Philosophy of Education
Recent papers in Philosophy of Education
Critical reflections on constructivism and its origins, paralleling Piaget's clay experiments and Descartes' ones with wax. Early hints of ecopedagogy
This book is dedicated to the great John Deely (d. 2017), a dear friend and colleague whose research in the theory and history of semiotics is unsurpassable. His work is a lasting inspiration for generations of students to come, in... more
A Review of Richard Baley's problem-based introduction to the philosophy of education.
El tema de esta tesis es la educación musical en la filosofía de Platón. En la República de Platón, la etapa educativa más importante es la niñez; los vehículos de esta educación son la mousiké para el alma (o mente) y la gimnasia para el... more
Even though the interrelationship between education and democratic politics is as old as democracy itself, it is seldom explicitly formulated in the literature. Most of the time, the political system is taken as a given, and education... more
'Philosophy and the aims of higher education' Studies in Higher Education Vol. 22, No 1 The paper asks how far philosophy can throw light on what the aims of higher education should be. It begins with a critical discussion of Ronald... more
William Frankena (1966) has suggested a model for analyzing philosophies of education based on practical syllogism which goes back to Aristotle (1925). Even though the deductive method in philosophy of education was the subject of... more
This text is a non-linear bricollage of reflections that surfaced at a keynote address at the Lapes conference in San Francisco in 2017. In this event, I invited participants to ponder and wonder about existence, reality, meaning, and... more
Since the turn of the millennium there has been a clear rise in the implementation and research of mindfulness across primary, secondary and postsecondary education. These implementations, however, hardly constitute a uniform phenomenon.... more
Amidst ongoing attempts to think beyond Western frameworks for education, there is a tendency to overlook Japan, perhaps because it appears highly modern. This is striking given that some prominent strands of Japanese philosophy have... more
It is not possible to provide a comprehensive account of the educational philosophies and theories that fall within the wide-ranging rubric of 'Eastern philosophy of education'. This disclaimer acknowledges the need to be selective, and... more
A review in the University of Toronto Quarterly
The article highlights the productivity of the visual metaphor in the context of the use of information and communication technologies, the implementation of which changes the format of the educational process. An analysis of visual... more
Issues of, and calls for transformation in higher education emanate from a long history of entrenched and deepening levels of socio-economic inequality. The types of resistance and protest action witnessed in the spiral of the... more
General sketch of an education system that is student-centric and oriented towards the recent developments of the information age (A.I., robotics), specifically leisure citizenship and crowd-sourcing under a kind of technocracy.
Se indaga el sentido de la conferencia de Sloterdijk “Normas para el Parque humano” así como las polémicas por ella suscitada. Se realiza un diagnóstico de la capacidad crítica del humanismo tradicional. En el marco del naufragio del... more
This article stems from a story of arts education advocacy in the midst of a bureaucracy that misunderstood the purpose of art education at the launch of a new elementary school. Contemporary visual arts education practices overlap a... more
Denne bog er en introduktion til pædagogikken som fag og som praksis. Den hjælper dig med at finde faglig retning, så du med pædagogisk takt og omtænksomhed bliver i stand til at sætte dig selv i spil i arbejdet med menneskers udvikling.... more
One of the questions that Heidegger presents in his paper, ‘Plato’s Doctrine on Truth’, is the distortion as he sees it of paideia—that is the loss of the essential elements in education. This loss is characterised according to Heidegger,... more
Most of us were raised in a religious tradition of some sort, and whether we lapsed, embraced a religious identity, or consciously rejected this upbringing, it is rarely claimed that parents are wrong for trying to pass on their beliefs.... more
At the heart of my project on aesthetic education is the formative encounter that I am describing as “the turning”: the experience with a work of art that captures our attention (captivates us) so much that we are virtually flooded over... more
Engaging with beauty can orient mind, heart and action in this era of ecological destruction. First, I present a vision of beauty that acknowledges some of its common critiques while salvaging it from claims that it is merely subjective,... more
Интернационализация является одним из наиболее актуальных трендов в современном высшем образовании, который все еще требует философского осмысления. Появление интернационализации в высшем обра-зовании связывается с постепенным отказом от... more
In her review of my book, Weili Zhao sheds a new light on what it means to study like a communist, particularly by focusing on the concept of the encounter and the dao movement. In this response, I build on her insights by proposing that... more
Tekst jest recenzją wieloautorskiej monografii przygotowanej w 150-lecie śmierci Bronisława F. Trentowskiego. Publikacja wpisuje się w cykl inicjatyw podejmowanych w kręgu członków i przyjaciół Towarzystwa Pedagogiki Filozoficznej z myślą... more
This paper is about Sapphires. The Sapphires is an Australian dramatic and comedy movie about four women singers. In May 2012, it premiered in Australia during the Cannes Festival. The Movie is about a group of indigenous women, Gail... more
Publication : "Faire débat : proposition pour une didactique pragmatiste de la philosophie ", Dialogue, Revue du Groupe Français d’Education Nouvelle, n°165 [En ligne, payante], juillet 2017.
Resumen: En México no queda claro cuál debe ser el papel de la educación pública después de la transición. ¿Debe continuar el proyecto de construcción nacional iniciado por el régimen priísta o debe abandonar todo contenido ideológico?... more