

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a joint ruler
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Among the 104 representatives the bishops laud are such anticorruption exemplars as Mikey Arroyo, Rudy Antonino and Mitos Magsaysay, defenders of the corruption-stained Arroyo administration; JV Ejercito, defender of the plunderous Estrada administration; and Imelda Marcos, defender and conjugal coruler of the Marcos dictatorship.
Neptune in Aquarius forges an excellent angle with your coruler Saturn.
(19.) Antiochus I started as coruler with his father Seleucus I from at least SE18.08.01 = 18 November 294 B.C.
However, your coruler, Saturn continues to twist backwards in your sector of relating which could mean a fresh start.
He returns her to the palace, reveals his identity, and compels her to abandon her girlishness and accept her position as coruler of Egypt (with Ptolemy Dionysus, her brother).
The influence of your coruler, Uranus, suggests that sometimes you can be a tad unpredictable.
In accordance with a treaty drawn up between the two peoples, Romulus accepted the Sabine king Titus Tatius as his coruler. Titus Tatius' early death left Romulus sole king again, and after a long rule he mysteriously disappeared in a storm.