History and Classical tradition studies
Recent papers in History and Classical tradition studies
The paper discusses the role that Islamic values can play in articulating Islam as an ethical tradition that can shape the international relations.
The paper focuses on Tacitus’ account of the speech made by Claudius in 48 CE in favour of the admission of the primores of ‘long-haired’ Gaul to the senate, examining arguments used by the historian to clarify the reactions to their... more
Analysis of some sections of Remigio Nannini's anthologies of historiographical speeches (Venice, Giolito 1557; 1560; 1561), with special reference to the orations taken from Cassius Dio’s ‘Roman History’, in order to show the tendency of... more
This Overview is from the book 'Pliny The Younger: His Words & Phrases' (Pliny As The New Testament Paul), by Roman Piso. This work details the way in which the Letters (Epistles) & Panegyricus of Pliny The Younger should be studied (in... more
The paper evaluates works of ancient authors who mention and provide details of the burial of fallen soldiers in ancient Greece, and then it compares them with preserved archaeological finds. Textual analysis shows a long-term tradition... more
Named after the youngest of the Parcae, Clotho got its name after the deity responsible for spinning the thread of life; thus the journal seeks to create a new space of creativity, exploration, and learning in the field of classical... more
El presente artículo estudia un tipo de arquitectura efímera, el túmulo, en el Chile virreinal visto como un ejemplo de legado clásico. Dichas arquitecturas se presentan como un instrumento de propaganda y consolidación del poder... more
Con las versiones de anacreónticas que realizaron en edad adolescente, los escritores e intelectuales cubanos José Julián Martí Pérez 1 (La Habana, 1853-Dos Ríos, 1895 y Enrique José Varona y Pera 2 (Puerto Príncipe, 1849-La Habana, 1933... more
Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, Brasil RESUMEN Este artículo presenta una discusión general a cerca de las identidades culturales en Latinoamérica y sus formulaciones desde matrices europeas, sobre todo aquellas basadas en la... more
La présente étude s’attache à l’analyse de la symbiose entre fascisme et catholicisme au sein de l’Istituto di Studi Romani (ISR). Il s’agira de montrer que l’ISR, suivant les exigences du régime et celles du Vatican, jouait un ‘double... more
The characteristic image of the Cuzqueño chronicler Garcilaso de la Vega, known as El Inca (1539-1616), presents us with a turn-of-the-century—even modernista—interpretation of Baroque culture. Best known from the series of portraits by... more
Un fragmento ficticio de Safo en Ezra Pound: ¿Pseudocita o monólogo dramático? * M.ª José BARRIOS CASTRO RESUMEN El poema Papyrus de Ezra Pound es un fragmento ficticio de la poetisa Safo. Pound fue un profundo conocedor de las... more
Dalla "Nota dell'Editore" in introduzione al libro La notte del 21 dicembre 2020, in occasione del solstizio d'Inverno, si è tenuto un simposio online cui hanno partecipato Lorenzo Maria Pacini, Aleksandr Dugin, Andrea Scarabelli, Luca... more
El libro que aquí reseñamos demuestra cómo la historia de Orfeo ha ejercido una seducción singular en la tradición mítica y en la cultura occidental, desde los poetas y artistas griegos hasta nuestros días. El mítico cantor tracio se ha... more
This article examines a work entitled Espejo de Chirurgia, written in 1631 by the surgeon Antonio de Viana, born in La Laguna (Tenerife‐Islas Canarias) in 1578. Even though the treatise was produced in the first half of the 17 th century,... more
È opinione comune, presso gli studiosi moderni, che i giudici privati del processo civile romano (giudici monocratici o recuperatores) appartenessero alle classi sociali più elevate e più colte e che mantenessero, nel ricoprire il loro... more
[Open access] The first part of a three-part study.
Why Bernardo Bertolucci, when adapting as a film Alberto Moravia’s novel Il conformista, introduced into its homonymous The Conformist the Platonic image of the cave? The article is to give an answer to this question by analysing... more
If you want to contribute with an entry, please write to [email protected] Gives accurate and reliable summaries of the current state of research. It includes entries on philosophers, problems, terms, historical periods, subjects and... more
In this paper we propose a series of hypothesis on Martin Waldseemüller’s enigmatic cartographic representations of 1507, highlighting the connections between his cosmography and Copernican cosmology. The beginning of the... more
It might seem paradoxical that such a materialist writer as Saramago takes advantage of the Platonic image of the cave. However, the goal of Saramago's novel is precisely to illustrate the spiritual and mental darkness of our... more
Recensione a P. Vidal-Naquet, Atlantide. Breve storia di un mito, Torino, Einaudi 2006 (trad. it. di Id., L’Atlantide. Petite histoire d’un mythe platonicienne, Paris, Les Belles Lettres 2005). Recensione pubblicata in «RCCM» 50, 2,... more
Socrates’ serene attitude before his death –although this is questioned-, as described by Xenophon in his Apologia Socratis becomes for the playwright Rodolf Sirera a useful reference in an effort to reflect boldly on the limits of... more
Carlos García Gual: Sirenas. Seducciones y metamorfosis. Madrid, Turner Publicaciones, 2014, 204 páginas + 16 páginas ilustraciones. ISBN: 978-84-15832-29-4. Una de las grandes figuras españolas en el estudio de los mitos griegos es el... more
The eighteenth century was a critical period for the development of historical writing. Revolutions in archaeology, historical methodology and source criticism brought dramatic changes to our understandings of the ancient world. There... more
Paper deals with the historical story of the advent of Christianity. Examines what Christianity had to offer Rome during its war with the Jews (placation of slaves & the poor, promise of life after death & "reward", making soldiers... more
Can Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex really be transformed into a love story, as in Steven Berkoff’s drama entitled Greek? This article will show that, although Greek may be viewed by some critics as simply a provocative drama by no means intended... more
Dans cet article, nous analyserons trois versions françaises médiévales versifiées du Physiologos ‒celles de Philippe de Thaün, Guillaume Le Clerc et Gervaise ‒ et la description et l'interprétation que chaque auteur fait de la licorne,... more
Odysseus’ Scar and Erich Auerbach’s ‘Searchlight’ — Abstract The first chapter of E. Auerbach’s Mimesis (“Odysseus’ scar”) is an impressive tour de force in which the great German philologist lays out the principles and the tools of his... more
The book is an attempt at a synthetic survey of the quickly growing stream of research in translation studies. Its focus on the classical languages is proposed as a shortcut to universality; up until the early nineteenth century, Latin... more
In Death in Venice Thomas Mann refers explicitly to Plato’s Symposium and Phaedrus in order to explain the relationship between Gustav von Aschenbach and Tadzio but he hides that his novel also depends on Plutarch’s Eroticus. Why? The aim... more
An analysis on land-reform and wealth amongst the Spartiates of Ancient Lacedaemon
In "Western Ways", for the first time, the "foreign schools" in Rome and Athens, institutions dealing primarily with classical archaeology and art history, are discussed in historical terms as vehicles and figureheads of national... more
Despite of the proliferation of studies about Ancient History and cinema during the last years, the cinematographic representation of the Roman Army has not been studied. But the historical films about Rome have been a genre closely... more
Riassunto: Il contributo verte su tre signacula bronzei rinvenuti a Menorca e Mallorca. L'analisi paleografica ed onomastica così come considerazioni sul testo epigrafico in parte anche simbolico consentono nuove considerazioni circa... more
"Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), ed. Jonatan Meir, Three volumes, Mosad Bialik, Jerusalem Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), first published in Vienna in 1819, is one of the sharpest and wittiest pieces of Jewish literature... more