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Recueil des chartes de la maison du Temple du Mas Déu en Roussillon (1001-1329). Etude et édition, sous la direction de M. Olivier Guyotjeannin, professeur à l’École des chartes rattaché à l’Université de Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne
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      Medieval HistoryFeudalism and LordshipThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and othersTemplars
estratto da «Studi Maceratesi», 45 (2011), pp. 96 (Spedizione gratuita dei volumi disponibili)
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      Medieval HistoryCrusadesMedieval ItalyThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and others
Per la pubblicità 348 9969774 -3486035144 [email protected] Per le notizie [email protected] Registrazione Tribunale di Brindisi n. 8/11 Reg. Stampa del 04/11/2011 ANNO 1 -NumerO 24 del 20 Aprile... more
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In this contribute I deal with presence of military Orders in Bari from XII to XV century.
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      Military OrdersHospitallersthe Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of MaltaLate Medieval History: Military Orders, Crusades, Ecclesiastical History
in «Studi Maceratesi», 47 (2013), pp. 149-192. Prima del 1333 - Inventari del 1333 - La valle del Tronto - Fermano - Il Maceratese e l’alto Anconetano - Ancona e Pesaro - Nuovi insediamenti - Inchiesta sugli Ospitalieri nel 1373 -... more
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      Medieval HistoryCrusadesMedieval ItalyThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and others
This contribute deals with Templar settlements in Capitanata during the XII-XIII centuries with a particular focus on land assets and settlement strategies.
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      Knights TemplarMilitary OrdersLate Medieval History: Military Orders, Crusades, Ecclesiastical HistoryThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and others
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      Portugal (History)Religious StudiesThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and othersHospitaller Order of St John
Templar settlements in Istria and Dalmatia and relationships with Western Adriatic side The presence of the Templars in Croatian territory in general, and in the Dalmatian and Istrian ones particularly, is due to the role played by this... more
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      Knights TemplarMedieval Croatian HistoryMedieval HungaryDalmatian history
in “Marca/Marche”, 4 (2015), pp. 144-169. Prime presenze nelle Marche - Il Duecento - Decime e precettori - Il Trecento: requisizioni e processi - Soppressione dei Templari - Un ultimo sguardo alle Marche - Inventari dei beni - Quadro... more
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      Medieval HistoryLocal HistoryMedieval ItalyMilitary Orders
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      Knights TemplarMilitary OrdersTemplariTempliers
ABSTRACT On the night of the 13th of February 1308, exactly four months after the general arrest of the Knights Templars in France on the order of King Philip IV the Fair, Giacomo da Montecucco, the master of the Templar province of... more
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      ChristianityHistoryMedieval HistoryHistory of Religion
Simonetta Cerrini, « L'économie idéale des Pauvres chevaliers du Christ et du Temple de Salomon d'après leur règle et leurs statuts », dans Arnaud Baudin, Ghislain Brunel et Nicolas Dohrmann (dir.), L’économie templière en Occident.... more
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      Economic HistoryKnights TemplarMonastic rulesMilitary Orders
Alcuni studiosi sostengono che i Templari intrattenessero ottimi rapporti con i nemici arabi. Ciò, non solo non risponde a verità, perchè in contrasto con le testimonianze del tempo, ma sembra pure concepito all'unico scopo di propugnare... more
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      CrusadesKnights TemplarMilitary OrdersTemplari
L'amitié entre clercs et laïcs autour des biens ecclésiastiques doit se trouver au coeur de toute analyse relative à la constitution des temporels des commanderies templières et aux pouvoirs que ces dernières exercent sur les hommes et... more
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      Knights TemplarFeudalism and LordshipMilitary OrdersThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and others
Il Mezzogiorno italiano vide una significativa presenza dell’Ordine templare dai primi decenni successivi alla sua fondazione e sino allo scioglimento. In quest’area geografica furono presenti due Province, unità... more
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      Knights TemplarThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and othersTemplarsTemplari
In this contribute I analyzed the prosoprography  of the templar masters of the province of Hungary.
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      Knights TemplarMedieval HungaryThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and othersTemplars
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in Atti e Memorie Deputazione Storia Patria, 111 (2016), pp. 21-67 (Spedizione gratuita dei volumi disponibili) Templari e Ospitalieri - Rimozione della memoria - S. Filippo al Piano - Templari e Ospitalieri a Jesi: S. Cristina, S.... more
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      Medieval HistoryCrusadesMedieval Church HistoryMedieval Italy
Tout comme les Cisterciens ou les Franciscains, les Templiers sont d'abord un ordre religieux de l'Église catholique 1. Ainsi, la structure hiérarchique révé-lée par la règle renvoie au monde des moines et des frères plutôt qu'au monde... more
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      Medieval HistoryReligious congregations and monastic ordersKnights TemplarElites and Society
Edizioni Penne e Papiri 7
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      CrusadesKnights TemplarMilitary OrdersTemplari
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      HistoryCultural HistoryFolkloreHistory of Ideas
Bu Çalışmada; İslam’ın ilk ortaya çıktığı Yakın Doğu coğrafyasın da XIII. Yüzyıl’a gelindiğinde, Doğu’da; önünde hiçbir gücün duramadığı ve geçtiği her toprakta baş üstünde baş taş üstünde taş bırakmayan Moğolların adeta İslam’ı ilk... more
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      HistoryNear Eastern StudiesMedieval HistoryAnatolian Studies
Le vicende insediative dell’ordine del Tempio nel Territorio Arnate e, a seguire, nell'area suburbana di Perugia sono eccezionalmente ben documentate sia in merito alle testimonianze architettoniche che sul fronte delle fonti storiche.... more
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      Knights TemplarTemplariTempliersLos Templarios
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      Knights TemplarBook ReviewsBook ReviewMilitary Orders
Simonetta Cerrini, « Rangs et dignités dans l’ordre du Temple au regard de la règle » dans Élites et ordres militaires au Moyen Âge. Rencontre en l’honneur d’Alain Demurger, Lyon, 21-23 octobre 2009, dir. Nicole Bériou, Philippe... more
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      Elites (Political Science)MonasticismMilitary OrdersTempliers
Research into the presence of the Knights Templar in Netherlands (12th-14th century).
Recherche sur la présence des Templiers dans les Pays-Bas (XIIe-XIVe siècle)
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryTemplarsTempliers
The medieval military orders were religious institutions whose members had professed a life of combat and prayer that integrated them into a religious landscape sharply defined by diversity. And yet still very little is known about the... more
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      Medieval HistoryCrusadesMedieval EuropeHistory of Religion (Medieval Studies)
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      Knights TemplarMilitary OrdersTeutonic KnightsHospitallers
Editura Universităţii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" 700511 -Iaşi, tel./fax ++ 40 0232 314947 SUMAR / INDICE Mª Ángeles ALONSO ALONSO, Medicae y obstetrices en la epigrafía latina del Imperio romano. Apuntes en torno a un análisis comparativo /... more
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      Latin LiteratureStraboLatin EpigraphyJohn Chrysostom
Research on the pottery finds made on both site Tempelhof as on the Hospital site shows habitation of both locations at Zaamslag (Pays Bas). For this research were determined in total 6,282 fragments pottery by J. Roefstra. For the... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryHospitaller Order of Saint John
RESUMO: As comendas de Ega, Soure, Redinha e Pombal ocupavam, na estrutura da Ordem do Templo, um lugar economicamente e politicamente relevante. Frequentemente, as cobranças eclesiásticas e senhoriais apareciam imersas na questão do... more
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      Medieval HistoryTemplarsTempliersTempliers, The Military Religious Orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic Knights, and Others, Knights Templar, Military History, Histoire Et Archéologie Du Haut Moyen-âge, and 3 More
Specialista della storia della Militia Templi nei regni di Castiglia e di Francia, Philippe Josserand fa parte a pieno titolo della seconda generazione di studiosi francesi dediti a ripercorrere la storia dell’Ordine del Tempio e a meglio... more
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      TempliersFrançois DosseJacques de Molay
Jean Roefstra; Pottery study archaeological finds from the Templars-and Hospital grounds in Zaamslag ( Poterie étudier les découvertes archéologiques de l’ordre des Templiers- et le terrain de l’hôpital en Zaamslag) (Rapport Zaamslag)... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyBrick and tile (Archaeology)Knights TemplarCastles
A partire dal 1314 – anno in cui l’ultimo gran maestro dell’Ordine del Tempio fu arso sul rogo, ma anche della morte improvvisa di Filippo IV il Bello – la famiglia reale di Francia fu funestata da vicende scandalose, tragici eventi e... more
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      TempliersMaurice DruonLes rois mauditsJacques de Molay