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STEAM is a developing educational model of how the traditional academic subjects (silos) of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics can be structured into a framework by which to plan integrative curricula. It includes... more
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      Science EducationEngineering EducationMathematics EducationSocial Studies Education
Aimed at creating the Philippine Workforce 4.0, ideally skilled to flourish in the Fourth Revolution era (FIRe), we gear our efforts to revolutionize the country’s STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agri/Fisheries, Mathematics)... more
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      TPACK (Education)STEAM Education (Science
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
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      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipManagementPsychology
Program zawiera koncepcję pracy metodą STEAM na poziomie edukacji wczesnoszkolnej. Został przygotowany z myślą o zajęciach dodatkowych.
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      Early Childhood EducationSTEAMSTEAM Education (Science
Este trabalho relata uma experiência desenvolvida por estudantes do 3º ano da Licenciatura em Educação Básica, no âmbito da articulação entre as Unidades Curriculares de Introdução à Didática do Estudo do Meio e Introdução à Didática da... more
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    • STEAM Education (Science
Encontramos diferentes fechas para determinar el inicio de lo que entendemos por educomunicación, del mismo modo que aproximarnos a su campo de estudio nos lleva a diferentes abordajes de la temática. En cuanto a sus fechas, si tomamos... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaDigital MediaMedia Literacy
Archaeology might be defined simply as the study of 'the human altered world'. Until recently, traces of humanity's past could have only been found on Earth. But, as our influence continues to expand beyond, we must consider... more
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      ArchaeologyHuman EvolutionMedical AnthropologyScience Communication
STEM education is being gradually adopted by all levels of Education. Kindergarten lately attracts more attention from the STEM education policy makers because it is believed that children who develop an interest in STEM at a young age... more
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      STEM EducationKindergardenKindergartenSTEAM Education (Science
Resumen: Se presenta una implementación de metodologías STEAM (Science, Technology, Arts and Mathematics) y la importancia de cambiar paradigmas en los procesos de aprendizaje. La investigación incluye más de 10 años de seguimiento y la... more
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    • STEAM Education (Science
One day I noticed the art bin in our fourth grade classroom contained a handful of markers that had been gutted. Not only were the tops missing but the end caps and ink-filled cores as well. A similar thing happened a few years earlier... more
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      Art HistoryEducationCreativityContemporary Art
In partnership with WorldSkills Kazan 2019 Building upon the challenges identified in the session on the demands of the new and transforming economy, this discussion will centre on solutions for skills development. Questions to be... more
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      STEAM Education (Scienceskills for a new and transforming economy
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      CreativityInquiry Based LearningEmbodied knowledgeSTEAM Education (Science
This paper provides the research cases of the STEAM education program and utilization of virtual reality in the training programs. It proposes the STEAM education program on virtual reality and the teaching methods for 3rd~4th graders of... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)STEM EducationSTEAM Education (Science
Ünlü eğitim psikoloğu Robert Slavin'in Eğitim Psikolojisi kitabının onuncu baskısı, kuramı uygulamaya aktarma konusunda önemli bir eksikliği gidermekte ve öğretmenlerin sınıfta ihtiyaç duyabilecekleri alanlarda uygulayabilecekleri... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipPsychology
Amid growing interest in the Learning Sciences in issues of ethical and axiological perspectives in educational design, this dissertation seeks to contribute to the literature on complex systems and computational modeling in K-12... more
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      EthicsSTEM EducationDecolonizationComplexity and Education
This volume is dedicated to collaborative research across STEM disciplines, the arts and humanities. It includes six sections, framed from a global perspective and exhibits contributions from key experts in the field, emerging scholarly... more
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      EngineeringHistory of Science and TechnologyInformation TechnologyEducation
A separação entre arte e ciência é um fenômeno relativamente recente em termos históricos. Desde o nascimento da filosofia na Grécia, por volta do século VI a.C., quando o mundo ocidental passou a distinguir a razão do misticismo, até o... more
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      Art HistoryInterdisciplinarityTransdisciplinarityArtscience
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      Design thinkingK-12 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education and outreachInnovation, Design, Design ThinkingSTEAM Education (Science
Cette communication porte sur la place des STEAM dans le système éducatif ivoirien.
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    • STEAM Education (Science
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    • STEAM Education (Science
Conference of the American Chemical Society. Orlando, Fl. March 31st,  2019.
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      PedagogyRoman Wall PaintingSTEAM Education (Science
Bu kitabın yazılmasındaki en önemli amaç, benzer bilimsel etkinlik kitapların ülkemizde kendi dilimizde yeterince yazılmamasından doğan açığı kapatmak ve gelecek nesillerin bilime karşı pozitif tutum sahibi olmalarına yardımcı olmaktır.... more
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      Science EducationHands on scienceSTEAM Education (Science
Pre-service and classroom teachers who develop partnership practices in STEAM learning can foster creative exploration across discipline-based curriculum content.
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      Teacher EducationCurriculum DesignArts EducationArt Education
The STEM teaching methodology (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) has stimulated the development of collaborative and transdisciplinary knowledge in Basic Education schools. Combined with the Lego Education... more
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      Teacher EducationEducational RoboticsHistory TeachingTeaching & Learning of History
Background: There is a growing interest in STEAM (STEM 1 the Arts) education as a means to enhance the creativity of STEM students and broaden interest in STEM fields. Many art educators, however, object to the instrumental justification... more
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      Engineering EducationInterdisciplinarityArt and Design EducationArts-sciences interdisciplinarity
自2009年以來,STEM教育的理念逐漸延伸至STEAM教育。面對STEAM的熱潮,作者呼籲教育工作者需從STEAM的核心宗旨來思考STEAM的意義。作者首先從統整教育的方向來剖析A在STEAM的意義,提出A的七個面向。然後根據這七個面向討論STEAM教學的理念,最後提供落STEAM教育的幾點方針,認為STEAM基礎教育師資培訓必須從跨科統整開始,期許STEAM教育顛覆傳統教育方式,以重視啟發、玩中學、正視失敗為學習的過程。融合運用的精神,從批判思維、探索發現中引導綜合思維的... more
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    • STEAM Education (Science
Η προτεινόμενη ερευνητική προσπάθεια έχει ως σκοπό να παρουσιάσει και να αναδείξει τις δυνατότητες που προσφέρει ο συνδυασμός της Τέχνης και της Τεχνοεπιστήμης (Τεχνολογίας + Επιστήμης) στην εκπαίδευση. Οι δυνατότητες αυτές θα... more
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    • STEAM Education (Science
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      Creative WritingTeaching and LearningEducationIntellectual Property
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      Design educationGender EqualitySTEM EducationSTEAM Education (Science
Οι ταχείες αλλαγές στη σύγχρονη εποχή μετασχηματίζουν καθημερινά τους τρόπους με τους οποίους τα άτομα έρχονται σε επαφή με τη μουσική, διαμορφώνοντας τις εμπειρίες και τις προτιμήσεις τους. Σε αυτό το συνεχώς εξελισσόμενο ψηφιακό... more
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      Music EducationMusic Technology in Music EducationSTEAMSTEAM Education (Science
Science, Technology, Engineering, Agri/Fisheries, Mathematics (STEAM) Education dominates the factors contributory to national growth and development. This study developed the Philippine STEAM Education (PSE) Model to visualize the... more
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    • STEAM Education (Science
To contribute thoughtfully to the dialogue on the spatial design of learning environments, and because at the moment with the trend for creating activity based learning environments, i.e. Fab Labs, Maker Spaces along with STEM and STEAM... more
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      Developmental PsychologyArchitectureBehavioral NeuroscienceDevelopmental neuropsychology
In the era of the 21st century, the best higher education institutions have more than one role. Not only do they educate and train students but they also create new ideas and knowledge for the short-term contemporary issues as well as... more
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      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipInformation TechnologyEconomics
Buku dengan judul “How to STEAM your Classroom, Revo 4.0 Model – Outside The Box (Part-1)” disusun dalam rangka untuk memberikan wawasan tentang kecakapan abad 21 dan bagaimana menerapkannya di kelas dengan berbagai metode dan pendekatan... more
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      STEM EducationSkripsiInformatikaTesis
Anksiyete; kaygı veya başka bir deyişle endişe insanların deneyimlediği bir korku ve gerilim halidir. Bazı görüşlere göre yaşanan iç çatışmaların sonucudur. Bazılarına göre ise öğrenilmiş davranışlardır. Denetim dışına çıkıp kişinin... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipPsychology
Resumen. Se utilizan experiencias dentro y fuera de la educación formal como estrategia de aprendizaje utilizando metodologías STEAM (Science, Technology Engenering Arts and Mathematics por sus siglas en Inglés). La experiencia ha sido... more
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    • STEAM Education (Science
Tsao, Hung-ping (2022). Evolutionary Mathematics and Science for on the Terminal Value Distribution in the Process of Successively Summing up all Prime Factors of a Given Natural Number. In: "Evolutionary Progress in Science, Technology,... more
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      MathematicsPrime NumbersSTEAMSTEAM Education (Science
Original Chinese Article: Professor Georgette Yakman and her team put forward STEAM education (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) on the basis of STEM education, constructed the... more
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      Interdisciplinary StudiesReforming teaching and learning in Higher educationSTEAM Education (Science
Los actuales modelos de investigación educativa deben considerar la tendencia a la integración de las artes en el marco de las disciplinas científicas (STEM to STEAM). En esta nueva orientación, las prácticas artísticas son entendidas... more
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    • STEAM Education (Science
Ώσπου, τέλος ένιωσα και ας με πούνε και τρελό πως από ένα τίποτα χτίζεται ο Παράδεισος» Αφιερωμένη σε όλη εκείνη την αγάπη που έπρεπε να τη βαφτίσουμε Πνεύμα Χριστουγέννων και να την προσφέρουμε 15 μέρες μόνο το χρόνο, σαν πρόστυχο... more
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      Heat Recovery Steam GeneratorPropulsionMarine PropulsionBoilers
Gamification in education offers an innovative way of learning. However, some studies claim that, while it helps raise students' motivation, the kind of motivation is extrinsic and, so, intrinsic motivation declines with time. The... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationDistance EducationStudent Motivation And Engagement
This paper aims to focus on national and international studies regarding STEM education and visual arts integrated STEM education in early childhood. After a detailed search by using six different databases, 22 scientific research... more
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      Early Childhood EducationSTEM EducationSTEAM Education (Science
Bu kitapla ilk seanstan son seansa kadar, yardım ilşikisini yapılandırmanın yollarını gösteren bir haritaya sahip olacaksınız. Kitap boyunca ilişki kurma konusunda ilişkinin yapısını ve danışmanlık sürecini; anlama konusunda problemi... more
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      ManagementPsychologySocial PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
This report is on the methods, results, and implications of a study of the first years of STEAM PD training. A five-year progressive exploratory-based transformative triangulation mixedmethodology study has been done and this is an... more
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    • STEAM Education (Science
Το αντικείμενο του βιβλίου αφορά τις επιστημονικές περιοχές που μελετούν τα ζητήματα της διδασκαλίας και της μάθησης στα γνωστικά αντικείμενα των Θετικών Επιστημών και της Τεχνολογίας (STEM) μέσα από τυπικές, μη τυπικές και άτυπες μορφές... more
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      CreativityICT in Science EducationSTEM EducationApplication of research in cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience to education
Art students discuss their use of Design Thinking  as it relates to creativity, 21st Century Skills, cross-disciplinary thinking, and more.
©2015. Used with permission of the National Art Education Association.
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      Arts EducationHolistic EducationArt and Design EducationDesign thinking
Memoria del Trabajo de Fin de Máster presentada por la licenciada Cecile Meier para optar a los créditos correspondientes del “Trabajo de Fin de Máster – OPCIÓN A” del Máster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado de Educación... more
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    • STEAM Education (Science
以ARTS融合的STEAM教育应运而起之后。分科教育渐渐式微.而2l世纪的STEAM教育正是代表统整时代的再起 本文从统整跨科的角度分论STEM 与STEAM课程的不同,以实例讨论STEAM 的永续价值,提出“创新+创 造+人本=STEAM”的教育模式 STEAM最终目的必须超越STEM的创新科技以及ARTS的关感创造,是成为融合人本的人文关怀的社会实践力。(STEAM education, which combines STEM with subjects in the... more
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      Arts EducationInterdiciplinerySTEAM Education (Science
The articles in this issue look at how the development and use of free and open source hardware (FOSH or simply “open hardware”) are changing the face of science, engineering, business, and law. Free and open source software (FOSS) has... more
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      BusinessEngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic Engineering
STEAM is a new framework of subjects which has been evolving to support a new educational theory.
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      Music EducationScience EducationEngineering EducationMathematics Education