Recent papers in Zebra
The Plains zebra (Equus burchellii Gray 1824) is a widespread equid species, inhabiting a continuous range throughout sub-Saharan Africa. This study investigates geographic and temporal variability in members of E. burchellii from East... more
Les cadeaux diplomatiques d'animaux exotiques au XIIIe siècle autour de la Méditerranée ont eu une influence essentielle sur les savoirs zoologiques et la dénomination d'espèces rares et exotiques. Le sultan Baybars, né en 1233, a fait un... more
SUSUNAN ABJAD o A = Arca o B = Beruang o C = Cangkul o D = Dahlia o E = Elang o F = Flamboyan o G = Gamelan o H = Harimau o I = Itik o J = Jarum o K = Kikir o L = Laret o M = Melati / Musang o N = Nuri o O = Opera o P = Palu o Q = Quintet... more
Some authors have attributed numerous place names in Spain and Portugal to the wild horse (equiferus), for which there is abundant evidence from the 1st century BC to the 16th century. However, considering certain linguistic arguments,... more
The Greek and Latin texts of Roman times on ἵπποι ἄγριοι, equi feri or equiferi, and the medieval Spanish ones on encebros or zevros, referring to wild horses of Iberia and other regions of Europe, must allude to the same animal,... more
This study examines the nature and extent of intraspecific variation in four African mammalian taxa: the Reck’s springbok Antidorcas recki (Schwarz, 1932) the impala Aepyceros melampus (Lichtenstein, 1812) the spotted hyaena, Crocuta... more
Древность и Средневековье: вопросы истории и историографии : материалы V Всероссийской конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых (Омск, 12–13 октября 2018 г.). Омск : Изд-во Ом. гос. ун-та, 2019.
Common and exotic, glamorous and ferocious, sociable and sullen: zebras mean many things to many people. The extraordinary beauty of their striped coats makes them one of the world’s most recognizable animals. They have been immortalized... more
Koos Groenewoud (adviseur en leiderschapstrainer) Van bokitomanagement naar dienend leiderschap Actuele crises zoals de coronacrisis en de klimaatcrisis tonen aan dat ons huidige 'groeien moet' financieel-economisch systeem niet langer... more
These data include parasite, immune, and hormone data for wild plains zebra (Equus quagga) and springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) in Etosha National Park, Namibia