Recent papers in Poetry
سفر عارف قزوینی در سال 1306 شمسی به همدان آغاز دوران تبعید او تلقی شد و بسیارانی گمان کردند «شاعر ملی ایران» به دلیل مواضع و مشیِ سیاسیاش هدفِ خشمِ شخصِ نخستِ مملکت قرار گرفته، یا دستکم به دسایس یکی یا گروهی از ارباب قدرت، در فرجامی... more
9 Premessa 11 Premessa alla seconda edizione LINGUA PENSIERO CANTO 17 Prima lezione. La lingua e l'informazione 18 § 1. L'essenza e l'indole 23 § 2. Il format della lingua 29 § 3. La prestanza del segno 36 § 4. L'informazione 47 Seconda... more
This critical essay describes and demonstrates the uses and unique contributions of performative writing as a form of inquiry into the materialities and mobilities of sociocultural communicative phenom- ena. Embracing an Anzaldu an... more
"'נשמה יהודיה מלאה עפר / מאירופה לבגדד' – השואה, זיכרון קולקטיבי וגבולות הלאום בשירתה של אמירה הס", בתוך "עדות היופי וחוקת הזמן – על שירתה של אמירה הס", עורכת: קציעה עלון, הוצאת גמא, 2016, עמ' 192-132.
Persian poets since Rūdakī have drawn on the letter symbolism of the Perso-Arabic alphabet. Visually, its characters have attracted poets who find the likeness of the beloved in their shapes. Spiritually, it enjoys a special status as the... more
Chinese writing occupies a privileged position in current academic discussions of world literature. While China as defined within world literature serves as a test-case for questions of nativist and universalist values, in the process it... more
Starting from Edgar Allan Poe’s assertion that there is no such thing as a long poem, several modernist poets discovered the lyrical potential of a new poetical form in which extension is possible if one follows an analogous principal to... more
This essay is a survey of the figure Fortune in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century English poetry. It argues that poetry reveals the work of figuration within the construction of gendered and racial difference. First, it looks at some... more
John Skelton is a central literary figure and the leading poet during the first thirty years of Tudor rule. Nevertheless, he remains challenging and even contradictory for modern audiences. This book aims to provide an authoritative... more
In 1850, after five years of planning, Liszt began composing music for his Italian opera, _Sardanapalo_, after Byron. It was central to his ambition to attain status as a European composer, but he abandoned the project halfway through. La... more
In order to accept this Student Recruiter agreement with the College of Mental Health Counselling, you must believe in and agree with the value of learning about counselling through the online course described at www.ctihalifax.com, and... more
In recent years, Black poets and other poets of color have increasingly won many of the most prestigious prizes and awards within the majority and historically white field of US poetry. This article traces the interventions (writing,... more
Brief phenomenological/literary analysis of passages from several classic poems about winter by authors including Sylvia Plath, Basho, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Wallace Stevens
Prólogo de Carlos Blanco Pérez ❖ Muerte, mortalidad e inmortalidad derraman su esencia en el crisol de la mundana vida humana; horrores que nos arrojan a soñar, leer y escribir. Los libros filosóficos, literarios y poéticos aparentan ser... more
Arts-based Education in Outdoor Learning is a compendium of artistic endeavour created for the purposes of learning. The contents stem mainly from teaching BA undergraduate Outdoor students at the University of Central Lancashire in... more
Quando le statue perdono l'oro delle braccia e cadono le lettere dai libri delle leggi, la coscienza rimane nuda come un occhio [...] Là dove il vento porta il fumo del crematorio e viene il suono dell'Angelus dai campi lo Spirito della... more
This article compares the poetry of two prominent modern writers: Polish-Jewish poetess Zuzanna Ginczanka (Sara Ginzburg, 1917-1945), and Ukrainian Lemko poet Bohdan-Ihor Antonych (1909-1937). They are believed (by Yaroslav Polishchuk et... more
I have held this book back many years. It is now time for it to see the light of day (being part of the larger work, A Great And Terrible Love: A Visionary Journey from Woodstock’s Sorceries to God’s Paradise). With the gained... more
The original intention of Charles de Foucauld was to prepare the arrival of the missionaries in the Hoggar, by composing a Tuareg lexicon and grammar. Then the collection of poems became for him a goal in itself. The six thousand verses... more
The early Middle Ages provided twentieth-century poets with the material to reimagine and rework local, religious, and national identities in their writing. Poet of the Medieval Modern focuses on a key figure within this tradition, the... more
This thesis examines the themes of nostalgia, memory, and displacement in the 1990s work of Scottish poets Carol Ann Duffy, Jackie Kay, and Kathleen Jamie. Each of these poets has emigrated from Scotland-Duffy and Kay permanently, Jamie... more
W.H. Auden’s “New Year Letter” (or The Double Man as it was titled in the U.S.) was published in 1941 to generally negative reviews. Reviewers judged the poem’s neoclassical form to be too abstract and even a “renunciation of modernism”.... more
SOMMARIO CARLO TIRINANZI DE MEDICI, Breve/lungo. Declinazioni letterarie di due radicali cognitivi 7 I. ESPLORAZIONI STORICO-TEORICHE IRÈNE KRISTEVA, Le fragment: l'opus hoc tenue par excellence 49 ADALGISA MINGATI, Forma breve e... more
In Nepal, war is a sacrifi ce. The warrior maintains a direct and unique relationship with the divine, since in warfare he makes a sacrifi cial gift of his own person, the bali dân-a gift that results in a 'noble death'. The warrior can... more
A jegyzetek a fordító, Fórizs László, és a szerkesztő, Szamanéra Gambhíró megjegyzései. Kiadta: Aruna Publications, Aruna Ratanagiri Buddhist Monastery, Harnham Hall Cottages, Harnham, Belsay, Northumberland, NE20 0HF UK © 2012Harnham... more
Perché il teatro occupa una posizione centrale nella civiltà letteraria inglese? Come nasce il romanzo e quali forme specifiche assume nell’isola? Come evolve la poesia inglese da quando gli elisabettiani importano il sonetto dall’Italia?... more
An exploration of the areas of convergence between the symbolist perceptions and the theory of Dhvani developed in Indian classical poetics
The American painter Cy Twombly is an artist who is greatly interested in poetry and especially in Mallarmé. This article examines the relationship between the poet and the painter. Using an interdisciplinary approach it tries to show how... more
Eighteenth-century Britain saw the emergence of a new poetic genre, the “work” poem which took various forms of labor as its subject and was often written by laborers themselves. Several of these working class poets found their lives... more
La première pièce de Joanna Laurens, The Three Birds, (2000) propose une révision dramatique du mythe grec de Philomèle qui s’inscrit en contrepoint de la fable telle qu’elle est relatée dans les Métamorphoses d’Ovide. Le rapport à la... more
Poésie et cinéma, deux pratiques artistiques qui se rencontrent à l'orée du XXe siècle et dont la relation n'a cessé, depuis, d'évoluer et ceci même si son étude n'a pas la même envergure que celle qui traverse les rapports entre la... more
Download my full PhD thesis here!
OS SONETOS COMPLETOS DE ANTERO DE QUENTAL PREFÁCIO: J. P. Oliveira Martins NOTA PRÉVIA , TRANSCRIÇÕES E POSFÁCIO: Patricio Ferrari CAPA: João Botelho REVISÃO: Susana Tavares Pedro Impresso na Guide para a Guimarães em Novembro de 2010... more
The Raven" can be looked at from many different perspectives, including what the raven in the poem symbolizes to Poe, what made this poem deeply accredited for this author, or also what made Poe decide to write this poem. Many a times... more
This is a short poem by Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī al-Ṣabbān (d. 1206/1791) translated from the original Arabic into English verse. The poem is a concise, technical list of the ten essentials aspects of any science. It is intended to help students... more
We are pleased to announce that submissions are now open for LEA 11 (2022). CfP: Conflict and contrast in language and literature LEA also accepts contributions that are not related to the topic proposed in the CfP: for more information,... more