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Adrian Quintana edited this page Dec 11, 2017 · 1 revision



This utility scales an image or volume to a given size. A selection file can also be scaled and then all images/volumes in the selfile are scaled to the desired size.


$ scale -i ...


  • __OR__ Scale a single file

  • __OR__ If no output file is given, then the input one is rewritten

  • `` Scale of a bunch of files

  • `` If no output extension is given, then the input ones are rewritten.

  • `` Do not produce on screen information

  • `` Output dimension along X axis

  • -ydim [new Ynew X] = Output dimension along Y axis. If it is not given, it is assumed to be the same as the X one

  • -zdim [new Znew X] = Output dimension along Z axis. If it is not given, it is assumed to be the same as the X one

  • `` Scale factor, e.g., to reduce the image to an 80% of the original size, give 0.8. To enlarge the images, use a factor greater than 1

Examples and Notes

Scale a single image, overwriting input images

$ scale -i g0ta0001.xmp -xdim 32 -ydim 64

Scale a selfile, a new extension is given to output images, ie, if input images are of the like ofg0ta0001.xmp, then the output ones will beg0ta0001.rev. All images are scaled to square 32x32 images

$ scale -i g0ta.sel -oext rev -xdim 32 

Scale a selfile to an 80% of its original size

$ scale -i g0ta.sel -oext rev -factor 0.8

--Main.AlfredoSolano - 18 Jan 2007

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