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DLP is a data security technology that detects and prevents data breach incidents by monitoring data in-use, in-motion and at-rest. It has been widely applied for regulatory compliances, data privacy and intellectual property... more
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      AlgorithmsRegulatory ComplianceNetwork SecuritySoftware Architecture
This article examines dynamics of financial surveillance and risk-based regulation in the context of ongoing activities to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. Close analysis of the situation in the UK reveals entangled forms... more
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      International RelationsRegulatory ComplianceCritical Security StudiesInternational Political Economy
Regulation would be effective only when it is complied with by the regulatee institutions in both letter and spirit. There could be various impediments to voluntary compliance by banks, as well as the effectiveness of enforcement... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceCorporate GovernanceComplianceMoney Laundering
The study was conducted to assess the level of compliance with regulatory guidelines on anti-money laundering (AML) in the scheduled commercial banks in India, and to understand the bottlenecks in AML... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceRisk Management
This chapter utilizes a green criminological perspective to examine this key issue as it pertains to waste dumping in rural northwestern China. First, we offer a brief review of green criminology’s approach to waste crime and summarize... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceGreen CriminologyRural DevelopmentEnvironmental Policy and Governance
The study related to pharmaceutical packaging has come to attention for its importance to the quality of drugs and compliance achievement. The aims of this study is to provide a conceptual view of producing a new model of pharmaceutical... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceIsoGeneric DrugsPharmaceutical Manufacturing
В коллективной монографии, посвященной 10-летнему юбилею института оценки регулирующего воздействия в России, анализируется опыт формирования и развития системы публичных обсуждений проектов нормативных правовых актов на наднациональном,... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceLegal TheoryImproving Investment ClimateRegulatory Impact Assesment
This article analysis Governments and interest group’s intermediation of employment interest under neo-corporatism to understand young third-country immigrants’ transition to work in Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland. Existing research... more
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      Comparative PoliticsRegulatory ComplianceTrustRegulation And Governance
La loi Sapin 2 a introduit un nouveau dispositif anticorruption qui, à l’instar d’autres législations étrangères, valorise la dimension institutionnelle et normative des entreprises afin de garantir une plus efficace prévention et... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceAnti-CorruptionCorruptionCorporate Corruption
IAE – Compliance, Programa Integral

Autores expertos varios, material subido por S Martino
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      Regulatory ComplianceComplianceEthics & Compliance ManagementEthics & Compliance Auditing
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      Requirements EngineeringRegulatory ComplianceDesign ResearchRegulatory Compliance (Computer Science)
Financial reform in the last few decades has transformed the global operations of finance watched over by a reactive regulatory framework, in a concerted effort to enhance the resilience of institutional structure, recapture market trust... more
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      Financial EconomicsRegulatory ComplianceRegulation And GovernanceIslamic Banking
Purpose – The paper aims to document the effects of the privatisation of building code enforcement regimes. It notes that privatisation is generally accompanied by trade-offs between competing democratic values such as effectiveness,... more
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      Comparative PoliticsRegulatory ComplianceRegulation And GovernanceBuilding Regulation & Control
Overview: Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is one method hospitals can use to comply with the requirement by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) that they conduct at least one proactive risk... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceFinancial AccountingHuman Resource ManagementPharmaceutical Technology
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      Regulatory ComplianceEthics & Compliance ManagementHealth Care EthicsHealth care law and ethics
Composto de 38 capítulos e organizado de modo estratégico, este livro se caracteriza pela abordagem didática sobre os principais temas da matéria, contendo artigos sobre Compliance Digital e legislações de proteção de dados.
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      Regulatory ComplianceComplianceEthics & Compliance ManagementAnti-money laundering
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      Regulatory ComplianceCorporate LawRegulation And GovernanceCorporate Governance
The aim of this paper is to provide insight into the regulatory landscape surrounding much criticized regulatory reporting and know your customer (KYC) requirements for financial institutions and to describe how regulatory technology can... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceBanking & Financial ServicesFinancial RegulationFintech
Para hablar de medicamento debemos establecer su definición como "toda preparación o producto farmacéutico empleado para la prevención, diagnóstico y/o tratamiento de una enfermedad o estado patológico, o para modificar sistemas... more
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      Financial EconomicsRegulatory ComplianceGestión de Recursos HumanosMercadeo
219/2006 -Attuazione della direttiva 2001/83/CE relativa ad un codice comunitario concernente i medicinali per uso umano, nonché della direttiva 2003/94/CE Art. 113 -Definizione di pubblicità dei medicinali e ambito di applicazione Per... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceComplianceEthics & Compliance ManagementPharmaceutical Law
O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar a responsabilidade dos administradores das companhias abertas pela implantação e manutenção de programas de compliance, à luz das novas regras estabelecidas na recém-publicada Lei 12.846/2013, a... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceComplianceStock MarketsCorporate Laws
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      Public AdministrationRegulatory ComplianceEnvironmental SustainabilityStandardization
Imagine a situação. De um dia para o outro você descobre que, a partir daquele momento, será o responsável pela área de Compliance da sua empresa, com a necessidade de implementar o programa para ontem. Ou, insatisfeito com sua atividade... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceComplianceEthics & Compliance ManagementEthics & Compliance Auditing
The integration of governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) activities has gained importance over the last years. This paper presents an analysis of the GRC integration efforts in information technology departments of three large... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceRegulatory Compliance (Computer Science)Design Science research
The proliferation of Internet and virtual communities led to the creation and continuous increase of circulation of virtual currency schemes. The virtual currency that has seen enormous growth both in value and public perception to date... more
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      LawRegulatory ComplianceBankingMoney and Banking
Vor beinahe vier Jahren wurden neue Steuervortaten zur
Geldwäscherei im schweizerischen Strafrecht eingeführt. Der Beitrag beleuchtet ausgewählte Fragen aus der Praxis und identifiziert red flags welche auf Steuervortaten hindeuten.
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      Regulatory ComplianceComplianceMoney LaunderingBanking Law
Performing non surgical aesthetic procedures must be under responsibility of an accredited and qualified clinical professional. Non- health practitioners with required accredited qualification may perform the procedures but under... more
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      AestheticsRegulatory ComplianceFillers
The review explores the regulatory framework governing heavy vehicle road transport in Australia and explores the motivations behind non compliance with the law. It evaluates the effectiveness of the existing regulatory tools to respond... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceRoad Safety, Transportation Planning and Management, Intelligent Transportation SystemsLaw of Carriage - Road, Railway, Sea and Air - Shipping/Transportation Law
Artificial intelligence, blockchain and other potentially disruptive technologies form the crucial innovation, structural and institutional foundation for not only economic development, but also moral development and practical ethics. The... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceSupply Chain ManagementRegulatory ComplianceCapital Markets
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      Regulatory ComplianceCompliance
Four traditional criminological theories--opportunity, control, subcul­tural, and differential association--are tested for their explanatory power in accounting for organizational compliance with regulatory laws. The primary data source... more
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      CriminologyRegulatory ComplianceRegulation And Governance
RESUMO: O presente capítulo possui, como pano de fundo, o (crítico) modo com o qual as SPEs instituídas para parcerias público-privadas estão lidando com as temáticas relacionadas ao compliance. Diante desse cenário, destaca, por meio de... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceComplianceEthics & Compliance ManagementPMI
El presente artículo trata sobre la más reciente norma de combate de la corrupción en Brasil, la Ley 12.846, de 2013 – que pasó a ser llamada de “Ley Anticorrupción Empresarial”. De forma novedosa, la norma bajo examen trajo para el... more
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      Public AdministrationRegulatory CompliancePublic Affairs
The harshness of marine environment, the severity of marine perils and serious consequences of accidents on crew members and property onboard have made necessary the introduction of "ethical" rules, the respect of which was, and to a... more
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      Economic HistoryEconomicsIndustrial OrganizationDevelopment Studies
Harnessing Blockchain technology to detect and prevent money laundering
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      Regulatory ComplianceAnti-money launderingBlockchain
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      ManagementDevelopment StudiesKnowledge ManagementRegulatory Governance
The UAE enjoys political stability, liberal business environment and robust economic development. It has a very thriving real estate market and it houses a world class financial services hub that sits in Dubai known as the Dubai... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceComplianceAnti-money launderingAnti money laundering and Terrorist Financing
Overview: In the evaluation of risk in support of safety management systems decision making models can be applied. There is a need to evaluate complex risks by integrating many factors and applying considerations in a logistical and... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceFinancial Risk ManagementRisk ManagementRisk Analysis
The new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) establishes requirements (and certain incentives) for internal compliance mechanisms that do not exist in current legislation. These requirements, which will have an impact on internal... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceCompliancePERSONAL DATA PROTECTIONInformation Security and Privacy
In recent years, a complex and global corruption practice reached the international spotlight due to its unprecedented vilification of public resources and its breach of human rights encompassing civil, economical, political, social,... more
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      Constitutional LawRegulatory ComplianceHuman Rights LawHuman Rights
Overview: All life science businesses are required to maintain their Quality Management System (QMS) processes in a state of control, via controlled documents and objective evidence in the form of records. Medical device manufacturing... more
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      Health SciencesRegulatory ComplianceFinancial AccountingHuman Resource Management
The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contexts will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instruction, formulae and analysis should be independently verified... more
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    • Regulatory Compliance
IAE – Compliance, Programa Integral

Autores expertos varios, material subido por S Martino
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      Regulatory ComplianceComplianceEthics & Compliance ManagementEthics & Compliance Auditing
In June 2011, the 100th Session of the International Labour Convention adopted the Domestic Workers Convention (No. 189) 2011 (C189). C189 entered into force in September 2013. Further to the entry into force of C189, this paper... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceInformal EconomyDomestic workersMigrant Domestic Workers
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      Regulatory ComplianceEthics & Compliance ManagementDiritto PenaleDiritto Amministrativo
Treaty conflicts are not merely the contingent or inadvertent byproducts of the increasing juridification of international relations. In several instances, States have deliberately created treaty conflicts in order to catalyse changes in... more
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      International RegimesEnvironmental LawRegulatory ComplianceInternational Law
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      Regulatory ComplianceAntitrust (Law)ComplianceAnticorruption
This paper provides a brief overview of key trends in cloud adoption and cloud deployment strategies, how global regulators are evaluating cloud related operational risks and how might they deal with these potential risks in the future.... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceAgent Based SimulationEvolutionary Game TheoryOperational Risk
The Revolution of Software was started many times before, as its one of the most growing sector the importance of regulatory requirements for software systems are also growing.As the regulations are responsible for impacting both... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceComputer Vision