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Medical geography is a small sub-discipline of academic geography. Its presence within histories of geography depends in part upon whether geography is considered as a discipline or whether there is a broader understanding of geographies... more
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      Michel FoucaultMedical Geography
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      Human GeographyTropical MedicinePublic HealthMedical Geography
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      Human GeographySocial GeographyUrban GeographyEconomic Geography
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      GlobalizationHealth GeographyHIV/AIDSGender and Sexuality
Background Mortality estimates can measure and monitor the impacts of conflict on a population, guide humanitarian efforts, and help to better understand the public health impacts of conflict. Vital statistics registration and... more
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      Human GeographyIraqMortalityMedical Geography
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      CartographyParticipatory Action ResearchHealth GeographyRace and Ethnicity
The public health approach to alcohol control focusses on efforts to reduce overall consumption and therefore the prevalence of “harmful” drinking and its negative health and social consequences. Within this logic, evidence is corralled... more
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      Medical SociologyMedical AnthropologyEvidence Based MedicineHealth Geography
Health is a basic element of every citizen in a country. The well being of the people is an important foundation of the prospective nation. The health of the people is determined by many factors, however, the role of healthcare resources... more
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    • Medical Geography
Although not strictly a highlands province, Morobe encompasses large highlands areas, the most important being Aseki, Menyamya and Wau-Bulolo. A series of rapid malaria surveys conducted in both the wet and dry seasons found malaria to be... more
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      GeographyMalariaHousingPapua New Guinea
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      Latin American StudiesEpidemiologyClimate ChangeHealth Geography
Studies of well-being have been dominated by perspectives that stem from Western, health-science notions of individual's health and psychological development. In recent times, however, there has been a developing sensitivity to the... more
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      Mental HealthPolitical EcologyHealth GeographyEcohealth
Class: 65 West 11th RM 464 T, TH 11:55am-1:35pm Office Hours: Thurs. 2-4pm/ and by appointment, Room C121, 64 West 12 th Street Description:
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      Social GeographyUrban GeographyMedical AnthropologyEpidemiology
This paper combines insights from political philosophy, bioethics, and political geography to examine the practice of medicine by the Khmer Rouge during the Cambodian genocide. Through a discussion of both destructive and constructive... more
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      Asian StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesBioethicsGenocide Studies
The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesMedical Sociology
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      Social DemographySocial GeographyUrban GeographyEthnic Studies
In this twenty-first century, electricity has become the pivot of global activities. Electricity has become the engine for social development and economic growth (Pachauri et al., 2011). The world lives and... more
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      Human GeographyRenewable EnergyHealth GeographyNatural Resource Management
The entry begins with a definition of geography and with a description of what the discipline shares with the other social sciences and what makes it distinctive among them. Terminological clarifications are provided with regard to the... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisLandscape EcologySociology
In the last decades alone, about 1.4 billion people were directly or indirectly affected by floods and about 100,000 lost their lives. Asokore Mampong Municipal is one of the severely affected flood areas in the Ashanti Region. This has... more
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      ClimatologyRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchRemote sensing and GISMedical Geography
Wprowadzenie. Istnieje potrzeba analizy przestrzennej szczepień p/COVID-19 w Polsce w celu przygotowania szczegółowych rozwiązań, umożliwiających podejmowanie działań minimalizujących zagrożenie dla zdrowia publicznego w czasie możliwej... more
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      VaccinesMedical Geography
This paper critically reviews the current status of the concept of distance in human geography in order to argue that recent experimentally-driven work in construal-level theory offers ample opportunities for recasting distance as a key... more
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      Fiction WritingCritical TheoryAmerican LiteratureOrganizational Behavior
"Scientific Works of Dagestan Geographical Society" are devoted to the most urgent geographical problems of region. In the annuals the constant headings are allocated: common problems, regional and landscape ecology, social and economic... more
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      Cultural GeographyHistorical GeographyBiogeographyPolitical Geography
Place, Memory and Healing: An Archaeology of Anatolian Rock Monuments investigates the complex and deep histories of places, how they served as sites of memory and belonging for local communities over the centuries, and how they were... more
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      Ancient HistoryLandscape EcologyArchaeologyGeology
Leptospirosis is the most common bacterial zoonosis in the world, with at least half a million severe human infections annually. It is an emerging infectious disease in many contexts, with increasing frequency and severity of outbreaks;... more
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      EpidemiologyEnvironmental HealthPublic HealthMedical Geography
El contenido de esta obra es una contribución del autor al repositorio digital de la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador, por tanto el autor tiene exclusiva responsabilidad sobre el mismo y no necesariamente refleja los puntos... more
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      GeographyEpidemiologyPublic HealthUrbanization
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      SociologyMedical SociologyHuman GeographyMedical Anthropology
The world's population consists roughly of 50% women and girls. Slum and gender interrelate in many ways; women have lower rates of access to and control over water resources and weaker influence on planning and management of local... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental HealthMedical GeographyClimate change and human health
"Scientific Works of Dagestan Geographical Society" are devoted to the most urgent geographical problems of region. In the annuals the constant headings are allocated: common problems, regional ecology, social geography, economic... more
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      Cultural GeographyHistorical GeographySocial GeographyPhysical Geography
Esta investigación expone los elementos conceptuales de la determinación en la salud en el ámbito de la geografía y la epidemiología. Se abordan los Determinantes Sociales en la Salud como una propuesta para abatir las causas de... more
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      Health GeographySocial Determinants of HealthSocial determinants of health among African-American menSocial Determinants Of Health (Anthropology)
The aim of this work was to investigate the seasonal and spatial variations in malaria prevalence in Imo State, Nigeria. Secondary data was used for the study; data on reported malaria cases were collected from the ministry of health on... more
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      EpidemiologyMedical GeographyWater, Sanitation, and HygienePopulation Studies
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      GeographyHuman GeographyDecision MakingPrivacy
El 11 de marzo de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) declaró pandemia global el brote de la enfermedad COVID-19, producida por el nuevo coronavirus SARS CoV-2. En este artículo se efectúa una revisión de las contribuciones... more
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      GeographyEpidemiologySpecies Distribution ModelsBiogeography
Medical geographers specialize in creating visual representations of the spatial‐temporal layout for medical services within a nation and they also identify rates of mortality in different regions of a country due to diseases, e.g.,... more
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      Human EcologyMedical AnthropologyPolitical EconomyApplied Anthropology
This paper examines the struggle against malaria undertaken by the fascist regime in the Pontine Marshes, south of Rome, and relates it to discourses of domination of nature on the one hand, and modernization and civilization through... more
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      Human GeographyMedical GeographyNatureGeographical
The paper is a review of institutions that are in charge of ground water management especially in Akwa Ibom State.
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      Transportation StudiesEnvironmental ManagementMedical Geography
"Scientific Works of Dagestan Geographical Society" are devoted to the most urgent geographical problems of region. In the annuals the constant headings are allocated: common problems, regional ecology, landscape geography, economic... more
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      Cultural GeographyHistorical GeographyEconomic GeographyEthnography
Scholars in the field of population health need to be on the constant lookout for the danger that their tacit ideological commitments translate into systematic biases in how they interpret their empirical results. This contribution... more
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      Critical TheoryGeographyHuman GeographyHealth Sciences
The aim of this rapid analysis was to investigate the spatial patterns of COVID-19 emergence across counties in Colorado. In the U.S. West, Colorado has the second highest number of cases and deaths, second only to California. Colorado is... more
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      Health SciencesInfectious disease epidemiologyHealth GeographyGlobal Health
Bangladesh, the eighth most populous country in the world with about 153 million people, has recently been applauded as an exceptional health performer. In the fi rst paper in this Series, we present evidence to show that Bangladesh has... more
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      PovertyForecastingInternational CooperationPublic Health
This paper examined the spatial distribution of health care facilities in Babura local government area of jigawa state using GIS. Data were obtained from primary and secondary sources: a GPS was used to collect the coordinates of each... more
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      Medical GeographySpatial Analysis with GIS and Geostatistical MethodsGIS AND REMOTE SENSING
Research on sexual orientation and gender identities, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ), has been limited in health geography compared with other sub‐fields of the discipline. The reasons for this gap include... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyGeographyMental Health
Wilson disease (WD) is an autosomal recessive disorder resulting from mutations in the ATP7B gene, with over 600 mutations described. Identification of mutations has made genetic diagnosis of WD feasible in many countries. The... more
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      AdolescentMedical GeographyIndiaChild
The hospital's ambiguous relationship to everyday social space has long been a central theme of hospital ethnography. Often, hospitals are presented either as isolated "islands" defined by biomedical regulation of space (and time) or as... more
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      Medical AnthropologyMedical GeographyHospital Ethnography
The paper shows how error statistical theory can be deployed to grasp the deeper epistemic logic of the peer-review process. The intent is to provide the readers with a novel lens through which to make sense of the practices of academic... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyGeographyHuman Geography
Demonic geography is an approach to practicing human geography that operates from the premise that there are no such immaterial entities as 'souls', 'spirits', 'minds', integrated, stable 'selves', or conscious 'free will'. This paper... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisReligionComparative Religion
Dengue is an emerging disease, and the distribution of the mosquito vector is partially mediated by environmental conditions. In this article, a new conceptual model is suggested that emphasizes the importance of including environmental... more
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      Human GeographyMedical GeographyConceptual ModelConceptual Framework
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    • Medical Geography
This study examined the spatial effects of El Niño and vulnerability on cholera in Peru across the epidemic period of 1991 to 1998. Using Wavelet and GIS analyses, relationships between sea surface temperatures and department-level... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyClimate ChangeHealth GeographyEnvironmental Health
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      FranceMedical GeographyCatsDogs
Desde mediados del siglo XX las condiciones de salud presentaron un panorama divergente, en el que se experimentó el incremento de la esperanza de vida y en contraste, la persistente insatisfacción de las necesidades básicas con efectos... more
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      Poverty AnalysisMedical GeographyPoverty and InequalityPoverty Studies