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      German StudiesTactics (Military Science)French History20th Century German History
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      HistoryPsychologyExperimental PsychologyHistory of Science
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      European StudiesItalian (European History)Modern Italian HistoryItalian Studies
At the turn of the twentieth century, the sampling market is moving from a trade-based industry to a service-oriented contemporary of the rise of the consulting and advertising businesses. The Parisian economy in the clothing industry is... more
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      History of TextilesFashion HistoryWWIFashion and Design Trends
The First World War has been engraved into the consciousness of modern man and it has moulded the political order in Europe (Taylor, 1966, p. 11). The debate over the origins of the war was particularly endemic in the 1960s and the 1970s... more
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      German StudiesRussian StudiesWar StudiesFirst World War
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      PropagandaIconoclasmWorld War IFirst World War
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      Italian (European History)Modern Italian HistoryPolitical HistoryHistory of Political Parties
Írásomban a Kalocsai Érseki Főgimnázium (Kalocsai Jézus-Társasági Intézet) első világháborús hősi halottaival kapcsolatos kutatásom eredményeiről számolok be, rávilágítva az eddig ismeretlen eredményekre és ellentmondásokra az 1914 és... more
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      History of EducationJesuit historyGreat WarMicrohistory
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      Intelligence StudiesSwiss HistoryWWI
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      Contemporary HistorySecond World WarEngland20th Century European History
As citizens of Austria-Hungaria, a country at war, the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia were required to participate in the global war, despite the fact that no major military operations took place on the territory of... more
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      HistoryHistory and MemoryCollective MemoryWWI
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Review on
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      WWIWWII air warfareAviation, Air Warfare
Avec cet ouvrage, Alexandre Sumpf réintégre la Russie dans une historiographie de la Grande Guerre (centrée essentiellement sur l’Europe et les fronts dits «  primaires  »). Pour faciliter la comparaison, l’auteur s’est borné au cadre... more
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      Great WarRussian EmpireWWI
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)HumorSecond World WarFirst World War
Published as: Christine Winter, ‘Chapter Two: The Occupation of German New Guinea’, in Barry Craig, Ron Vanderwal and Christine Winter, War Trophies or Curios? The War Museum Collection in Museum Victoria 1915-1920, Melbourne Museum,... more
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      German StudiesMuseum StudiesEthnographyColonialism
The current article focuses on the evolution and application of the Law of Armed Conflicts from the Middle Ages to the present day, with particular emphasis on the legal status of the declaration of the First World War. By analyzing the... more
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      International LawPublic International LawLaws of WarWorld War I
in: Yavuz, Hakan and Feroz Ahmad, eds. War and Collapse: World War I and the Ottoman State. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press, 2016.
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      Diplomatic HistoryForeign Policy AnalysisOttoman StudiesWWI
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International Symposium at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.
Monday ,7 November, 2016 to Tuesday ,8 November, 2016
Co-organized with Abigail Jacobson:
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      Israel/PalestineIraqFrench colonialismMiddle Eastern Studies
This presentation analyses the 19th century great powers and presents the long term causes of WWI.
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      First World WarGermanyWWIGreat Powers
Przyjmuje się, że podczas I wojny światowej w siłach zbrojnych cesarskich Niemiec służyło około 850 000 żołnierzy polskiej narodowości. Już podczas mobilizacji w sierpniu 1914 roku w szeregi kaiserowskiego wojska trafiło 320 000 Polaków.... more
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      Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)20th Century German HistoryPolandBritish Army (First World War)
THE ARMY OF THE KINGDOM OF SERBIA IN THE RURAL AREAS OF THE TIMIŞ-TORONTAL COUNTY IN THE ROMANIAN PART OF BANAT BETWEEN 1918-1919 Data from the Historical Museum Fund „Nicolae Ilieşiu” Summary At the end of the World War 1914–1918... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryMuseum StudiesRomanian History
In memory of Prof.Yasumaru Yoshio sensei
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      Japanese HistoryWWI
Terra matta, l’autobiografia di un ragazzo del ’99, semicolto, si caratterizza per la sua avventurosa storia editoriale, per il linguaggio – frutto di un pastiche involontario tra italiano e dialetto ragusano – e per le vicende che narra:... more
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      DialectologyOrality-Literacy StudiesAutobiographyMemoir and Autobiography
The year 1914 is a year that will be remembered as a year of significance for generations to come. It was the beginning of The Great War, a war that would affect all of the world economically, socially, and politically. No citizen of any... more
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      WWICauses of the First World WarThe Great War
(Italian) Article describing the tools provided by Italian administrative law to obtain the Italian citizenship for descendants of Italian emigrants in Brazil from territories annexed after WWI Articolo che descrive gli strumenti di... more
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      BrazilWWIitalian citizenship law
La Primera Guerra Mundial certificó la llegada de una nueva era y marcó el principio de un periodo de militancia ideológica y política sin precedentes en Europa desde 1848. A pesar de que se mantuvo neutral durante todo el conflicto,... more
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      Intellectual HistorySpain (History)WWIHistoria Contemporánea de España
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      World War IFirst World WarWWI
Coinciding with the centennial of the U.S. entry into World War I, this exhibition catalog examines the lives of four individuals from Montana or closely tied to the western state who served their country proudly and whose lives were... more
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      Military HistoryVisual propagandaArt HistoryPropaganda
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      Croatian HistoryWWI
The article discusses a 17-page document recently located at the Ottoman archive in Istanbul in which Cemal Pasha (1872-1922), the Ottoman military governor of Syria and Palestine during WWI, the commander of the Fourth Division, and the... more
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryIsrael/PalestinePalestine
Öz Tarih araştırmalarının kaynakları arasında hatıraların farklı bir yeri vardır. Renksiz anlatımlara sahip arşiv belgelerinin suskun kaldığı durumların açıklığa kavuşturulmasında hatıralar önemli roller üstlenmektedir. Osmanlı... more
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      WWIBirinci Dünya Savaşı/Erster Weltkrieg7First World WarTarih YazımıBiyografi
During the First World War, the first major system of prison camps of the 20th century was established. In autumn 1918, 2.4 million prisoners of war were in the custody of the German Reich alone. Between 1914 and 1921 there was also a... more
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      Prisoners of WarWorld War IPrisonsWWI
Казалось бы, существует немало воспоминаний и дневников, отражающих участие русской армии в Первой мировой войне . Основной массив мемуарной литературы появился в эмиграции, где право слова в основном принадлежало офицерам и генералам. В... more
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      Great WarFirst World WarWWIWar Memoirs
Предлагаемая Вам статья является предисловием к сборнику материалов, посвященных генералу Б.В. Геруа, талантливому командиру, штабисту и военному теоретику эпохи Первой мировой войны. Основное внимание уделяется прояснению и эволюции... more
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      Military HistoryEastern FrontWWIGalicia
In the present paper the author examines the civilization cycle that comes to its end. One of the most important historical components that identified the last 80 years of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century is the... more
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      NATOPolitical ElitesRussian HistoryEmpire
The article explains the development and functioning of an essential component of the military-medical support wartime - the evacuation system. Describes the concept of conservative evacuation, devel oped in the Russian army at the... more
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      History of MedicineImperial Russian ArmyWWI
Türk basın tarihi incelendiğinde Osmanlı coğrafyasının dört bir yanında, çeşitli amaçlara hizmet eden yüzlerce gazete ve derginin yayınlandığı görülebilmektedir. Bu yayın faaliyetinin tarihçiler açısından bugün ve gelecekte dahi büyük bir... more
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      Prisoners of WarPress and media historyWWI
Fotografien dokumentierten im Ersten Weltkrieg den Frontverlauf, die feindlichen Stellungen und das Gelände. Die Bilder wurden unter anderem zu propagandistischen Zwecken eingesetzt. Die „Kriegsfotografie“ umfasste jedoch nicht allein... more
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      First World WarHistory of photographyTübingenWWI
This article is a extensive discussion from a Māori perspective into issues around the use of Māori cultural items, in particular haka, to commemorate the fallen in WWI. Embedded in the are key theories of cultural memory, ‘war culture’... more
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      Indigenous StudiesRace and RacismRace and EthnicityCross-Cultural Studies
Quaderno n. 4 –– Numero Speciale nell'80° della Vittoria (1918-1998), stampato per conto del Circolo da De Bastiani ed., Vittorio Veneto, ottobre 1998 –– Sommario: (1) IMPERIO Loredana, Introduzione, p. 1; (2) CADEDDU Lorenzo, 1917:... more
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      WWIWorld War 1915 -1918Grande GuerraMonumento Al Milite Ignoto
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      CriticismFord Madox FordWWIAdultery
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      Canadian StudiesOttoman HistoryArmenian StudiesCanadian History
מאה שנה חלפו מאז כבשו הבריטים את באר שבע במסגרת קרב עזה השלישי. הגנרל אלנבי שלח את כוחות אנזק הרכובים על סוסים לאיגוף דרך המדבר, הכריע את הטורקים ופתח את הדלת לכיבוש ארץ ישראל
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      Military HistoryIsrael/PalestineWWIAnzac
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      Military HistoryIstrian historyWWIFree State of Fiume