

Suggesting a Correction to the Catalogue

Z39.50 Connection Details

Host name:

Port: 1921

Name of Database: 972NNL_INST

User name: z39

Password: z39

We support the following record syntaxes:


The following attributes are supported by Alma:

Term (1016, 1017); Author (1, 1003, 1004); Subject (21); Title (4); ISBN (7); ISSN (8); Date (31); Identifier (12); OCLC Number (1211).​​

​For general information about the Z39.50 protocol, see here

​Other Alma customers, see Ex Libris configuration information to add NLI as a resource

ULI – Union List of Israel

The Union List of Israel (ULI) is a public online catalog containing approximately 9 million bibliographic records. The records in ULI are based on the catalogs of the leading research libraries in Israel, including all university libraries, most college libraries, as well as some other major libraries.

Most of the records in the catalog describe classic library materials i.e., books, journals, theses and other print and electronic publications. However, it also contains records for other material types such as audio and video recordings, music scores, maps and more. ULI allows users to locate holdings of all member libraries and connect to the local library catalogs, where they can check the availability and location of an item.

ULI is managed by the National Library of Israel (NLI). Records from the member libraries are automatically sent to NLI where they are ingested and processed to create preferred records for each resource.

To search ULI

For more information on ULI (in Hebrew)