Recent papers in Anti-Corruption
This Court should not follow the Panel’s suggestion that Petersons’ challenge to personal jurisdiction be waived because no party made this argument to either this Court or the Court of Appeals. Under our system of government, the role of... more
In the Matter of: Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC; DLJ Mortgage Capital, Inc.; Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Acceptance Corp.; Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp.; and Asset Backed Securities Corporation... more
The beginning of Vladimir Putin’s third term was characterised by the politicisation of corruption. Opposition forces focused on corruption and criticised the regime for tolerating it. This article explores how the regime reacted to... more
The present volume focuses on the relationship between office-holders and local communities in premodern Europe. It aims to further our understanding of popular political participation in practices of controlling officers by shifting the... more
Law, as a set of sources including legislation, administrative regulations, custom, and judicial decisions, is one of the causes of systemic corruption, intended as the generalised practice of various forms of abuse of entrusted power for... more
Відповідно до публічних відомостей, наданих міжнародною громадською організацією Transparency International, Україна посідає 130 місце зі 180 за рівнем корумпованості бюрократичного апарату влади. Відтак, метою державної політики... more
В статье рассматриваются некоторые проблемы освобождения от уголовной ответственности посредника во взяточничестве на основании добровольного сообщения о совершенном преступлении, проводится сравнительно-правовое исследование... more
This contribution is part of a festschrift in honour of emeritus professor, Nico Adam Botha, who laboured tirelessly for the concretisation of justice to all citizens in the boundaries of South Africa and beyond. His academic treatise... more
Using a new more expansive conception of "corruption," this anthology explores the variety of causes of corruption as well as a variety of weapons to combat it, and calls for a whole-of-society approach to reducing the level of extant... more
Retslægerådet - derfor taber du med 95% sandsynlighed en personskade retssag mod forsikringsselskabet.
Afghans' Perceptions and Experiences of Corruption Acknowledgement Integrity Watch would like to express its appreciation and gratitude to the team responsible for the production of this Seventh biennial National Corruption Survey. Our... more
La loi Sapin 2 a introduit un nouveau dispositif anticorruption qui, à l’instar d’autres législations étrangères, valorise la dimension institutionnelle et normative des entreprises afin de garantir une plus efficace prévention et... more
Corruption in the form of bribery continues to be a major societal challenge around the world. The current lab-in-the-field study tested whether descriptive norms messages on posters can help to reduce bribery. Before, during and after... more
Primeiro: Como ele soube? A competência da Ouvidoria em denúncias é receber, triar, responder e encaminhar à apuração, em sigilo, e proteger os dados do denunciante, conforme Lei 13460/2017. (Jamais pedir informações ao denunciado.)... more
Corruption remains one of the key obstacles to emocratization and good governance. Given the nature of the subject, corruption is notoriously difficult to study. International comparisons and rankings of good governance such as the World... more
Transparency International BIH published a flagship paper which analyses the link between gender and corruption. Partially based on a general population survey as well as the Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre’s (ALAC) database of applied... more
While acknowledging the corporate governance concept of “no one size fits all”, Corporate Governance codes continue to highlight board composition as an important factor. Even corporate law in different jurisdictions recognises the... more
Il volume offre una ricostruzione completa del sistema di potere accademico, un sistema di interessi clientelari, famigliari, maschilisti e talvolta mafiosi. Una mappa impressionante di casi e di storie. Come scrive nella sua Prefazione... more
Homeowners across the United States are filing counter claims against U.S. Banks for fraud on the Courts. Also filing criminal complaints with the FBI and Attorney Generals in each State.
Homeowners across the United States are filing counter claims against U.S. Banks for fraud on the Courts. Also filing criminal complaints with the FBI and Attorney Generals in each State.
After the introduction of Law no. 24 year 2011 regarding Executive Assembly for Social Protection, Indonesia is on the verge of running a universal social protection, starting in 2014. The author describes the current condition of... more
Recent corruption scandals suggest that the legal structures developed to responsibilize corporations might paradoxically enable the systematization of corruption across entire industry sectors. This study uses grounded theory methodology... more
Polski dyskurs medialny co najmniej raz na kwartał dominowany jest przez kolejne afery korupcyjne.Uwaga opinii publicznej kierowana jest zazwyczaj na nadużycia władzy centralnej, podczas gdy problem dotyka również niższych szczebli... more
The world suffers a lot not because of the 'violence' of bad people but because of the 'silence' of good people. (Napoleon Bonaparte)
Den strafrechtlichen Kern der Korruption bilden die klassischen Bestechungsdelikte. Um Korruption durch das Strafrechtsinstrumentarium angemessen bekämpfen zu können, ist ein gerechtes, klar und deutlich strukturiertes... more
The ugliness of kleptocracy is often easy to see; in fact, it is inescapable. Those who have visited Libya report that for an oil state it has very unimpressive infrastructure. Indeed, it is littered with half or less finished... more
50 MM Americans Against Foreclosures ( AAF ) get involved as he FHFA is attempting to steal homes while the SISTI case which is ongoing... The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), commonly known as Freddie Mac, is a publicly... more
Talagang kapag umiral ang kapabayaan ng isang lokal na opisyal sa Pilipinas, kahit may napapansin na sa kanyang paligid ay hindi pa rin ito kumikilos.
#Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online. Everything from Hillary Clinton's emails, McCain's being guilty, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents... more
CONFERENCE: Beyond Transition? New Directions in Eastern and Central European Studies. VENUE: 2-4 October 2013, Lund University, Sweden Economic Corruption and Nepotism in Russia Chair: Mi Lennhag * Yuly Nisnevich (Higher School of... more
Much can be learned from a comparative analysis of the different corporate governance practices of Canada and the People’s Republic of China, specifically with respect to the duties of directors in overseeing registered corporations. This... more
мавзусидаги халқаро онлайн илмий-амалий конференция материаллари тўплами ТОШКЕНТ ДАВЛАТ ЮРИДИК УНИВЕРСИТЕТИ "КОРРУПЦИЯГА ҚАРШИ КУРАШИШ ВА КОМПЛАЕНС НАЗОРАТ ТИЗИМИНИ ЖОРИЙ ЭТИШ ИСТИҚБОЛЛАРИ" мавзусидаги халқаро онлайн илмий-амалий... more
Ray Fisman & Miriam A. Golden, Corruption. What everyone needs to know, Oxford Univesity Press, New York, 2017, 316 pp.
It’s our turn to eat is much more than the story of John Githongo, a portly upper-class man in his mid-40s which dreamed of changing a country’s history of sleaze, state-capturing and ethnic identification. Githongo’s story is the... more
The article assesses the current state of corruption literature and conducts relevant empirical tests. It explores the validity of the corruption indicators regarded as having high explanatory power and juxtaposes them with empirical... more
Quizás debido al relativo éxito de las medidas anticorrupción o al crecimiento de regímenes autoritarios que capturan el poder para sí mismos durante largos períodos de tiempo, la cleptocracia está emergiendo como un nuevo fenómeno en la... more
Schedule 17 of the Crime and Courts Act 2013 introduced Deferred Prosecution Agreements (DPAs) into the English legal system. On the 30th of November 2015 the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited entered into the first-ever... more
Книга присвячена дослідженню проблеми корупції та пошуку шляхів протидії їй. Розглянуто вплив корупції на соціально-політичні процеси та проаналізовано психологічні аспекти цього феномену. «Корупція: роздуми після Майдану» - це погляд... more
In May 2008 legislation was tabled in Parliament providing for the dissolution of the Directorate of Special Operations (known as the ‘Scorpions’), an investigative unit based in the National Prosecuting Authority. The draft legislation... more
repere conceptuale, instituționale şi jurisprudenţiale I. Corupţia între moralitate şi normativitate Din cele mai vechi timpuri şi până în prezent, cercetători din mai toate domeniile ştiinţelor sociale (filosofi, politologi, economişti,... more
This is a daring and essential work from one of the discipline's shining lights. Going against type and tradition, the author examines how important more indirect and gradual approaches to battling corruption are, even though such... more
published in: "Preventing corruption and strengthening public ethics in local government", Strasbourg: Council of Europe: 2006