
(redirected from CORVA)
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(Biography) Baron. See (Frederick William) Rolfe
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
But if you would like to take service with the old witch Corva, go straight up the little stream which flows below my hut for about three hours, and you will come to a sand-hill on the left-hand side; that is where she lives.'
While he was riding over the heath in the highest of spirits the mare suddenly said to her rider: 'You are the first person who has ever succeeded in outwitting the old witch Corva, and now you may ask what reward you like for your service.
Of course the cunning Corva will do her best to dissuade you from taking the foal, and will tell you that it is both idle and sickly; but do not believe her, and stick to your point.'
This time Corva received him in the most friendly manner, and set a sumptuous repast before him.
The data and real-time analytics that we receive from Corva have been an important tool to Diamondback as we continue to drive drilling performance and reduce capital costs," said Mike Hollis, President and COO of Diamondback Energy.
Corva, P., Soria, L., Schor, A., Villarreal, E., Cenci, M.P., Motter, M., Mezzadra, C., Melucci, L., Miquel, C., Pavan, E., Depetris, D., Santini, F.
(9) Dos buenos ejemplos de trabajos que abordan aspectos administrativos de la organizacion politica y territorial y del funcionamiento interno de las instancias judiciales son los de Ines Sanjurjo, La organizacion politico administrativa de la campana mendocina en el transito del Antiguo Regimen al orden liberal (Buenos Aires: INHIDE, 2004); Maria Angelica Corva, Constituir el gobierno, afianzar la justicia.