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(Placename) the English name for La Coruña
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


[kəˈrʌnə] NLa Coruña
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Five minutes after, the commander called the second lieutenant, who returned immediately, ordering the head to be put towards Corunna. Whilst this order was being executed, Aramis reappeared upon the deck, and took a seat near the bastingage .
He led his troops through the mountains in the Galicia region towards the Spanish port of Corunna.
The company benefits from low-cost feedstock at the Geismar, Louisiana, Joffre, Alberta and Corunna, Ontario sites after converting the Corunna cracker to 100% ethane feedstock capability.
Costa Award-winning novelist Andrew Miller's latest offering is set in 1809, in the aftermath of the British Army's chaotic and brutal retreat to Corunna at the start of the Peninsular War.
FICTION NOW WE SHALL BE ENTIRELY FREE by Andrew Miller SCEPTRE, HARDBACK PS18.99, EBOOK PS12.99 HHHH H COSTA AWARDWINNING novelist Andrew Miller's latest offering is set in 1809, in the aftermath of the British Army's chaotic and brutal retreat to Corunna at the start of the Peninsular War.
NOW WE SHALL BE ENTIRELY FREE by Andrew Miller, Sceptre, PS18.99 (ebook PS12.99) HHHH H COSTA Award-winning novelist Andrew Miller's latest offering is set in 1809, in the aftermath of the British Army's chaotic and brutal retreat to Corunna at the start of the Peninsular War.
George Orwell remarked that though there are no popular poems about British victories at Trafalgar or Waterloo, there were plenty to celebrate Sir John Moore's retreat to Corunna during the Peninsular War, and his death there.
The agency operated here until it was moved to the current location of 6045 Corunna Road in Flint.
The company operates three manufacturing facilities located in Clifford, Corunna and Owosso, Michigan.
In between the troops from Corunna Company, 2nd Battalion The Yorkshire Regiment, walked through every National Park and Area of Outstanding Beauty in the North.