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Adrian Quintana edited this page Dec 11, 2017 · 1 revision

Protocols Log File

The protocols keep a compressive log system that records all the xmipp commands executed plus some debugging information. By default the log files are located at %ProjDir/Logs, the name of the file is composed by the preffix "protocol" followed by the $WorkDirectory and finally the "log" extension is added (i.e.protocol_projmatch_prueba_5.log). The log file contains one line per command executed, in each line the following information is stored

  • execution time and date

  • levels of importance associated with the message. The default levels provided are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING and ERROR. DEBUG is reserved for the extra detailed information that is only useful for programmers, INFO are descriptive messages that allow the user to know in each moment what underliying xmipp program has been executed and with which parameters, WARNING and ERROR refers to potentially critical situations and to non recoverable situations respectively.

  • line of the python script executed

  • free text usually identical to the executed command

(2007-09-12 12:46:23,622) DEBUG ( 529) Debug level logging enabled
(2007-09-12 12:46:23,622) INFO ( 540) Skipped[[DoDeleteWorkingDir]]
(2007-09-12 12:46:23,623) INFO ( 771) Create working directory /gpfs/projects/AB0001001/protocols/Phantom/ProjMatch/wiefg_2
(2007-09-12 12:55:25,176) INFO ( 788) copy files to local directory
(2007-09-12 12:55:25,719) INFO ( 587) ITERATION: 1
(2007-09-12 12:55:25,727) INFO ( 799) xmipp_header_reset -i /gpfs/projects/AB0001001/protocols/Phantom/ProjMatch/wiefg_2/wiefg.sel
(2007-09-12 13:09:07,510) INFO ( 771) Create working directory /gpfs/projects/AB0001001/protocols/Phantom/ProjMatch/wiefg_2/Iter_1
(2007-09-12 13:09:07,535) DEBUG ( 606) save original header in file: docfile_with_original_angles.doc
(2007-09-12 13:09:07,535) INFO ( 607) xmipp_header_extract -i /gpfs/projects/AB0001001/protocols/Phantom/ProjMatch/wiefg_2/wiefg.sel -o docfile_with_original_angles.doc

--Main.RobertoMarabini - 08 Oct 2007

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