Recent papers in Radical
El presente ensayo constituye un intento de relación de tres cuerpos teóricos: el constructivismo radical; la biología de la cognición y la teoría pragmática del lenguaje. El propósito es describir el cómo podría darse la adquisición y/o... more
Un resumen sobre kla vida revolucionaria de Pedro Albizu Campos, luchador por la libertad y la independencia de Puerto Rico, el Caribe y América Latina. El último de los grandes revolucionarios latinoamericanos. Se ofrecen la bibliografía... more
In this work, the reactions of Cl with a series of secondary alcohols: 2-butanol, 2-methyl-2-butanol, 3-methyl-2-butanol, and 2,3-dimethyl-2-butanol have been studied through ab initio Möller–Plesset second order perturbation treatment... more
Baccharis trimera (Less.) DC (E1) and Baccharis crispa Spreng. (E2) possess potential antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Qualitative and quantitative information on seed germination on these species is scarce. The objective... more
Baccharis trimera (Less.) DC (E1) and Baccharis crispa Spreng. (E2) possess potential antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Qualitative and quantitative information on seed germination on these species is scarce. The objective... more
ABSTRACT This paper explores the relationships between calculative practices and innovative activities. It investigates how calculative practices such as accounting develop knowledge that functions as an engine (MacKenzie, 2006) for... more
El presente ensayo constituye un intento de relación de tres cuerpos teóricos: el constructivismo radical; la biología de la cognición y la teoría pragmática del lenguaje. El propósito es describir el cómo podría darse la adquisición y/o... more
Prosthetic joint replacements are used increasingly to alleviate pain and improve mobility of the progressively older and more obese population. Implant infection occurs in about 5% of patients and entails significant morbidity and high... more
Methacrolein oxide (MACRO) is an important carbonyl oxide produced in ozonolysis of isoprene, the most abundantly-emitted non-methane hydrocarbon in the atmosphere. We employed a step-scan Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer to... more
Abstract. We provide a real algebraic symbolic-numeric algorithm for computing the real va- riety V R (I) of an ideal I ⊆ R[x], assuming V R (I) is finite (while V C (I) could be infinite). Our ... 2 JEAN LASSERRE, MONIQUE ...
This paper considers the place of academics in social movements, not as (predominantly) researchers or individuals but as activists acting collectively (Autonomous Geographies Collective, 2010). The notions of militant particularism and... more
For a unitary right module $M$, there are two known partitions of simple modules in the category $\sigma[M]$: the first one divides them into $M$-injective modules and $M$-small modules, while the second one divides them into... more
Our study considers various correlative structures based on the relative and demonstrative stems *k w o- and *to-, which can express both coordinating and subordinating functions. In the domain of quantitative identity, correlative... more
Abstract. In this paper we study the structure of Gröbner bases with respect to block orders. We extend Lazard’s theorem and the Gianni-Kalkbrenner theorem to the case of a zero-dimensional ideal whose trace in the ring generated by the... more