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      PrivacyFighting and Preventing Corruption through LawPolitical ScienceSurveillance (Sociology)
Este trabalho procura analisar certos aspectos do modo de atuação do controle e do poder exercido pela vigilância na sociedade digital. A discussão proposta envolve a ética, a segurança e o potencial de controle dos algoritmos... more
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      Surveillance (Sociology)CiberculturaRedes SociaisInteligencia artificial
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryCritical TheoryCritical Theory
Phronetic organizational research is an approach to the study of management and organizations focusing on ethics and power. It is based on a contemporary interpretation of the Aristotelian concept phronesis, usually as ‘prudence’.... more
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    •   1333  
      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurship
Elinizdeki kitapta Panoptikon’u çağdaş bir sorunsal olarak ele alan 6 makale yer alıyor. EEMKON 2015 Kongresi’nin “Kent ve Elektrik Sempozyumu” kapsamında yer alan “Gözetim Toplumu: Panoptikon” oturumunun ilgiyle karşılanması, bizlere bu... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyMedia StudiesNew Media
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      European HistoryCriminologyEastern European StudiesRussian Studies
Il tracollo della modernità e l’indebolimento delle sue istituzioni, prima fra tutte lo Stato nazione, ha segnato l’emergere della società postpanottica, molto più fluida e dinamica, caratterizzata dal superamento della dicotomia... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaSurveillance (Sociology)Surveillance Studies
The internet and social media have revolutionized activism. In response, governments seeking to curb opposition have recently learned to target the very same technologies that gave rise to activist empowerment in the first place. This... more
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      Democracy and Cyber-Democracy Theory and PracticePolitical TheoryPrivacyDemocratic Theory
Der Begriff des Profilsdas ist vor diesem Hintergrund wenig überraschend und zudem dem Alltagsverständnis intuitiv entsprechendfand auch Eingang in die bildende Kunst, um insbesondere das Portrait eines Menschen von der Seite zu... more
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      Media StudiesMedia ArchaeologyGenealogyMedia History
El mundo de Internet es uno de emprendedores e ideas innovadoras. También es el mundo de los datos masivos, de las fuentes abiertas, disponibles en tiempo real. Un sueño hecho realidad para quienes por profesión o por otras motivaciones... more
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      Internet StudiesInformation SocietyPrivacySurveillance (Sociology)
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      Critical TheorySocial SciencesSurveillance (Sociology)Israel/Palestine
For over fifty years, successive waves of critique have underscored that the apolitical character of much of Political Science research betrays the founding mission of the discipline to have science serve democracy. The Caucus for a New... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurship
My presentation was entitled "Terror Beyond Borders: Fascist and Nazi Spies Subverting Resistance"
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      Critical TheoryMarketingReligionHistory
This paper analyzes the politics of mapping along the US-Mexico border to explore how humanitarian activists wield geospatial technologies in challenging border securitization. In addition to 'bounding' societies within delimited... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesMedia Sociology
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      Forensic ScienceStigmaSurveillance (Sociology)Surveillance Studies
To refine wholesale accounts of transnationalism, scholars have cited the amplification of border enforcement and immigration control. Whilst received analysis emphasizes multiple processes whether border militarization, mass deportation... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesCriminology
The term ‘phronetic social science’ was coined in Making Social Science Matter (Flyvbjerg 2001). However, as pointed out in that volume and by Schram (2006), phronetic social science existed well before this particular articulation of the... more
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    •   1331  
      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurship
Under the year of 963, a particular John, the author of the fourteenth-century <Chronicle of the Glastonbury Abbey>, noted the following story: ‚King Edgar furthermore made a cross over the high altar, covered all over with gold and... more
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      Surveillance (Sociology)Surveillance StudiesErving GoffmanEarly Medieval Monasticism
People in contemporary western societies are subject to surveillance more than ever before, so much that surveillance has almost become ubiquitous. Since the declaration of the Global War on Terrorism this situation has only increased as... more
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      TerrorismSurveillance (Sociology)Surveillance EpidemiologySurveillance
There is ferment in the social sciences. After years of sustained effort to build a science of society modelled on the natural sciences, that project, long treated with suspicion by some, is now openly being rethought. A critical... more
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    •   1332  
      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurship
Panoptikon 2.0- İçindekiler • Ayakkabıdaki Çivi: Yeni Gözetime Direnme ve Onu Etkisizleştirme -Gary T. Marx • Gizleme Hakkı mı? Gözetim Karşıtı Kamuflaj ve Direnişin Estetize Edilmesi -Torin Monahan • Göçebe-Düşünce ve Savaş... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsMedia Studies
Capturing personal data in exchange for free services is now ubiquitous in networked media and recently led to diagnoses of surveillance and platform capitalism (Zuboff 2019; Srnicek 2017). In social media discourse, dataveillance and... more
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      Media StudiesSocial NetworksInternet StudiesDigital Literacy
Both films Her (2013) and Ex Machina (2015) suggest the arrival of highly advanced Artificial Intelligence that are vastly superior to present-day AI/androids (e.g. Nadine) and virtual voice assistants (e.g. Siri). Imagined AI in the... more
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      SociologyArtificial IntelligenceTechnologySelf and Identity
The essay that the reader is holding in his hands is an attempt to understand the extent to which, in the present-day, we are watching the return of a visibility, exposure and surveillance system that a utilitarian author like Jeremy... more
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      International RelationsMedia StudiesPolitical TheoryPrivacy
This thesis, a platform study of Microsoft's videogame console the Xbox 360, demonstrates how one of the defining traits of the videogame platform's design and architecture is pervasive surveillance of its users. By applying William... more
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      Surveillance (Sociology)Video GamesSurveillancePlatform Studies
Background: During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, digital tracking technologies were recognised as one of the key tools in preventing the spread of the virus and maintaining health security. However, they also raised... more
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      Surveillance (Sociology)Surveillance StudiesPeople and TechnologySurveillance
This paper seeks to explore political, cultural, legal and socio-economic legacies of the Fascist regime in Italy. With the fall of the regime, in fact, the overall surveillance apparatus did not fade away. Former fascists were not purged... more
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      Welfare StateSurveillance (Sociology)FascismSurveillance Studies
The US national response to the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks accelerated the adoption and refinement of a new repertoire of protest policing we call ‘strategic incapacitation’ now employed by law enforcement agencies nationwide to... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsSocial Sciences
This paper analyzes the use of surveillance by activist groups opposed to the extensive securitization of the US-Mexico border and examines the implications of their activities for scholarship on borders, surveillance, and empowerment.... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionHistory of Science and TechnologySociology
As traditional public spaces rapidly change the question arises whether pervasive surveillance is actually compatible with the nature of individual agency. It is known that new and largely unregulated technologies often both erode old de... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial PsychologyComputer Science
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      Sociotechnical SystemsSociology of Crime and DevianceSurveillance (Sociology)Surveillance Studies
İnsan hayatının ayrılmaz bir parçası haline gelen gözetim, teknolojik gelişmelerin hızlı gelişimine de bağlı olarak son 50 yıl içerisinde çok daha güçlü ve etkili bir hale gelmiştir. Bu gelişme ve yenilikler 21. yüzyılın hızlı ve arkası... more
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      Political PsychologySurveillance (Sociology)Public RelationsSurveillance Studies
The paper explores pedagogies of surveillance and counter pedagogies of radical democracy and co-operative practice and their implications for teacher education. Teachers have had to respond to an increasing naturalization of... more
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      SociologyInformation TechnologyEducationCritical Discourse Studies
Přehledová studie se zabývá proměnami městského prostoru pod vlivem globalizace, post-industrializace a neoliberalistické ideologie od 70. let 20. století. Hlavní pozornost je věnována problematice kamerového dohledu a vzniku specifických... more
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      Global citiesSurveillance (Sociology)Security StudiesPrivatisation Of Public Space
With a point of departure in the concept "uncomfortable knowledge," this article presents a case study of how the American Planning Association (APA) deals with such knowledge. APA was found to actively suppress publicity of malpractice... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurship
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      CriminologyEthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionCorporate Social Responsibility
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      CriminologyLawTerrorismSurveillance (Sociology)
Based on group interviews conducted in 2006 that included 71 social justice organizations, this paper analyzes the impact of surveillance on the exercise of assembly and association rights. We link these protected legal activities with... more
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      SociologySocial MovementsLaw and SocietySocial Movement
A discussion on the history, current use and future of drones around the world. Analysing their controversial role in tackling extremist groups, the paper explores how drones are slowly but surely moving into the domestic realm, where... more
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      Social SciencesSurveillance (Sociology)Surveillance StudiesCounter terrorism
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      BusinessManagementElectronic EngineeringTelecommunications Engineering
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      CriminologySurveillance (Sociology)Surveillance StudiesSurveillance
This paper seeks to explore political, cultural, legal and socio-economic legacies of the Fascist regime (1922-1943) in Italy. With the fall of the regime, in fact, the overall surveillance apparatus did not fade away. Former fascists... more
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      HistorySociologyCriminologyWelfare State
The phenomenon of surveillance has become one of the distinguishing features of today's societies. Surveillance, which first emerged as a panoptic prison design in its modern form, has chanced with the coming of computers and cameras into... more
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      Surveillance (Sociology)Gözetim Toplumuveri gözetimiSurveillance Society
This essay serves as an Afterword to the MediaTropes double special issue on Bioconvergence. In addition to summarizing the 11 essays gathered in this collection, the authors argue that bioconvergence serves as a useful critical... more
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      EthicsMedia StudiesNew MediaSurveillance (Sociology)
This article focuses on the means by which the state controls welfare recipients in France. The paradox of these actions, which are made in the name of legal rigor but are characterized by ambivalence and the discretionary power of... more
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      Welfare StateSurveillance (Sociology)Social InteractionSurveillance Studies
Whilst trying to enter the Ancient Mayan Centre, Palenque, Chiapas, at night and during the full moon I was hunted through the jungle by several guards. Around town and the nearby campground were numerous photocopies of missing young... more
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      ArchitectureSurveillance (Sociology)Surveillance StudiesClassic Maya (Archaeology)
In the context of COVID-19 pandemics, Brazilian cities implemented social isolation policies and deployed digital systems to monitor urban mobility. This article addresses the setting of two digital technologies based on massive... more
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      Digital TechnologySurveillance (Sociology)Security StudiesSurveillance Studies
In the context of COVID-19 pandemics, Brazilian cities implemented social isolation policies and deployed digital systems to monitor urban mobility. This article addresses the setting of two digital technologies based on massive... more
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      Digital TechnologySurveillance (Sociology)Surveillance Studies
This study, drawing on alternative media and networked social movements, explores the counter-surveillance practices and oppositional imaginaries of activist citizen journalists (ACJs) in Turkey to combat the surveillance strategies of... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsSocial Theory