Greek (Byzantine) Texts
Recent papers in Greek (Byzantine) Texts
Taft R. F. The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. [A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. II]. Roma, 1975. (Orientalia Christiana Analecta;... more
Often simply called the Holy Mountain, Mount Athos was the most famous center of Byzantine monasticism and remains the spiritual heart of the Orthodox Church today. This volume presents the Lives of Euthymios the Younger, Athanasios of... more
Synekdemos, a geographical text of Hierokles presents the administrative structure of the Eastern Roman Empire in the early 6th century AD. Six dioeceses (large administrative units), 64 eparchiai (provinces) and 920 poleis (cities) are... more
This short article tentatively explores the nature of different "levels of style" in the Greek of five works belonging to the hagiographical and monastic literature of Late Antiquity, by investigating the distribution of different... more
Musik ist für viele eine ätherische, immaterielle Kunst, die im Gegensatz zur Sprache keine verbal deutbare Bedeutung besitzt. Von keinem geringeren als Victor Hugo stammt das Aperçu: »Das Reich der Musik beginnt da, wo das Reich der... more
INDICE: La Sapienza bizantina. Il contributo della Storia dell’arte (1896-1970) - Antonio Iacobini Le missioni di studio in Oriente e il Centro di Documentazione di Storia dell’Arte Bizantina (1966-2006) - Andrea Paribeni Il... more
Theophylact of Ohrid and the education system reform in Byzantium in the eleventh century
[résumé français ci-dessous] This article contains the edition of an encomium of the five martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugenius, Mardarius and Orestes (BHG 646b), together with an English translation. The text is preserved in a single... more
The Patria is a fascinating four-book collection of short historical notes, stories, and legends about the buildings and monuments of Constantinople, compiled in the late tenth century by an anonymous author who made ample use of older... more
Editoração PAULUS Impressão e acabamento PAULUS © PAULUS -2006 Rua Francisco Cruz, 229 • 04117-091 • São Paulo (Brasil) Fax (11) 5579-3627 • Tel. (11) 5084-3066 sumáRio 9 Premissa | PaRte I | 15 ALGUMAS PRELIMINARES Capítulo 1 17 Não... more
"This special issue of Comparative Literature Studies brings together talks, some extensively revised, others virtually unchanged, that were delivered at a conference entitled "What is Philology?" The gathering took place on Saturday,... more
10 envisages at least three sources, the first including chapters 2, 5, 20-30, 48-59, 65-89; the second including chapters 3 and 4, and the third reproducing more or less word for word the text of Ep. 2 between chapters 31-37.
The Greek text of Ephesians 1:1 features an amazing textual variation that centers on the destination of the letter, which location is found nowhere else throughout the book. Many of the earliest and best NT manuscripts display a complete... more
In this thesis, the author explores the deadlocked debate about the origin of the Byzantine text and presents some new perspectives that have the potention to bring this polarised debate to a more satisfactory conclusion. On the one... more
Настоящий сборник содержит материалы (статьи, тезисы, аннотации докладов) Международной научной конференции, в рамках которых обсуждаются актуальные вопросы греческой, латинской, славянской и отчасти восточной палеографии, кодикологии и... more
Yannis Stouraitis LEIDEN | BOSTON 9789004355514_Stouraitis_text_proof-03.indb 3 8/1/2018 11:58:56 AM iv Cover illustration: Folio 73v of the Chronicle of John Skylitzes, XIVth century; Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, matritensis graecus,... more
For the first time not only a precisely dated work of a great ancient Russian icon-painter Andrey Rublev but also a miniature of doubtless Rublev’s work is introduced into science. It is really providential that a scientific discovery... more
This article discusses various Greek words, which are attested in lexicographical tools, especially in the Lexikon zur Byzantinischen Gräzität (LBG). However, the present study is much more than a list of Addenda et Corrigenda. On the... more
This paper reviews recent changes to the apparatus of Revelation in NA28 within the context of the history of the edition, as well as against the backdrop of a broader historical perspective. Particular attention is paid to the role of... more
"Cette monographie – la première du genre – est une réflexion sur les miniatures hippiatriques grecques, où se demander pour quel usage et comment le lecteur médiéval les « lisait », conduit nécessairement à essayer d’expliciter les... more
Da tempo era vivamente sentita l’esigenza di una nuova edizione degli scoli a Platone, che sostituisse quella di Greene del 1938. Questo volume contiene una nuova edizione degli scoli relativi ai dialoghi delle prime sette tetralogie,... more
The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate how issues of textual transmission stymied productive discussion at Ferrara-Florence on the doctrine of the filioque and led to a schism within the Greek delegation, which resulted in the... more
Survey and in-depth discussion of the multifaceted and disputed one-century question of the origins of Greek scholiography.
A brief study of the treatment of the text of John 7:39 in modern translations and in ancient manuscripts and transmission-lines. The transmission-line in Family Π seems to have preserved the original text better than all other... more
Инаугурационное миропомазание, благодаря которому особа правителя «производилась» (от греч. προχείρησις - избрание) из сферы мирского в область сакрального, уже в раннее средневековье считалось необходимым условием легитимности... more
Anlässlich des 30jährigen Regierungsjubiläums Konstantins hält Eusebius von Caesarea im Jahre 336 eine Festrede zu Ehren des Kaisers im Palast in Konstantinopel. Diese sog. Tricennatsrede („De laude Constantini“) ist der erste christliche... more
ABSTRACT: The continued use of Latin as the official Heeressprache of the East Roman Empire up to the 630s supplies the context for an examination of a text virtually unknown to classical scholarship. Mediceo-Laurentianus graecus LV-4... more
The deeply religious character of the Byzantine society gave way to a political system that has been characterized as a “political theology”. Established already during the fourth century, this ideology was based on a close relation... more
In the summer/autumn of 1175, Manuel Komnenos (1143-1180) undertook the rebuilding of Dorylaion, one of the major aplekta in Asia Minor. For this occasion a poem was written. The strong acquaintance of the poet with the conventions of... more
Considering the importance of the Sasanian era, the independent study of this period does not fit at all with such a deserved magnificence that some say Sasanians are the dark side of the moon in the Late Antiquity. The result has been... more
A description of the equitable eclectic approach to New Testament textual criticism, its principles, and its advantages over other approaches.
1. English translation
2. Latin translation - Greek text - English translation
2. Latin translation - Greek text - English translation
"This document contains a draft translation of Ps.-Chrysostom In Ascensionem 5 (PG 52:801-2 = CPG 4535 = RP 128)
I translated this for practice in Greek.
1. Introduction 2. English Translation 3. Latin-Greek-English Parallel Text"
I translated this for practice in Greek.
1. Introduction 2. English Translation 3. Latin-Greek-English Parallel Text"
Le modalità di composizione e pubblicazione di un libro sono oggigiorno ben definite e tutto sommato semplici. L'Autore mette per iscritto l'opera, un editore provvede alla sua stampa e, attraverso una rete di distribuzione, alla... more