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Adrian Quintana edited this page Dec 11, 2017 · 1 revision

!xmipp_mlf_refine3d (v3.0)


Separate structurally heterogenous data sets into homogeneous classes by a multi-reference 3D-angular refinement using a maximum-likelihood(ML) target function.


$: Metadata or stack with input images $`--nref <int`1> $`--ref <reference_file`> $`--oroot <rootname`mlf2d> $: Also check mirror image of each reference $--thr <N1> $--iem <blocks1> $--no_ctf <pixel_size1> $--ang <float10>

ML additional options: $--eps &lt;float5e-5> $--iter &lt;int25> $--psi_step &lt;float5.> $--noise &lt;float1> $--offset &lt;float3.> $--frac &lt;docfile> $-C &lt;double1e-12> $: Kick-start the fast algorithm from all-zero offsets $: Do not re-estimate the standard deviation in the pixel noise $: Do not re-estimate the standard deviation in the origin offsets $: Do not re-estimate the model fractions $--student &lt;df6> =: Use t-distributed instead of Gaussian model for the noise df Degrees of freedom for the t-distribution: Refined normalization parameters for each particle $: Save memory A(deprecated) $: Save memory B(deprecated) $--search_shift &lt;int3> $--reduce_snr &lt;factor1> $: Use this if the experimental images have not been phase flipped $: Use this if the references (-ref) are not CTF-deconvoluted $--limit_resolution &lt;first_high0> <high=0> <low=999> $--fix_high &lt;float-1> $``:

Additional options: $--recons &lt;recons_typewlsART> where <recons_type> can be:

    • $: Start wlsART reconstructions from all-zero volumes $`--sym &lt;symfile`c1&gt; $`--low_pass &lt;freq`-1&gt; $`--sym_mask &lt;maskfile`&gt; $`--tilt &lt;min`-91.&gt; &lt;max=91.&gt; $: Randomly perturb reference projection directions

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