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197 lines (173 loc) · 15 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

For each Pull Request, the affected code parts should be briefly described and added here in the "Upcoming" section. Once a release is done, the "Upcoming" section becomes the release changelog, and a new empty "Upcoming" should be created.



  • (#454) Checking that labels are mutually exclusive.
  • (#447) Added a sanity check to ensure there are no missing channels, nor missing files. If missing channels in the csv file or filenames associated with channels are incorrect, pipeline exits with error report before running training or inference.
  • (#446) Guarding save_outlier so that it works when institution id and series id columns are missing.
  • (#441) Add script to move models from one AzureML workspace to another: python InnerEye/Scripts/
  • (#417) Added a generic way of adding PyTorch Lightning models to the toolbox. It is now possible to train almost any Lightning model with the InnerEye toolbox in AzureML, with only minimum code changes required. See the MD documentation for details.
  • (#430) Update conversion to 1.0.1 InnerEye-DICOM-RT to add: manufacturer, SoftwareVersions, Interpreter and ROIInterpretedTypes.
  • (#385) Add the ability to train a model on multiple nodes in AzureML. Example: Add --num_nodes=2 to the commandline arguments to train on 2 nodes.
  • (#366) and (#407) add new parameters to the script of use_dicom and result_zip_dicom_name. If use_dicom==True then the input file should be a zip of a DICOM series. This will be unzipped and converted to Nifti format before processing. The result will then be converted to a DICOM-RT file, zipped and stored as result_zip_dicom_name.
  • (#416) Add a github action chat checks if has been modified.
  • (#412) Dataset files can now have arbitrary names, and are no longer restricted to be called dataset.csv, via the config field dataset_csv. This allows to have a single set of image files in a folder, but multiple datasets derived from it.
  • (#391) Support for multilabel classification tasks. Multilabel models can be trained by adding the parameter class_names to the config for classification models. class_names should contain the name of each label class in the dataset, and the order of names should match the order of class label indices in dataset.csv. dataset.csv supports multiple labels (indices corresponding to class_names) per subject in the label column. Multiple labels should be encoded as a string with labels separated by a |, for example "0|2|4". Note that this PR does not add support for multiclass models, where the labels are mutually exclusive.
  • (#425) The number of layers in a Unet is no longer fixed at 4, but can be set via the config field num_downsampling_paths. A lower number of layers may be useful for decreasing memory requirements, or for working with smaller images. (The minimum image size in any dimension when using a network of n layers is 2**n.)
  • (#426) Flake8, mypy, and testing the HelloWorld model is now happening in a Github action, no longer in Azure Pipelines.
  • (#405) Cross-validation runs for classification models now also generate a report notebook summarising the metrics from the individual splits. Also includes minor formatting improvements for standard classification reports.
  • (#438) Add links and small docs to InnerEye-Gateway and InnerEye-Inference
  • (#439) Enable automatic job recovery from last recovery checkpoint in case of job pre-emption on AML. Give the possibility to the user to keep more than one recovery checkpoint.
  • (#442) Enable defining custom scalar losses (ScalarLoss.CustomClassification and CustomRegression), prediction targets (ScalarModelBase.target_names), and reporting (ModelConfigBase.generate_custom_report()) in scalar configs, providing more flexibility for defining model configs with custom behaviour while leveraging the existing InnerEye workflows.
  • (#444) Added setup scripts and documentation to work with the FastMRI challenge datasets.
  • (#444) Git-related information is now printed to the console for easier diagnostics.
  • (#445) Adding test coverage for the HelloContainer model with multiple GPUs
  • (#450) Adds the metric "Accuracy at threshold 0.5" to the classification report (classification_crossval_report.ipynb).
  • (#451) Write a file model_outputs.csv with columns subject, prediction_target, label, model_output and cross_validation_split_index. This file is not written out for sequence models.
  • (#440) Added support for training of self-supervised models (BYOL and SimCLR) based on the bring-your-own-model framework. Providing examples configurations for training of SSL models on CIFAR10/100 datasets as well as for chest-x-ray datasets such as NIH CHest-Xray or RSNA Pneumonia Detection Challenge datasets. See SSL doc for more details.
  • (#455) All models trained on AzureML are registered. The codepath previously allowed only segmentation models (subclasses of SegmentationModelBase) to be registered. Models are registered after a training run or if the only_register_model flag is set. Models may be legacy InnerEye config-based models or may be defined using the LightningContainer class. Additionally, the TrainHelloWorldAndHelloContainer job in the PR build has been split into two jobs, TrainHelloWorld and TrainHelloContainer. A pytest marker after_training_hello_container has been added to run tests after training is finished in the TrainHelloContainer job.


  • (#385) Starting an AzureML run now uses the ScriptRunConfig object, rather than the deprecated Estimator object.
  • (#385) When registering a model, the name of the Python execution environment is added as a tag. This tag is read when running inference, and the execution environment is re-used.
  • (#411) Upgraded to PyTorch 1.8.0, PyTorch-Lightning 1.1.8 and AzureML SDK 1.23.0
  • (#432) Upgraded to PyTorch-Lightning 1.2.7. Add end-to-end test for classification cross-validation. WARNING: upgrade PL version causes hanging of multi-node training.
  • (#437) Upgrade to PyTorch-Lightning 1.2.8.
  • (#439) Recovery checkpoints are now named recovery_epoch=x.ckpt instead of recovery.ckpt or recovery-v0.ckpt.
  • (#451) Change the signature for function generate_custom_report in ModelConfigBase to take only the path to the reports folder and a ModelProcessing object.
  • (#444) The method before_training_on_rank_zero of the LightningContainer class has been renamed to before_training_on_global_rank_zero. The order in which the hooks are called has been changed.


  • (#422) Documentation - clarified datastore creation instructions and fixed small typos in
  • (#432) Fixed cross-validation for classification models. Fixed multi-gpu metrics aggregation. Add end-to-end test for classification cross-validation. Add fix to bug in ddp setting when running multi-node with 1 gpu per node.
  • (#435) If parameter model in AzureConfig is not set, display an error message and terminate the run.
  • (#437) Fixed multi-node DDP bug in PL v1.2.8. Re-add end-to-end test for multi-node.
  • (#445) Fixed a bug when running inference for container models on machines with >1 GPU


  • (#439) Deprecated start_epoch config argument.
  • (#450) Delete unused classification_report.ipynb.
  • (#455) Removed the AzureRunner conda environment. The full InnerEye conda environment is needed to submit a training job to AzureML.


0.2 (2021-01-29)


  • (#323) There are new model configuration fields (and hence, commandline options), in particular for controlling PyTorch Lightning (PL) training:
    • max_num_gpus controls how many GPUs are used at most for training (default: all GPUs, value -1).
    • pl_num_sanity_val_steps controls the PL trainer flag num_sanity_val_steps
    • pl_deterministic controls the PL trainer flags benchmark and deterministic
    • generate_report controls if a HTML report will be written (default: True)
    • recovery_checkpoint_save_interval determines how often a checkpoint for training recovery is saved.
  • (#336) New extensions of SegmentationModelBases HeadAndNeckBase and ProstateBase. Use these classes to build your own Head&Neck or Prostate models, by just providing a list of foreground classes.
  • (#363) Grouped dataset splits and k-fold cross-validation. This allows, for example, training on datasets with multiple images per subject without leaking data from the same subject across train/test/validation sets or cross-validation folds. To use this functionality, simply provide the name of the CSV grouping column (group_column) when creating the DatasetSplits object in your model config's get_model_train_test_dataset_splits() method. See the InnerEye.ML.utils.split_dataset.DatasetSplits class for details.


  • (#323) The codebase has undergone a massive refactoring, to use PyTorch Lightning as the foundation for all training. As a consequence of that:
    • Training is now using Distributed Data Parallel with synchronized batchnorm. The number of GPUs to use can be controlled by a new commandline argument max_num_gpus.
    • Several classes, like ModelTrainingSteps*, have been removed completely.
    • The final model is now always the one that is written at the end of all training epochs.
    • The old code that options to run full image inference at multiple epochs (i.e., multiple checkpoints), this has been removed, alongside the respective commandline options save_start_epoch, save_step_epochs, epochs_to_test, test_diff_epochs, test_step_epochs, test_start_epoch
    • The commandline option register_model_only_for_epoch is now called only_register_model, and is boolean.
    • All metrics are written to AzureML and Tensorboard in a unified format. A training Dice score for 'bladder' would previously be called Train_Dice/bladder, now it is train/Dice/bladder.
    • Due to a different checkpoint format, it is no longer possible to use checkpoints written by the previous version of the code.
  • The arguments of the script changed: data_root -> data_folder, it no longer assumes a fixed data subfolder. project_root -> model_root, test_image_channels -> image_files.
  • By default, the visualization of patch sampling for segmentation models will run on only 1 image (down from 5). This is because patch sampling is expensive to compute, taking 1min per large CT scan.
  • (#336) Renamed HeadAndNeckBase to HeadAndNeckPaper, and ProstateBase to ProstatePaper.
  • (#427) Move dicom loading function from SimpleITK to pydicom. Loading time improved by 30x.


  • When registering a model, it now has a consistent folder structured, described here. This folder structure is present irrespective of using InnerEye as a submodule or not. In particular, exactly 1 Conda environment will be contained in the model.


  • The commandline options to control which checkpoint is saved, and which is used for inference, have been removed: save_start_epoch, save_step_epochs, epochs_to_test, test_diff_epochs, test_step_epochs, test_start_epoch
  • Removed blobxfer completely. When downloading a dataset from Azure, we now use AzureML dataset downloading tools. Please remove the following fields from your settings.yml file: 'datasets_storage_account' and 'datasets_container'.
  • Removed ProstatePaperBase.
  • Removed ability to perform sub-fold cross validation. The parameters number_of_cross_validation_splits_per_fold and cross_validation_sub_fold_split_index have been removed from ScalarModelBase.


0.1 (2020-11-13)

  • This is the baseline release.