Ruske podmornice


Ruske podmornice

  • Pridružio: 06 Avg 2013
  • Poruke: 1708

Napisano: 25 Sep 2014 9:32

Bilo je o tome price 10ak strana unazad. Koliko me secanje sluzi, ta podmornica je u ocajnom stanju(iako je remont uradjen negde oko 2007e). Rusi su je vratili Ukrajincima jer im ne predstavlja problem.
Djox-ov komentar

Dopuna: 25 Sep 2014 9:38

Ta podmornica je stara 44godine, tako da je mogu, i Rusi i Ukrajinci pokloniti Velikom vodji za borbu protiv okupatora Very Happy

Dopuna: 26 Sep 2014 9:29

Siriuse pomagaj
A narocito oko ovog dokumentarca
Na ovaj dokumentarac sam naleteo jos na forumu Opera ruski film, gde mislim da si bio prisutan dok ga nisu ukinuli i prebacili na drugi sajt. Koliko me secanje sluzi ovaj dokumentarac govori o Sovjetskoj podmornici koja je isplovila na par kilometara od americkog NA u doba vrhunca Kubanske krize.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24222


U zadnjem dokumentarcu se pominje podmornica K-324 i njen slucaj u jesen 1983 g ,ne tokom Kubanske krize .

Imala je vise incidenata

Citat:In 1981, the K-324 collided with an unidentified American submarine of the Sturgeon class, purportedly USS Drum, in the Peter the Great Bay, not far from Vladivostok. The submarine was heavily damaged, to all reports. The United States government denied any of their submarines were in the area, and no US submarine reported any damage during that time period, but the Soviets reported none of their submarines were in the Bay aside from K-324.

Citat:On October 31, 1983, the K-324 snagged the frigate USS McCloy's towed sonar array cabl 282 miles west of Bermuda, causing damage to the submarine's propeller. The submarine was towed to Cienfuegos, Cuba for repairs by a Soviet salvage ship beginning on November 5.Soviet technicians recovered some parts of McCloy´s array.


  • Pridružio: 06 Avg 2013
  • Poruke: 1708

Napisano: 27 Sep 2014 19:06

Mala dopuna na koju sam naleteo
A Victor III submarine similar to the K-324.

When the first ultra-quiet soviet nuclear-powered hunter/killer attack submarine, code-named Victor I by NATO, rolled down the ramp at the Admiralty yard in Leningrad in 1968, the U.S. Navy lifted a concerned eyebrow. Sixteen of the Victors splashed into the sea through 1975. By 1978, Seven Victor II submarines were added to the Soviet fleet, each carrying sixteen Stallion cruise missiles that could scream through the air at Mach 1.5 and destroy targets seventy-five miles away. Crews quickly manned battle stations whenever a Victor II was detected anywhere near a U.S. warship. For NATO forces, however, finding a Victor II was not that hard. Soviet engineers were skilled in weaponry but not in the art of stealth.
During the early years of the Cold War, the Soviet Union knew that its boats were noisy as hell. Built to keep up with fast U.S. warships, they had a distinct acoustic disadvantage. U.S. sonar operators often joked that Ivan’s subs “whined so loud, they sounded like cats in heat.” When the Soviets discovered through their spy network that American subs could easily track Victor IIs, they halted production to design the Victor III. To overcome excessive noise issues, the Soviets reverted to a tried-and-true tactic: they cheated.
During the late seventies and into the early eighties, the Soviet Union secretly contracted with Toshiba and Kongsberg—Japanese and Norwegian technology companies, respectively—for 140 Kongsberg computers, advanced software, and sophisticated propeller-milling equipment designed to quiet their noisy props. In direct violation of international trade agreements, the two companies, almost overnight, allowed the Soviet Union to produce quiet submarines. In 1979, they did just that with the introduction of the Victor III, which swung the Cold War pendulum back in their favor. For U.S. submariners, hunting Ivan just got a lot tougher, and the statement Commander Kinnaird R. McKee made in 1968 when he served as the CO of the USS Dace (SSN-607) all but came true.
In short, McKee opined that “eventually, U.S. and Soviet submarine capabilities will converge…. It will be blind man’s bluff with other submarines…because at some point, nobody will be able to find a submarine with anything.”
Thanks to Toshiba and Kongsberg, Victor IIIs sported ultra-quiet tandem four-bladed propellers and special sound-reducing shock absorbers to increase stealth. This class of hunter/killer attack submarine also came with something else entirely new. Mounted atop the rudder at the aft of the Victor III, a strange tear-shaped pod stretched nearly thirty feet from end to end, with a diameter of eight feet near the front of the pod. From a distance, the odd pod resembled an elongated egg with a sharp taper near the tail. By 1980, the U.S. Navy remained clueless as to what this mysterious pod could be. Obtaining close-up photos of a Victor III odd pod, so the NSA could determine its purpose, became a top priority for U.S. fast-attack submarines.
USS Drum, Sturgeon class attack submarine, collides with K-324, a Victor III–class nuclear submarine sitting on the surface in Peter the Great Bay.
The nuclear submarine USS George Washington collided with the Japanese freighter Nissho Maru on April 9, 1981, 110 miles southwest of Sasebo, Japan.
President Ronald Reagan now had two submarine accidents on his hands. Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki blasted him for taking more than a day to notify Japanese authorities about the Nissho Maru’s demise, and the fact that a U.S. P3 Orion aircraft circling overhead made no attempt to rescue the survivors. On April 11, President Reagan expressed regret over the accident and offered compensation to the victims while assuring the Japanese that radioactive contamination need not be a concern.
The Soviets threw their own spears. They insisted that a U.S. submarine had collided with K-324, a Victor III–class nuclear submarine sitting on the surface in Peter the Great Bay. K-324 sustained severe damage, and some of her crew were hurt in the accident. The United States denied the presence of any American submarines in the area at the time.
Part of the Northern Fleet and stationed out of Saint Petersburg, K-324 had come off the ramp at the Admiralty yard in 1979. She became the seventh vessel of the Komsomolsk line. Two years after the incident, thanks to the photos taken in 1981 by the USS Drum and other submarines, the United States identified the odd pod on the Victor III’s rudder as a housing for a towed sonar array. Proof came later that year when, on October 31, 1983, the USS McCloy (FF-1038) and K-324 were ensnarled in each other’s towed arrays some 280 miles west of Bermuda. K-324 was monitoring U.S. ballistic missile submarine movements, hoping to find one of our “boomer” SSBN submarines to shadow. The incident severely damaged K-324’s propeller. A tug towed her to Cienfuegos, Cuba, for repairs. Two years later, in 1985, the Soviets decommissioned K-324, and her crew never knew who hit them that day in April 1981.

Victor IIIs K-324

USS Drum (SSN-677) entering port on 11 August 1984.

Dopuna: 27 Sep 2014 23:37

Ray, izjava kapetana Vadima Teryohina
Neverovatan clanak u vezi celog dogadjaja sa sonarnim kablom.
Procitajte obavezno

Dopuna: 28 Sep 2014 14:22

Koja je svrha raditi ovakve stvari u plicaku

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24222


Odlican dodatni materijal kolega .Sto se same price tice sad se vise svasta moze pisati nakon toliko godina tj. decenija mada sve to moze i biti stvarno odnosno da se desilo kako je i opisano. Evo recimo Ameri sad ponovo dizu prasinu oko Skorpiona i navodnih potvrda da su ga Sovjeti ipak torpedovali .

A to za zaranjanje pa to ti ga dodje kao brisanjac sa lovcem . Smile

  • Pridružio: 06 Avg 2013
  • Poruke: 1708

Sve teorije donekle mogu da se ispitaju, ali one pod vodom su veoma nepristupacne i skupe za istrazivanje. Tako da se one mogu da se svode na rekla kazala.
Meni teorija Torpeda zvuci malo nerealno. Ako se kojim slucajem aktivirao torpedo i on je ispalje pravo i podmornica bezi od torpeda, kako je torpedo ,,zahvatio,, radarom nju. Dokazi su kretanje podmornice koje ustanovljeno pomocu SOSUS-a, i to mi deluje nerealno da oni mogu toliko precizno, pogotovu na toj lokaciji.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24222


Ma ko zna vise sta se tu zaista i desilo ,davno je to bilo ... ovo za sovjetske/ruske su jako interesantne price/anegdote .Bilo je svih tih decenija mnogo teze Sovjetima kasnije Rusima prici recimo obalama SAD nego u obrnutom slucaju .Trebalo je proci SOSUS ( GIUK gap ) kad je SF u pitanju i njene podmornicke snage .

Pa opet su prolazili i eto izranjali nadomak obala,baza ,grupa brodova kako u priobalju tako i na otvorenom moru .

Imali smo na temi podosta takvih prica ( igri koski i miski kako Ruje kazu ) ali bi dobro bilo da imamo jos toga u `arhivi` ove teme .

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24222

Nije samo Tajfun-7 ( `Crveni oktobar` ) imao magneto-hidrodinamicku propulziju Razz

Citat:The Victor-III caused a minor furore in NATO intelligence agencies at its introduction because of the distinctive pod on the vertical stern-plane. Speculation immediately mounted that the pod was the housing for some sort of exotic silent propulsion system, possibly a magnetohydrodynamic drive unit. Another theory proposed that it was some sort of weapon system. In the end, the Victor-III's pod was identified as a hydrodynamic housing for a reelable towed passive sonar array; the system was subsequently incorporated into the Sierra class and Akula-class submarine SSNs.

Da se izdvoji ...

APL projekta 671RTM `Schuka`/`Stuka` je raspolagala jako mocnim UbS a u pitanju je krilata ( krstareca ) raketa tipa RK-55 /S-10`Granat` /SS-N-21 `Sampson` .

Citat:Victor III - Soviet design designation Project 671RTM Shchuka (Pike) - entered service in 1979; 25 were produced until 1991. Quieter than previous Soviet submarines, these ships had 2 tubes for launching SS-N-21 .

Ukratko raketa dometa cak 3000km sa mogucnoscu nosenja ABG od 200kt.


  • Pridružio: 06 Avg 2013
  • Poruke: 1708

Lepo autori clanaka kazu da kad pomislimo na Hladni rat skoro uvek pomislimo Berlinski zid, tenkovi, okupacije Evrope i itd. Ustvari, znacajan deo Hladnog rata je u podmornicama. Moglo bi se reci da su tada podmornice prakticno bile u ratu jer su se tako i ponasale i tako su i upotrebljavane.
Mislim da su Sovjeti zaista duboko spijunski probili americku mornaricu jer je nemoguce da je onaj njihov ,,poznati,, spijun uspeo da prenese tolike tajne. Samo retki znaju sta se desavalo u Hladnom ratu. Takodje, ko zna koliko su danas strane obavestajno suplje Very Happy

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24222


Moglo bi se reci da su avijaticari i podmornicari tokom tog nazovi hladnog rata bas vojevali ,jedni druge izvidjali i spijunirali a cesto je bilo i raznih nepredvidjenih situacija bukvalno su to bili trenuci za prestanak hladnog i pocetak bolje ne govoriti ( pisati ) ...

Sto se podmornicara tice i uopste upotrebe podmornica u te svrhe bilo je tu pa gotovo neogranicenosti po pitanju vremena ,prostora i drugih faktora.Recimo tehnika i tehnologija narocito kod onih atomskih pa tu zadaci mogli da se obavljaju u `beskonacnost` ne bukvalno naravno ali za dugu dugo vremena .Ogranicavajuci faktor kao i obicno su ljudi /posada .

Sovjetu su sa jedne strane pokusavali da prodju kroz SOSUS i ostale prepreke ,Ameru su opet pokusavali da udju maltene u B.more ( SF ) .Mozda ti je poznata prica oko DSRV ( onih specijalnih podmornica za velike dubine kao istrazivackih i spasilackih ) a ustvari zadatak im je bio nesto sasvim drugo ...spijuniranje i to na najvisem nivou po americkim navodima direktno komande SF ( prisluskivanje komunikacija koje su se obavljale podvodnim kablovima u reonu odgovornosti SF ) .

Samo akteri takvih desavanja znaju sta je i kako bilo ,javnost samo ponekad kao na kasicicu dobije tako neku pricicu poput one o K-324.

  • Pridružio: 06 Avg 2013
  • Poruke: 1708

Poznata mi je ona prica da su Ameri prisluskivali Sovjetski podvodni komunikacioni kabal Pacificke flote. Poznate su odredjene operacije Severne flote, a malo je poznato Pacificke flote. Uopste Sovjeti, odnosno Rusi su dosta toga zadrzali kao tajne i nisu otvorili slucajeve.
Jel ima koj kakvih prica a koje ne znam ili nisam naleteo. Znam za slucajeve svih potonuca podmornica, zatim lansiranje seta ICBM-a, ove u vezi k-324, vadjenje podmornice u Pacifiku od strane Amera, izranjanje sovjetske podmornice kod Kube u blizini NA, sudar podmornica u blizini Norveske i u Pacifiku kod Kamactke. Jel ima jos sta?

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