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Adrian Quintana edited this page Dec 11, 2017 · 1 revision



This program allows you to randomly split a selfile in any number of equally sized output selfiles. Only active entries in the input file will be written to the output files.


$ selfile_split ...


  • `` Input selfile to be split in parts
  • -n [int2] = Number of selfiles in which to split the input one
  • -o [rootnameinputroot] = Output rootname. Output selfiles will be calledrootname_[n].sel
  • `` Do not randomize the output selfiles but produce contiguous chunks

Examples and notes

A common use of this program may be to randomly divide a data set in 2 equal parts in order to subsequently calculate the resolution of the two corresponding reconstructions or average images (using resolution). In that case, the syntax would simply be:

$ selfile_split -i filename.sel

And the program would output 2 equally big selfiles calledfilename_1.sel andfilename_2.sel, together containing all active images in the input selfile.

--Main.AlfredoSolano - 16 Jan 2007

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