ve sorgulamaya çalışırken, diğer yandan okuru beğenilerimizi tartışmaya çağırıyor. Kültür endüstrisinin kıskacında yaratılan... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical PhilosophyMarxismSocial Philosophy
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission... more
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      Organizational PsychologyCommunicationOrganizational ChangeOrganizational Culture
Gamification, smarte Technologien und eine persistente digitale Erreichbarkeit führen dazu, dass immer mehr Lebensbereiche mit Aspekten von Spielen angereichert werden. Doch was zeichnet das Spiel eigentlich aus? Und ist es überhaupt... more
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This paper attempts a critical discourse analysis of Orwell's Animal Farm to highlight ploys of manipulation. Animal Farm, a satire on the Russian Revolution, is constructed of three stages: a) animal suffering from human exploitation; b)... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPropagandaGeorge OrwellCritical Discourse Analysis
This paper aims to discuss the main aspects and terminological issues of the phenomenon of manipulation through language and its similarities and differences to concepts such as persuasion, propaganda, indoctrination or agitation. The... more
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