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This article explores the impact of Catholic confessionalism on humanist scholarship by focusing on the edition of Augustine of Hippo’s collected works produced by the Leuven theologians in 1577–8. This edition replaced Erasmus’... more
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      CensorshipRenaissance HumanismTextual ScholarshipErasmus
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      Comparative LiteratureAestheticsMedieval LiteratureStructuralism (Literary Criticism)
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      Textual ScholarshipAncient TextsAncient myth and religionMormonism
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      PhilologyGender StudiesGender HistoryTextual Scholarship
A quasi un secolo dalla sua nascita, e con numerose edizioni realizzate su tutto l’arco della letteratura italiana, la filologia d’autore è stata solo recentemente riconosciuta come una disciplina autonoma rispetto alla filologia... more
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      Italian StudiesTextual ScholarshipItalian LiteratureItalian philology
Апробація запису варіантів тексту Кулішевого роману "Чорна рада"
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      Textual ScholarshipTextual CriticismUkrainian StudiesUkrainian Literature
The character of the scholarly patronage community of Jixia in the Warring States (480–221 b.c.e.) polity of Qi has been hotly debated. Was it indeed an “academy,” as it has been retrospectively dubbed? What kind of activities did... more
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      PhilologyChinese PhilosophyTextual ScholarshipIntertextuality
This chapter considers how one may use Genette's concepts of paratext and hypertext within transmedia narratives and born-digital texts and explores how Web publication problematizes standard ideas of authorship and copyright. This... more
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      Digital HumanitiesTextual ScholarshipTextual CriticismElectronic Literature
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      TheologyHistorical TheologyPractical theologySystematic Theology
The present volume comprises eleven lectures delivered under Tattvabodha lecture series at the Indira Gandhi National Centre for Art, New Delhi. This article provides an introduction about the trends of textual interpretation in Indian... more
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      Indian PhilosophyTextual ScholarshipTextual CriticismTextual criticism (Classics)
Ancora una dozzina di anni fa, un pioniere delle digital humanities come Peter Robinson poteva sostenere che la maggioranza delle edizioni scientifiche digitali non esprimevano contenuti né soluzioni metodologiche sostanzialmente diversi... more
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      Digital HumanitiesTextual ScholarshipManuscript StudiesCritical Edition (Medieval History)
T his article is on “non-paper” literature, taking as its focus a set of po- ems written on banqueting trenchers. Its intention is to literalise con- siderations of “the material text” by exploring poems on “things”: “things,” moreover,... more
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      Renaissance StudiesTextual ScholarshipCataloguingCollaboration Of Archives, Libraries And Museums
La serie de conflictos entre cristianos y musulmanes que caracteriza a la Edad Media y que colectivamente ha sido llamada controversialmente la «Reconquista» está identificada con cierto interés en las fuentes documentales y narrativas de... more
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      CrusadesTextual ScholarshipHistory of CrusadesMedieval Crown of Aragon
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      Textual ScholarshipTranscriptionTibetan LanguageClassical Tibetan Language
Introduction to How to Revise a True War Story: Tim O'Brien's Processes of Textual Production (University of Iowa Press, 2017).
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      Textual ScholarshipTrauma StudiesPhilosophy of Fiction
The Hoover Institution at Stanford University holds the largest collection of manu- scripts by Leopold Tyrmand in the world. An analysis of the materials stored at the Hoover Institution provides grounds for dissipating some doubts about... more
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      CensorshipTextual ScholarshipScholarly EditingTextual Criticism
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      PhilologyTextual ScholarshipTextual CriticismLithuanian Literature
L'avvento del mezzo digitale ha profondamente trasformato tanto le dinamiche di produzione e diffusione del testo letterario, quanto la relativa prassi editoriale. Nonostante ciò, le questioni di fondo che pone la filologia conservano... more
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      Digital HumanitiesTextual ScholarshipTextual CriticismAuthorial Intention
Gabler reconstructs and analyses the creation of Virginia Woolf’s novel To the Lighthouse with a focus on the third section, ‘The Lighthouse’. The novel’s structure and publication history are discussed alongside the rich sources on the... more
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      Textual ScholarshipTextual CriticismGenetic Criticism (Genetic Criticism)Virginia Woolf
‘আট বছর’ আগের একদিন’ কবিতা নিয়ে বিস্তর আলোচনা হয়েছে। এ লেখাটি আরেকটি আলোচনা মাত্র। যাকে সাহিত্যের ভাষায় শিল্পরীতি বলা হয়, আলোচনাটা প্রাথমিকভাবে সে গোত্রের। তবে, ‘কবিভাষা’র দিকে এ আলোচনায় বিশেষ মনোযোগ দেয়া হয়েছে। কবিতার পাঠটি এক অর্থে... more
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      PoetryTextual ScholarshipBengali LiteratureNew Criticism
This is an example/sample/guideline Personal Statement for anyone seeking to apply to LSE for a scholarship. The sample is for their Masters in Accounting and Finance course, but can still be helpful for anyone who needs some help in... more
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      Accounting ScholarshipScholarship of Teaching and LearningPositive Organizational ScholarshipEducational Research
The Chinese Buddhist canon is a systematic collection of all translated Buddhist scriptures and related literatures created in East Asia and has been regarded as one of the “three treasures” in Buddhist communities. Despite its undisputed... more
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      BuddhismDigital HumanitiesHistory of the BookChinese Buddhism
The focal point of this thesis is recent discussions and views on the supposedly lost Book of Noah by three scholars namely Michael Edward Stone, Divorah Dimant and Richard Steiner. Thus, the project examines the scholarly debates or... more
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      Textual ScholarshipTextual CriticismApocrypha/PseudepigraphaOld Testament Pseudepigrapha
Paperback corrected reprint of the critical edition published in 1996 as part of "Works of / Le opere di Giuseppe Verdi," Series I, Operas / Opere teatrali, Vol. 19. The critical commentary for this volume, in English and Italian, is... more
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      Textual ScholarshipTextual CriticismGiuseppe Verdi19th Century Italian Opera
'Se diciamo di «aver letto un libro» usiamo un'astrazione che identifica il testo con l'insieme di idee, fatti e personaggi che compaiono nell'opera; con uno sforzo d'immaginazione anche maggiore, potremmo intendere ciò che l'autore... more
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      Medieval LiteratureRenaissance HumanismTextual ScholarshipTextual Criticism
Autor: Fernando Pessoa Edición: Jerónimo Pizarro y Patricio Ferrari Traducción: Diego Cepeda y Andrea Sánchez Ilustración: Jose Arboleda Descripción De los proverbios que Fernando Pessoa compiló y tradujo para el editor inglés Frank... more
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      English LiteratureTranslation StudiesPortuguesePortuguese Studies
This essay proposes to share with the readers some of the experiences of using commentaries on Sanskrit texts, particularly philosophical texts. No Sanskrit work can be understood properly or adequately without the help of commentaries... more
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      South Asian StudiesTextual ScholarshipTextual CriticismTextual criticism (Classics)
Revisions to the Greek NT in NA28 are restricted to the Catholic Epistles—the product of the Münster Institute’s ongoing work on the Editio critica maior. The text of the rest of the NT remains unaltered. The updated manuscript data,... more
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      Greek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek LanguageNew Testament
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      Italian StudiesRenaissance StudiesRomance philologyTextual Scholarship
Título: Ler Pessoa Autor: Jerónimo Pizarro Revisão: Rita Almeida Simões Cidade: Lisboa Composição: Tinta‑da‑china (Pedro Serpa) Capa: Tinta‑da‑china (Vera Tavares) 1.ª edição: Maio de 2018 ISBN 978‑989‑671‑438-3 depósito legal n.º... more
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      Critical TheoryPortuguese and Brazilian LiteratureCensorshipSelf and Identity
A bibliography is a performative place of changeable references, with the capacity to exhibit research and serve as a site for interaction. Too little attention has been paid to the visual materiality, graphic textuality, and conceptual... more
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      Library ScienceTextual ScholarshipGraphic Design
Dag Norberg's analysis and interpretation of Medieval Latin versification, which was published in French in 1958 and remains the standard work on the subject, appears here for the first time in English with a detailed, scholarly... more
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      Latin LiteratureHumanitiesLanguages and LinguisticsMedieval Literature
An overview of the variety of textual differences that exist between the Apocalypse in Codex Sinaiticus and the book in modern critical editions, thereby offering a window into the book's early readership. There is also a YouTube link to... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek HistoryPapyrologyPatristics
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      Textual ScholarshipTextual CriticismGenetic Criticism (Genetic Criticism)Manuscript Studies
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      Indian PhilosophyIndian studiesSouth Asian StudiesTextual Scholarship
This essay explores early modern playbills (advertisements for plays) asking 1) how were bills produced? 2) in what numbers? 3) where were they found? 4) what were they hung with? 5) what specific information did they provide? The answers... more
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      Theatre HistoryManuscripts and Early Printed BooksHistory of the BookBibliography
The Character of the Polish Princess in the Early Textual Revisions of Panteleimon Kulish’s «The Black Council». The paper analyzes the early texts of the manuscripts of the Russian and Ukrainian versions of Kulish’s novel Th e Black... more
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      Textual ScholarshipTextual CriticismUkrainian StudiesUkrainian Literature
Книжка містить комплексний текстологічний аналіз роману Пантелеймона Куліша «Чорна рада», його української та російської версій. Докладно описано історію створення роману, цензурну та видавничу історії, розглянуто відмінності різних... more
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      Russian LiteratureLiteratureTextual ScholarshipTextual Criticism
O objetivo desta tese é analisar, partindo de uma perspectiva filológica, um conjunto de cartas manuscritas, lavradas durante a década de 1765 a 1775, na capitania de São Paulo. Transcrevem-se os textos, para, a partir desse trabalho... more
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      PhilologyHistorical LinguisticsTextual ScholarshipTextual Criticism
Η "Κριτική Κειμένου" είναι ο κλάδος της φιλολογικής επιστήμης που μελετά τα κείμενα της αρχαιοελληνικής και λατινικής γραμματείας υπό ένα συγκεκριμένο πρίσμα και με έναν σαφώς προσδιορισμένο στόχο: την αναγωγή των κειμένων αυτών στην... more
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      Textual ScholarshipTextual CriticismErasmusTextual criticism (Classics)
Domböcker är de viktigaste sammanhängande källorna till Finlands historia under 1600-talet. De belyser på ett mångsidigt sätt livet och människorna på det lokala planet men också i ett riksperspektiv. Domböckerna har ett stort... more
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      PhilologyTextual ScholarshipTextual CriticismDiplomatics
Focused on two sixteenth-century editions of a medieval Valencian author (Ausiàs March, 1400-59), this book examines how the material transformations of early modern poetic texts at different stages in their publication process—from the... more
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      Print CulturePublishingTranslation StudiesMedieval Literature
FROM THE BACK COVER: What is the essential nature of meaning? . . . . . This book answers by examining interpretive theories from the past and present. It finds that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistory of LinguisticsPhilologyLanguages
This conference in the History of Reading will bring together scholars working on the private libraries of some of the major literary figures in world literature. The aim of the conference is to explore reading habits, note-taking... more
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      Textual ScholarshipTextual CriticismTextual Criticism and EditingMarginalia
Based on a review of the literature and historical evidence, I argue that the use of the methodological principle known as the priority principle in AngloAmeri can Nietzsche scholarship is inconsistent and irreconcilable with historical... more
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      Textual ScholarshipContinental PhilosophyFriedrich NietzscheNietzsche
Analyses the role of the Maguire dynasty in the patronage of Irish praise poetry at the end of the 'Bardic era', and gives two editions of previously unedited praise poems on Brian Maguire of Knockninny.
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      Irish LiteratureRenaissance StudiesTextual ScholarshipIrish Literature and Culture
According to Aristotle, as quoted in the beginning of the Convivio, it is natural for everyone to long for learning and knowledge, a process which is mainly based on memory,1 because – as Beatrice spells – «non fa scienza / senza lo... more
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      PhilologyMedieval LiteratureDante StudiesItalian Studies
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      Print CultureDigital HumanitiesBook HistoryManuscripts and Early Printed Books
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      Comparative ReligionTextual ScholarshipTheological Interpretation of Christian ScriptureMormonism
The academic discussion about "digital scholarly editions" can count on almost twenty years of authoritative contributions, and on good practices of innovative solutions fuelled by a closer cooperation with computer scientists. In the... more
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      Digital HumanitiesComputer ForensicsTextual ScholarshipItalian philology