Recent papers in WWI
Resumen: La disponibilidad de una amplia filmografía en el centenario del inicio de la I Guerra Mundial ha otorgado al docente de Historia una herramienta indispensable para poder trabajar numerosos aspectos del conflicto. Desde las... more
GERMAN VERSION ACCESSIBLE IN THIS PROFILE OF THE ACADEMIA.EDU in it: 1/ Lidia Głuchowska, Ekspresjonizm w sztuce polskiej – przegląd najważniejszych zjawisk, in: Malarz. Mentor. Mag. Otto Mueller a środowisko artystyczne Wrocławia, ed.... more
In 1918, some 500,000 Ottoman Armenians found themselves displaced from their homes or living in Muslim households in the Eastern Mediterranean and the South Caucasus. For most, life did not return to normal after WWI. Rather, new wars,... more
This Microsoft Excel file is meant to serve as an appendix to my pieces "Sympathy and Exclusion: The Migration of Child and Women Survivors of the Armenian Genocide from the Eastern Mediterranean to Canada, 1923–1930"... more
This paper lays out a new framework for thinking about Albania's participation in the First World War.
Absicht des vorliegenden Beitrags ist es einige Aspekte im Bezug auf die Kriegserfahrungen und die Stellung der Kroaten in der Donaumonarchie während des Ersten Weltkriegs und unmittelbar nach dessen Ende darzustellen, um damit ein... more
Камена књига предака : (о натписима са надгробних споменика западне Србије) / Радојко Николић. - 2. допуњено изд. - Чачак : Народни музеј Чачак, 2018 (Чачак : Артера). - 399 стр. : илустр. ; 24 cm Тираж 300. - Стр. 7-18: Плави хоризонти... more
POLISH VERSION OF THE BOOK ACCESSIBLE IN THIS PROFILE OF THE ACADEMIA EDU articles by Lidia Gluchowska in this book: 1/ Lidia Głuchowska, Der Expressionismus in der polnischen Kunst – ein Überblick, in: Maler. Mentor. Magier. Otto... more
The Tragic Blunder! The fate of the HMAS Australia - Guardian of the Southern Seas On 12 April 1924, the former HMAS Australia, the largest warship in the Australian fleet was towed 50km east of Sydney Heads and scuttled with full... more
В статье представлен анализ тенденций современной историографии в странах Западной Европы и США о событиях, спровоцировавших Первую мировую войну. Основное внимание также уделено интерпретации влияния современной геополитической ситуации... more
В статье анализируются особенности взаимоотношений русских войск и местного населения Восточной Пруссии в 1914-15 гг. Опровергается миф о жестокости русской оккупации
В приложении: текствая версия статьи, а также pdf обоих номеров журнала
В приложении: текствая версия статьи, а также pdf обоих номеров журнала
The following analysis was prepared as an analytical framework for unveiling interconnected histories between the revival of Second-Generation Klan movements and the establishment of civic policing institutions in early 1920s Texas.
In 1909, Norman Angell's book, The Great Illusion, claimed that war was futile because nations were economically intertwined. Angell's book saw widespread acceptance and garnered international attention by winning the Nobel Peace Prize... more
Опубликован отрывок из хранившихся долгое время в семейном архиве воспоминаний офицера-гвардейца Г.А. Римского-Корсакова (лейб-гвардии Конная артиллерия). Выпусник Училища правоведения, в 1912 г. он ушел вольноопределяющимся в гвардию,... more
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The full papers can be downloaded from the following link:
The full papers can be downloaded from the following link:
Το ηρώο της Βρετανικής Δύναμης Θεσσαλονίκης του Μακεδονικού Μετώπου του Α' Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου
Storia della corazzata della Regia Marina Regine Margherita e della sua scomparsa. Cronaca della spedizione di identificazione del relitto di questa corazzata, affondata l’11 dicembre 1916 dal sommergibile posamine tedesco UC 14... more
WA Coastal & Marine was commissioned by Historic Scotland to provide high-resolution multibeam bathymetry data targeted on a number of wreck sites in Scapa Flow in the Orkney Islands. Scapa Flow is a large natural harbour in the southern... more
Parade, which premiered on May 18, 1917 at the Théâtre du Chatelet, was the result of a collaboration between Jean Cocteau, Pablo Picasso, Léonide Massine, and Erik Satie, all under the guidance of the “monstre sacré” of the Ballets... more
The armament race which had begun in the late 19th century came into prominence in the maritime with the realization of the programs considering the construction of new ships. The construction of faster ships with long-range cannons had... more
Quaderno n. 10 –– Conferenze del 2007, stampato per conto del Circolo da Legatoria Manna, Rende (CS), marzo 2008 –– Sommario: (1) GUSSO Massimo, Il “Pio” Enea e le mitiche origini di Roma pp. 1-25; (2) TOMASI Giovanni, Camerone pp. 26-35;... more
Özet; Türklerin Anadolu’ya ilk ayak basmalarını takiben bu coğrafyada varlıklarını idame ettirebilmek için Çanakkale Boğazını hedef alan bir strateji benimsemişlerdir. Bir noktada güvenlik stratejilerinin temel taşlarından biri... more
Paper deals with the reality of the situation when royalty ruled the world, and when no one but royals were allowed to write under penalty of death. Thus, a 'closed' or controlled environment with the created illusion of freedom & the... more
Документы (отчеты, официальные и рабочие записки) Бюро по прикладной ботанике Ученого комитета Главного управления землеустройства и земледелия (Министерства земледелия) за годы Первой мировой войны. В том числе приводится черновик... more
Abstract The occupation years of Istanbul under allied forces (from November 13, 1918 to October 6, 1923) did not involve intense construction activities and thus has not attracted much attention as a subject for architectural history... more
Първата световна война и излизането на България от нея (1918 г.). Сборник с доклади от научните конференции с международно участие в Дойран (15 - 16.09.2018) и Перник (18 - 19.09.2018).
katalog izložbe: ''Niš ratna prestonica Srbije 1914-1915''
autori tekstova. Bojana Nešić, Marina Vlaisavljević, Nebojša Ozimić, Ivana Gruden Milentijević
autori tekstova. Bojana Nešić, Marina Vlaisavljević, Nebojša Ozimić, Ivana Gruden Milentijević
Twelve years after WWI ended, the film, All Quiet on the Western Front, was introduced to American audiences. This film promoted a strong anti-war message through the telling of one German soldier and his experiences on the front lines.... more
The research that has been done on royalty in general is massive. And, the connections between royal lines once revealed can be amazing, as they will sometimes reveal connections that a) were not supposed to have existed, and even b) that... more
Analiza tekstova napisanih o Srbiji i Balkanu, tokom i neposredno nakon Prvog svetskog rata, omogućuje uvid u dve perspektive –1. politički ugao gledanja diplomata i novinara; 2.žena koje su bile lekarke, medicinske sestre i neposredne... more
Mémoire de fin d'année et rapport de stage effectué aux Archives départementales de Tarn-et-Garonne (mars-juillet 2006)
First Part of a trilogy about the great battles of 1916 on the western front. This part deals with the Verdun Campaign, parts 2 and 3 deal with the Somme offensive and the aftermath of both battles.
Catalogue of the 'The War Beyond The Western Front: Hidden Histories of the First World War' exhibition hosted at the Glass Tank Gallery at Oxford Brookes University in Nov-Dec 2016, featuring 3D anaglyph conversions of contemporary... more