Recent papers in Yoga
We are organising a 2-day symposium on yoga and the body to be held at the Australian National University, Canberra. Here is the link to register: more
Abraham Abulafia (1240–1290) is considered to be one of the most significant Jewish mystics and is one of the few who taught a comprehensive system of meditative practices designed to induce ecstatic religious experiences. At the heart of... more
Shah Jahan’s period (1627-1666 A.D) is known as the golden age of the medieval Indian history. All historian of modern age dedicated their energies to prove this fact that Shah Jahan was the master of the wealthiest Empire of the world.... more
Представлене видання дає можливість сучасним дослідникам і практикам йоґи глибше зрозуміти йоґічну медитацію — дг’яну. У монографії досліджується процес становлення й розвитку філософських засад дг’яни в історичній перспективі. Автор... more
This contribution to the Common Knowledge symposium “Fuzzy Studies” explores the boundaries between religions by exploring the ambiguous place of yoga in various religious traditions, both modern and premodern. Recently, certain Hindus... more
Major revision of paper given at 2013 Yoga in Transformation conference in Vienna.
A short (and perhaps rather documentary) essay on the subject of Siddhi in the The Yoga-Sūtra of Patañjali written for an introductory course to the history and theory of yoga by Dr. Dominik Wujastyk at the University of Vienna 2014.
The Amṛtasiddhi is the first text to teach many of haṭhayoga's central principles and practices. This paper shows that it was composed by Vajrayāna Buddhists.
It is not possible to provide a comprehensive account of the educational philosophies and theories that fall within the wide-ranging rubric of 'Eastern philosophy of education'. This disclaimer acknowledges the need to be selective, and... more
Уделот на психосоцијалниот стрес во настанокот и прогресијата на хроничната пародонтопатија е потврден во многу студии досега. Паралелно на тоа, интензивно се докажуваат позитивните ефекти од практикувањето на јога врз различни психички,... more
Mūsdienu studentiem-topošajiem savu nozaru speciālistiem ,kuru mācību un darba slodze mūsdienās bieži vien pārsniedz normu ,vajadzīgs ne tikai fiziskais spēks un laba veselība ,bet arī augsts intelekta līmenis – zināšanas, izpratne,... more
Uma pergunta fundamental que grande parte dos estudantes deve se fazer é: qual o ingrediente fundamental para o sucesso acadêmico ou profissional? Um estudo realizado na Nova Zelândia acompanhou detalhadamente um grupo de 1000 crianças... more
Biofeedback refers to providing any information on the state of human body back to the subject. The information feedback is realized naturally by self-recognition, by another person or instrument. The mediated feedback is necessary in... more
Structure of the Knee The knee is one of the most complex joints in the body. It is highly flexible and yet bears the weight of the body across its surfaces. This combination makes it susceptible to damage and strain making it one of the... more
A paisagem pode ser percebida como um produto da relação com o meio no qual o homem vive envolvendo diferentes temporalidades, espaços e se tem um sentido de imagem no mundo contemporâneo. Na sociedade pósindustrial na qual a urbanização... more
Addressing the Yogasūtra योगसूत्र, or 'the point of view' codified in the Patañjali system, is a difficult task. We are faced with an Opera written in a sacred language, to which we approach with due respect. The text is hermetic, as it... more
Objectives This study aimed to investigate the effect of yoga based on biorhythm theory on the balance and selective attention in the older women. Methods & Materials A total of 35 older women with mean (SD) age of 61.1(2.8) year were... more
श्री ज्ञानेश्वर माउलींच्या वाङ्मयाचे सार्थ विवरण करणार्या योगदा श्री ज्ञानेश्वरी या त्यांच्याच परंपरेतील एका नाथ सांप्रदायिक योग्याने लिहिलेल्या ग्रंथाचा भाग १२/१२ ** Books by author Vibhakar Lele (Swami Yogeshwarananda) **** 1. ‘Yogada... more
Affordable Yoga Teacher Training in India registered with Yoga Alliance (USA) Certificate - 200, 300 and 500-hour residential Hatha, Ashtanga and Kundalini Yoga courses at Rishikesh Yog Schools of.
The aims of this study were to assess the effects of an intervention of Iyengar yoga and coherent breathing at five breaths per minute on depressive symptoms and to determine optimal intervention yoga dosing for future studies in... more
As part of the yoga the possibility that excessive attention paid by practitioners to diet and food quality is expected. This study was aimed to determine health status perception and orthorexia nervosa tendencies of yoga practitioners.... more
Yoga is sometimes interpreted as a goal-oriented medical therapy and evidence from biomedical research indicates that it can be useful in a broad range of health conditions. Yoga, however, can also be pursued as an open-ended... more
東洋の修行法において、呼吸は極めて重要な位置を占めている。インド思想では、調気法prANAyAmaが成立する以前より、呼吸は生命の象徴としてとらえれ、ウパニシャッドでそれが成立して以降は、ヨーガや仏教において、心の働きを鎮め、解脱に導くものとして、多様に実践されてきた。... more
The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the quality of evidence and the strength of recommendation for yoga as a therapeutic means in the management of prehypertension and hypertension. MEDLINE/Pubmed, Scopus,... more
Allopathic medicine not necessarily cure all the patients of all the diseases. The left out patients or let out diseases may have some underlying problem which was not caught by these allopathic medicines. So to bridge this gap, there is... more
A lecture on tantra and yoga for undergraduate students.
These reflections are subsidized by the holistic and quantum paradigm. A literature revision was elaborated having aimed at to understand the body and the corporeality, operating a transmutation in perceptions about these issues,... more
Abstract: The present study investigates the effect of chair Yoga versus walking and chair aerobics on psychological health in older adult men and women. Participants (M age = 83; N = 42) were randomly assigned to one of four activity... more
This article focuses on how spirituality and commercialism are intertwined in the representations of yoga in the media. For this study, articles on yoga were collected from seven Finnish popular magazines, and analyzed using qualitative... more
Neuroscientist Catherine Kerr is concerned about how mindfulness meditation research is being portrayed in the media.
La Via tradizionale richiede di essere direttamente sperimentata come processo evolutivo concreto, del quale abbiamo testimonianze precise: “ sono sempre stati e vi sono degli esseri che hanno svelato, in quanto lo vivono, e non... more