Hipour그는 작가 토마스 글래드윈에게 1970년 저서 '이스트는 큰 새다'의 항해술을 가르쳐 전통적인 태평양 천체 항해에 대한 관심을 크게 북돋아 준 것으로 유명하다.[1]
힙포어는 또한 전통적인 항해 기술을 사용하여 풀루왓에서 사이판까지 그리고 다시 그의 케치인 헨리 루이스와 동행했는데, 이것은 캐롤라인과 마리아나 제도 사이의 항해에서 르네상스를 부채질하는 데 도움이 되었다.[2]
참고 항목
- ^ Gladwin, Thomas (1970). East Is a Big Bird; Navigation & Logic on Puluwat Atoll. Cambridge Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-22425-6.
- ^ Michael McCoy (1973). "A Renaissance in Carolinian-Marianas Voyaging". Journal of the Polynesian Society, Auckland University.
Then, in 1969, David Lewis visited the Central Carolinian island of Puluwat in his auxiliary ketch, the Isbjorn, while investigating ongoing systems of navigation throughout Oceania. Lewis had heard that the navigators of Puluwat possessed the knowledge to sail the 900-mile round-trip to Saipan, and upon arrival there asked one of the navigators, Hipour, to accompany him on the Isbjorn and navigate the vessel to Saipan and return. It was understood that only the indigenous knowledge that had been taught Hipour by the navigators of Puluwat would be used. The successful completion of this voyage, plus other factors, has led to a renaissance in Carolinian-Marianas voyaging and strengthened ties between Carolinians and their cousins on Saipan.