Recent papers in HIV/AIDS
Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) is the major pharmacologically-active component of some propolis types, rich in polyphenols, such as poplar propolis types. CAPE has the potential to be applied as a pharmaceutical as it possesses most... more
This article examines the case of nearly 300 HIV-positive Haitian refugees the US state indefinitely detained on its Guantánamo naval base from 1991 to 1994. It argues that the predicament of these refugees emerged out of a nexus of... more
How do regional arrangements construct and respond to threat agendas, and to what extent can the existing literature on securitization theory help us understand this process? This article explores these questions by analyzing how the... more
Our scholarship on aids must be located at the crossroads of art and politics, life and art, and life and death.-Alberto Sandoval-Sánchez, "Response to the Repre sen ta tion of aids" Activism is an engagement with the hauntings of... more
What shape does ethical reasoning assume in the face of potentially contradictory commitments? Drawing on fieldwork in a private clinic in Chennai, the capital of the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu, I examine how patients, their... more
RON DOUD'S life reads like a film, but with a tragic ending. Doud grew up and studied interior design at Seattle, graduating in 1970. Decades before Grunge rock, Seattle did have an active counter-culture in the 1960s but for young Doud... more
El MANUAL TECNICO EMERSON ha sido publicado como respuesta a la inquietud de muchas personas en la empresa que han tenido en el transcurso de los años en su desarrollo profesional el deseo de aportar sus conocimientos y experiencias en... more
Rapidly progressive periodontal disease associated with HIV infected individuals has been related and acute periodontal manifestations can be the first signs of syndrome development. The aim of this article is to present a clinical case... more
RESUMO: O coletivo Gran Fury, ativo entre 1987 e 1996, permanece disseminador de conteúdo através do domínio público, que tanto sequencia quanto define sua prática. Sua trajetória permite demonstrar uma dinâmica de formação de coletivos... more
This was a graduate research project in community and behavioral health on the stigmas surrounding HIV and AIDs in Tennessee completed in 2019. I believe this is an interesting topic that could use more research, which is why I am... more
This response document will briefly address concerns about the ethical, legal and methodological flaws with past research informing aspects of present PEPFAR program areas; concerns about adverse consequences of PEPFAR program areas; and... more
Published on IndieWire 2014 In the weeks following the online publication of Alexandra Juhasz and Ted Kerr’s conversation Home Video Returns: Media Ecologies of the Past of HIV/AIDS for Cineaste, the HBO version of The Normal Heart... more
(1981-1995) targeted gay community greatly. While they were suffering from the disease, they were blamed for spreading it. Urgent action was needed to highlight this issue which was ignored by the US government for far too long. Gregg... more
Данное исследование посвящено обзору состояния Некоммерческих Организаций (и гражданского общества - включая активистов и носителей ВИЧ) в контексте обеспечения профилактики ВИЧ в Российской Федерации (Санкт-Петербурге) по состоянию на... more
Background: Clade C is the predominant HIV-1 strain infecting people in sub-Saharan Africa, India, and China and there is a critical need for a vaccine targeted to these areas. In this study we tested a DNA based vaccine that encodes the... more
Anndretta Lyle Wilson (2019) Interview with Raniyah Copeland, President and CEO of the Black AIDS Institute Discussing Black Feminist Leadership, and Black Women at Risk. As the new President and CEO of the Black AIDS Institute, Raniyah... more
Researchers have speculated that hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy has an antiviral effect in HIV infection. To determine HBO's antiviral effect, the authors performed ex vivo and in vivo quantitative assays on HIV-infected plasma and... more
Evidence-based interventions have been developed and used to prevent HIV infections among Black MSM in Canada and the U.S.; however, the degree to which interventions address racism and other interlocking oppressions that influence HIV... more
The recent arrests of two people in Australia have brought the issue of criminalisation of HIV back into the spotlight. This article outlines the disclosure requirements for people living with HIV in the various states and territories of... more
Monitoring adherence to pre-exposure prophylaxis is a critical component of reaching ending the human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV) epidemic goals in the US. Currently, providers still depend on “self-report” pre-exposure... more
"Even though I am poor and I have AIDS, I am happy. Each day brings hope." Ximei Ximei, a documentary filmed in China over a seven-year period by Andy Cohen and Gaylen Ross, follows the HIV-positive titular protagonist and plain-spoken... more
Posfácio não publicado ao livro "A Síndrome: histórias de luta contra a aids".
Drawing on rich ethnographic and historical intertwinements, Making and Unmaking Public Health in Africa maps the ongoing construction of Global Public Health, while simultaneously debating the Public in public health and pinpointing the... more
An emergent life insurance market in Swaziland is prompting some families to remake kinship as the entrustment of a generation of deceased relatives’ children. Coincident with high HIV/AIDS mortality and changing economic policies for the... more
Switzer, S, Flicker, S, Carusone Chan, S, McClelland, A, Ferguson, T Herelle, N, Yee, D, Kennedy, S, Luhlanga, B, Apong, K, Corddick, A, Grant Stuart, C, DiCenso, A, de Prinse, K, Guta, A, Paddock, S Strike, C (2017). Picturing... more
Com o advento tecnológico e a consequente maior difusão de informações na internet, o fenômeno das fake news encontrou na web um meio ideal para sua disseminação. As notícias falsas tratam de diversos assuntos, como o jornalismo político,... more
This article traces a brief history of zine literature produced by gay and lesbian activist circles in Spain from the late Francoist years to present, paying specific attention to the publications by the queer Madrid-based groups La... more
This book extract describes how, as a newly converted Christian living in the town of Marostica in north east Italy I first came across the pretribulation rapture theory.
Objectives: Population size estimates of People Who Inject Drugs (PWIDs) are needed to help policy makers understand the scope of the epidemic and allocate appropriate resources yet little is known about the size estimates of PWIDs in... more
The main objective was to compare the Creatinine Clearance (CLcr) in HIV/AIDS patients on treatment with Tenofovir (TDF) based regimen to those on non- TDF- based regimen (Stavudine (D4T) and Zidovudine (AZT) after 1 year of initiation of... more