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Adrian Quintana edited this page Dec 11, 2017 · 1 revision



Display several plots using gnuplot. To move from one plot to the next one press return. This script was originally developed to visualize the CTF estimations given by the program assign_CTF.

This script was created to add wildcard capability to gnuplot. In particular, when plotting several files we want to replace the repetition of the same command per each input file

$ gnuplot> plot 'data001.dat' u 1:5
$ gnuplot> plot 'data002.dat' u 1:5
$ gnuplot> plot 'data095.dat' u 1:5 


$ gnuplot> plot 'data0*.dat' u 1:5

The solution has been to write a script that creates the long command line. This script produces a file that may be loaded by gnuplot using the command

$ gnuplot file_name


$ gnuplot> load "file_name"


$ gnuplot_mplot  x_column y1_column y2_column [file name]

Where the[file name] admits wildcards, i.e., the characters? and =*=. The[file name] refers to the ASCII file/s containing the data andx_column is the column with thex coordinates whiley1_column,y2_column are they1 andy2 columns (see input file example bellow)

Examples and notes

Data File example:

# freq gaus ctf2
0.101562 0.0275985 2.7502  3.00159
0.103516 0.0281292 2.65914 2.82368
0.105469 0.02866   2.56548 2.6486
0.107422 0.0291907 2.46446 2.50673
0.109375 0.0297215 2.36624 2.37351
0.111328 0.0302522 2.27119 2.26183
0.113281 0.0307829 2.17829 2.17993
0.115234 0.0313137 2.09042 2.07974
0.117188 0.0318444 2.00525 2.01272
0.119141 0.0323752 1.92695 1.9259
0.121094 0.0329059 1.85569 1.86493
0.123047 0.0334367 1.79342 1.80312
0.125    0.0339674 1.74001 1.74423

To plot the colums 3 (y1) and 4 (y2) versus the 1 (x) of all the files namedc564a_tif_ip_ctf000??_model_radial.txt

$ gnuplot_mplot.bat 1 3 4 c564a_tif_ip_ctf000??_model_radial.txt >> kk
$ gnuplot kk

  • This program is a script file. It does assume that the csh shell is at/bin/csh, if this is not the case you will need to edit the script file an add the right path tocsh

--Main.AlfredoSolano - 30 Jan 2007

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